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Ecosystems and Food Chains

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-Get students excited
about ecosystems
-Students will
understand what an
ecosystem is.

-1A, 1B

-Watch intro video to
-Worksheet where
students will match
animals to an ecosystem.
-Turn in worksheet at
end of day
-No Homework

-See if students
understand what an
ecosystem is.
-Last day of introduction
of ecosystems to the

NETs (video)
1A, 1B

-Watch video once
-Class discussion on
where students favorite
animals live.
- Last day of more
worksheets where
students are to match
what animals belong in
what ecosystems.

-Students will
individually tell the
teacher an animal and
where it lives.
-In groups students will
be able to come up with
animals that live in a
specific environment
(deserts, rain forest,
urban areas)


-Individually students
will tell teacher where an
animal lives to begin
-Splitting the class into
thirds, students are
going to write a list of
animals that live in
specific ecosystems
(deserts, rain forest,

urban areas)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

-Students will be able to
accurately share their
information with the
-Students will listen
quietly to the other
-Students will work
together on project
focusing on ecosystems.


-Students sharing
information they found
the previous day to the
-Begin working on their
projects where they are
to draw an ecosystem
and the animals that live
in that ecosystem using
poster paper, markers
and color pencils.
-Students will cooperate
with group members.
-Students will get their
poster done by then end
of class.


-Students will get full 50
minutes to work on their
project with their group

-Students will get 25
more minutes to work on
-Students will figure out
who is talking about
what on the poster


-Students will work 25
minutes on their posters
after we talk about how
the assignment is going
for the first 10
-Students will figure out
who is talking about
what part of the poster
and practice if needed.
-Students will be able to
present their poster to
the class.
-Students will be able to
listen to the other
groups poster


-Main activity for the day
will to be able to present
their posters.
-Review what they have
learned about
ecosystems because we
will be coming back to
them in a few days.
-Also preview about food
-Intro of food chains
-Students will be able to
understand what a food
chain is and how it is
important to
-Students will be able to
group together animals
that belong in food

NETS video

-Students will watch
video about food chains
and how they affect an
- I will give worksheets of
animals and the students
will have to pair what
animals belong in what
food chain.
-Hand in worksheets at
end of class

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
- Students will be able to
be assessed on how well
they did on their
- Students will learn
where different food
chains start and end
(ocean, deserts, rain

NETS (Video)
-Students will be able to
show the teacher what a
food chain looks like.
-Students will be able to
understand how a food
chain has an impact on
an ecosystem.

-Group discussion about
our final project
-Students will decide
what animal they will do
their project on.
-Students will be able to
work on projects and
cooperate with students.

NETS Using computer
-2B, 4A, 4C, 5C

-Students will be able to
work on project for full
50 minutes.
-Students will be able to
share markers, colored
pencils, and glue with
other students.

-Working on project for
the full time aloud.
-Students will be able to
work on project for full
50 minutes again after
class discussion on how
things are going.

-Class discussion for 10
minutes before class
then students work on

1A, 1B


-First we will review what
we learned a food chain
-Students will pick an
animal and make a food
chain for that animal.
-Students will share their
own food chain to
people at their table (5-6
-Individuals will take
about what animals and
food chains they are
thinking of using for
their project.
-If time we will begin

-After group discussion
about project, students
will get to go to
computer lab to do
research on their animal
- If time, they can start
working on project.

-If students are not done
with projects, they must
get them done at home
over the weekend.
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
-Students will be able to
share their project with
the class (Two days)
-Students will be able to
listen to other students


-Two days to share!!

-Students will be able to
share their project with
the class.
-Students will be able to
listen to other students


-Last day to share!!

Unit Plan:

Grade Level: 4
Grade Science: Ecosystems and Food Chains

Unit Goals:
Students will learn what an ecosystem is.
Students will learn what a food chain is.
Students will learn how to incorporate a food chain into an ecosystem
Students will learn where specific animals live.
Students will learn different types of ecosystems and food chains.

Unit Objectives:
Students will learn what an ecosystem is
A) First worksheet I have assigned, students will be able to show if they understand what an ecosystem is by matching animals to where
they live. Goal of every student is to get 80%
B) Also as a group in front of the room we will talk about animals in their ecosystems. Goal of the class to get 90%
Students will learn what a food chain is.
A) I will also have a worksheet for students to do for food chains matching what animals belong to what food chain. Goal of every student
is 80%.
B) We will also talk about food chains in class and on the projector I will have a list of animals and students will tell me what is in their food
chain. Goal for the class is 90%
Students will learn how to incorporate a food chain in an ecosystem.
A) The assessment activity will be able to tell the teacher if the students understand if the students understand how a food chain is
involved in the ecosystem.
Students will be able to know where specific animals live.
A) On projector we will go over four different animals each day that live in different environments. Goal for students will be to get 75%
correct because we would have not gone over these animals previously.

State Standards: Did not need specific standards, but here is where you could list them.

NETS Standards:
1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
1a: Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness.
1b: Engage students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.
2: Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
2b:Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individually curiosities and become active
participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.
2d: Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and
use resulting data inform learning and teaching.
3: Model Digital Age Work and Learning
3d: Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to
support research and learning.
4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship
4b: Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools
and resources.

Student Deliverables:
There will be two different worksheets. One focusing on ecosystems and one focusing on food chains that students will complete so I know
where the students are in understanding this information.
On the fourth day of ecosystems, I will split the class into three groups. Each group is going to have to come up with an ecosystem and
draw what that ecosystem will look like and what animals are in it.
Poster: Students will get two days to work on their individual final projects. This project is for each student to pick an animal and draw the
ecosystem for that animal. Not only will they draw where the animal lives, but also the food chain that surrounds that animal.

The assessment for this unit is going to be the poster project.
Each student is going to choose an animal they would like to do research over.
The students will do research for one day (they can also go home and do as much research necessary)
Using markers, colored pencils, construction paper, glue (all in the classroom) they will create their animals ecosystem and put animals
that belong in that animals food chain.
The final two days of the unit, students will asked to present their poster to the class for their assessment.
Students will get two days to work on this project.

First day!

Anticipatory Set:
For the anticipatory set, I will gather students in the front of the room and ask them what they have learned about the environment where
animals live. After that I will tell them that each animals lives in an environment that is suitable to them and not all animals live in the same
environment. We will then watch a video about animals and how they are specifically suited for different environments. I like doing this because I
think they will be able to connect with their favorite animals and be interested in where it lives and why it lives there.

Get students excited and interested about ecosystems.
Students will understand what an ecosystem is.
Students will be able to participate in discussion about different animals and where they live.
Every student will be able to tell me what an ecosystem is.
Students will participate is discussion and ask questions that are need to understand what an ecosystem is. 90% of students.

Nets Standards:
1a: Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness.
3d: Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support
research and learning.

Assessment for First Day: Exit Card

Students will need to fill out two sentences explaining what an ecosystem is or what they have learned the first day.

Teacher will

Students will

Gather the class around the room and explain
that we will be talking about where animals live
and how each animal is suited for a specific
Students will participate in discussion and talk
about their favorite animals. Students will also
give examples of where they live and why they
live there.

15 minutes
Show video and explain why this video is being
shown. I will initiate the conversation
Students will sit quietly during the video and
pay attention to what is being shown. After the
teacher initiates the conversation, students will
be able to communicate to each other with the
teacher getting involved

15 minutes
Teacher will send students back to seats and
hand out worksheet matching animals and
Students will go to seats and do their worksheet
matching animals and ecosystems.

10 minutes
Teacher will go over worksheet with students. Students will go over worksheet with teacher
and hand it in and the end of the day.
10 minutes

Overall Assessment: Poster

Students will create a poster for their animal that they have researched: This poster should include:
Their animal of choice
The environment where this animal lives
Animals that are involved in the food chain with this specific animal
Lots of colors and creativity
Three facts about the environment on the poster

3 2 1 0
Animal Chosen Student has name of
animal on poster.
Student does not have
name of animal on poster.
Environment Student has clearly stated
the environment and has
drawn the environment
Student has stated the
environment the drawn
the environment with few
Student has stated and
drawn environment with
many errors.
Student did not show the
environment of the
Food Chain Student has clearly stated
food chain and has drawn
three animals that go into
that animals food chain.
Student has stated the
food chain and has drawn
two animals that go into
that animals food chain.
Student has stated the
appropriate food chain
and drew one animal.
Student did not talk about
food chain.
Three Facts Student has clearly listed
three facts about the
animals environment or
food chain.
Student has stated two
facts about the
environment or food
Student has stated one fact
about the animals
environment or food
Student did not state a fact
about the environment or
food chain
Creativity Student displays high
volume of creativity.
Student displays some
Student displays little
Student shows no

Example: Pretty basic example of poster. Should look better than this but this would be a basic outline

3 Facts:
Tigers are Orange, Black, and White
Tigers live in the jungle.
Tigers eat other animals.

Along with pictures, students will need
draw the jungle and the animals that are apart of their food chains

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