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Community (150)

Brand Name Generic Name Indication Dose Side Effects

Lorcet; Lortab; Norco; 1-2 tab q4-6 prn

hydrocodone / apap Pain MDD 8
N/V, rash, pruritis, urinary retention
1 Vicodin
hypermetabolic state, decreased
bone density, MI, seixures,
changes in appetite, changes in
Synthroid; Levothroid; 25,50,75,88,100,112
levothyroxine Hypothyroidism ,125,137,150,200,30
menstrual periods, diarrhea, hair
Levoxyl loss, headache, trouble sleeping,
0 mcg
weight loss
myalgia, abdominal pain,
Lipitor atorvastatin Dyslipidemia 10-80mg QD constipation, flatulence,
3 hepatotoxicity

Orthostatic hypotension, anxiety,

Angina, CHF, nervousness, change in sex drive,
25, 50,100, ER:
Lopressor; Toprol XL metoprolol Hypertension (beta 25, 50, 100, 200mg
dry skin, HA, trouble sleeping,
blocker) nightmares, short term memory
loss, D, tired

cough, change in taste, decreased

Hypertension, CHF, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30,
Zestril; Prinivil lisinopril sexual function, HA, sun
acute MI (ACE Inhibitor) 40mg
sensitivity, tiredness
Bacterial infection,
Amoxil; Trimox amoxicillin endocarditis prophylactic, 250, 500mg N/V/D, rash
6 gonorrhea, etc.

Esidrix; Hydrodiuril hydrochlorothiazide Edema, hypertension 12.5, 25, 50mg QD sun sensitivity, hyperkalemia

Orthostatic hypotension, anxiety,

nervousness, change in sex drive,
Hypertension (beta-
Tenormin atenolol 25, 50, 100 mg QD dry skin, HA, trouble sleeping,
blocker) nightmares, short term memory
8 loss, D, tired
Community (150)

500mg BID initially, weakness, flatulence, N/V/D, Vit B

Glucophage metformin Diabetes MDD 2550mg QD 12 deficiency, lactic acidosis

500 mg QD 3 days,
Bacterial infection
Zithromax azithromycin 500 mg day 1 abdominal pain, N/V/D
(sinusitis, tonsilitis, etc.) 250mg days 2-5

1-2 puffs Q4-6h prn, hypokalemia, N/V, nervousness,

Proventil; Ventolin albuterol Asthma, bronchospasm 2 puffs 15-30 min tachycardia, tremor, Stevens-
11 prior to exercise Johnson syndrome

0.25-0.5mg TID, 0.5-

Anxiety, panic disorders, 1mg BID(3-6mg), C, decreased libido, depression,
Xanax alprazolam
alcohol withdrawal 0.5-1mg BID 7- dizziness, increased appetite
12 10days

40mg BID, 20-80mg

Hypertension, edema, anorexia, N/V/D/C, dizziness, HA,
Lasix furosemide QD, 250-4000mg
hypotension, aplastic anemia
5-10mg QD, initial
dizziness, fatigue, flushing, HA, MI,
Norvasc amlodipine Angina, Hypertension 5mg QD increase to
angina, arrhythmia
14 10mg prn

K-Dur; K-Tab; Klor-Con; 40-100mEq divided N/V/D, flatulence, ab pain, cardiac

potassium chloride Hypokalemia into 2-3 doses arrest, hyperkalemia
15 Micro-K; Slow-K
anorexia, dry mouth, dizziness,
Depression, OCD, panic 25, 50mg QD MDD
Zoloft sertraline 200 200mg
HA, tremore, sweating, fatigue,
disorder seizures, ab bleeding
C, GI upset, hepatotoxicity,
Zocor simvastatin Hyperlipidemia 5-80mg QPM
N/V/C, dizziness, dyphoria,
Endocet; Percocet; 1 tab q6 MDD lightheadedness, sedation, skin
oxycodone / apap Pain 60/4000mg rash, pruritis, respiratory
18 depression

D, dizziness, drowsiness, dry

Ambien zolpidem tartrate Insomnia 10mg QHS
mouth, drugged feeling
Community (150)

10mg QD, 10-20mg sleep disorders, ejaculation

Lexapro escitalopram Depression, GAD QD disorder, diaphoresis, fatigue, N/V
GERD, H pylori 20-40mg QD for 4-8
Nexium esomeprazole weeks, 20mg QD
ab pain, N/D/C, dry mouth, HA
21 eradication
Fever, mild pain, 200-400mg q4-6h ab pain, N/V/D/C, HA, tinnitus,
Motrin ibuprofen MDD 3200mg edema, GI bleeding, hepatitis
22 rheumatoid arthritis

euphoria/depression, GI distress,
Inflammatory conditions,
Deltasone; Orasone prednisone 5-60mg QD impaired healing, osteoporosis,
adrenal hyperplasia, MS hyperglycemia, cataracts

Churg-Struass syndrome,
Singulair montelukast Allergic rhinitis, asthma 10mg QHS
cholestatic hepatitis

hemorrhage, purple toe, hepatitis,

Coumadin warfarin Anticoagulation 1-5mg QD skin necrosis, cholesterol

Cystitis, skin infections, 250mg q6h, range ab pain, D, transient liver enzyme
Keflex cephalexin
strep 250-1000mg elevation

chest pain, hypotension,

37.5/25mg QD.
Dyazide; Maxzide triamterene / HCTZ Hypertension MDD 50/75mg
tachycardia, anxiety, drowsiness,

minor bleeding, abdominal pain,

Platelet aggregation
Plavix clopidogrel 75mg QD edema, HA, chest pain, GI ulcer,
inhibitor atrial fib, CHF

650mg/Propoxy abdominal pain, N/V/C, dizziness,
Darvocet-N Pain 100mg Q4h prn, liver dysfunction, renal papillary
napsylate / apap MDD propoxy necrosis
Community (150)

Depression, bulemia, 20mg Qam, 20- abnormal ejaculation, anorexia, dry

Prozac fluoxetine obsessive-compulsive, 60mg QD, 20mg mouth, anxiety, tremor, mania,
body dysmorphic QD, 20-80mg QD suicide, seizure
15mg QD, 15-30mg
Prevacid lansoprazole Duodenal ulcer, GERD QD
abdominal pain, D/C, HA, fatigue
Allergic rhinitis, chronic dry mouth, fatigue, HA,
Zyrtec cetirizine 5-10mg QD
32 urticaria
150mg initially for 3 agitation, anxiety, confusion, C, dry
Depression, smoking
Wellbutrin bupropion days then 150mg mouth, tremor, psychosis,
cessation BID arrhythmias

Ortho Tri-Cyclen; Ortho abdominal pain, N, HA, breast

1 patch Qweek for 3
ethinyl estradiol / symptoms, emotional lability,
Tri-Cyclen Lo; Contraception weeks, week 4 is
venous thrombosis,
norgestimate patch free
TriNessa; Tri-Sprintec hypertension, MI

amoxicillin / Susceptible infections,

500mg Q12, 250 mg rash, urticaria, N/V/D, hepatic
Augmentin clavulanate community acquired TID toxicity
35 potassium pneumonia

Alcohol withdrawl, 2mg Q6h then 1mg

depression, dizziness, drowsiness,
Q6h, 2-6mg/day, 2-
Ativan lorazepam anxiety disorders, 4mg Qhs,
HA, nausea, weakness,
insomnia, preanesthetic unsteadiness
Depression, GAD, panic anorexia, C, dry mouth, anxiety,
20mg QD, MDD
Paxil paroxetine disorder, social anxiety 75mg QD
abnormal bleeding, mania,
disorder, PTSD seizures

epistaxis, oropharyngeal
Asthma, dermatoses, 500-1000mcg BID, 2
Flonase; Flovent fluticasone candidiasis, adrenal suppression,
rhinitis sprays/nostril QD
Cushing's syndrome, HA,
fluticasone / 100/50, 250/50,
Advair Asthma, COPD hoarseness, asthma related
salmeterol 500/50
Community (150)

0.25mg BID X 3
aggravation of seizures, ataxia,
Panic disorder, seizure days then 0.5mg
Klonopin clonazepam BID, 0.5mg TID
drowsiness, dizziness, increased
disorders salivation, respiratory depression
MDD 20 mg/day

500-750mg Q12,
Susceptible infections, 500mg Q12 for 10
N/D, HA, restlessness, dizziness,
sinusitis, UTI, gonorrhea, days, 250mg Q12,
Cipro; Ciprodex ciprofloxacin 250mg QD, 500mg
rash, convulsions, increased
infectious diarrhea, intracranial pressure
anthrax Q12 for 5-7 days,
500mg Q12 60days
Chronic idiopathic dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue,
60mg BID, 60mg
Allegra fexofenadine urticaria, seasonal BID or 180mg QD
dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, HA,
42 allergic rhinitis otitis media, URI

Muscle spasm, 5mg TID, may

asthenia, blurred vision,
increase to 10mg
Flexeril cyclobenzaprine temporomandibular TID, 10mg TID,
drowsiness, HA, confusion,
disorders hepatitis, arrhythmia
43 MDD 60mg/day

75mg QD to max
anorgasmia, anorexia, D, dry
Depression, generalized 225mg QD, 37.5- mouth,
Effexor venlafaxine sweating, rash, bleeding,
anxiety disorder, PMDD 75mg QD, 25mg QD hypertension
max 200mg QD
Glucocorticoid induced abdominal pain, D/C, HA,
5 mg QD, 35-70mg
Fosamax alendronate osteoporosis, Qweekly
musculoskeletal pain,
45 osteoporosis esophagitis, ulcer

chronic bronchitis, N/V, anorexia, rash, urticaria,

1 DS tablet or 2 SS
trimethoprim / severe allergic reactions,
Bactrim; CoTrim; Septra shigellosis, traveler's tablets Q12 for 14
fulminant hepatic necrosis,
sulfamethoxazole days
46 diarrhea, UTI aplastic anemia

Epilepsy, migraine, 300mg TID to

ataxia, dizziness, somnolence,
1800mg QD, 800mg
Neurontin gabapentin peripheral neuropathy, TID, 900-
diplopia, myalgia, tremor,
social phobia seizures, S-J syndrome
47 3600mg/day
Community (150)

40mg QD, 40-80mg

Protonix pantoprazole GERD, peptic ulcer QD, MDD 240mg D, HA, hyperglycemia
48 QD

anxiety, confusion, fatigue, HA,

50mg tablets Q4-6 somnolence, tremors, diaphoresis,
Ultram tramadol Pain, acute short term prn, MDD 8 tabs/day rash, puritus, albuminuria,
49 seizures

ezetimibe / 10-10, 10-20, 10-40, C, gas, HA, heartburn, indigestion,

Vytorin Dyslipidemia 10-80mg stomach pain
50 simvastatin
AV block, bradycardia, dizziness,
30mg QID, MDD
Cardizem; Cartia XT; fainting, gingival hyperplasia, HA,
diltiazem Angina, hypertension 360mg QD, 60-
Tiazac 120mg BID
peripheral edema, cardiac
51 conduction disturbances

Initial 5mg QD, MDD allergic skin reactions, dizziness,

Glucotrol glipizide Type 2 diabetes mellitus 40mg QD, MDD of HA, hypoglycemia, N/D, severe
XR 20mg QD hypoglycemic episode

Fever, pain, primary 200mg q8-12h,

500mg Q12h, 250- N/D/C, dizziness, edema, tinnitus,
Anaprox; Naprosyn naproxen 500mg Q12h, MDD HA, vertigo, jaundice, CHF, GI
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid 1500mg QD for up perforation
arthritis to 6 months

Postmenopausal 0.625mg QD abdominal cramps, bloating,

Premarin osteoporosis, continuous or cyclic, depression, HA, migraine, breast
estrogens 0.3-1.25mg QD cancer, hypercalcemia
vulvar/vaginal atrophy
APAP 300-1000mg, dizziness, lightheadedness,
acetaminophen /
Tylenol / Codeine Pain codeine 15-60mg sedation, N/V, SOB, respiratory
codeine Q4 depression
N/V/D/C, anorexia, dry mouth,
150mg QD in
blurred vision, dizziness, insomnia,
Desyrel trazodone Depression divided doses, MDD
lethargy, arrhythmias, priapism,
56 seizures
Community (150)

80-160mg BID, cough, dizziness, fatigue, HA,

Diovan valsartan CHF, hypertension MDD 320mg QD hypotension, angioedema

initial 10/12.5mg cough, dizziness, HA, N/V,

Hypertension, CHF,
Prinzide; Zestoretic lisinopril / HCTZ QD, maintenance hypotension, angioedema, renal
acute MI 20-40/25mg QD dysfunction

75mg QD, blurred vision, drowsiness,

Elavil amitriptyline maintenance 50- dizziness, weakness, fatigue,
polyneuropathy 100mg HS weight gain, seizure, jaundice
Atherosclerosis, CHD-
initial 20mg QD,
prevention, diarrhea, constipation, headache,
Mevacor lovastatin maintenance 10-
Hypercholesterolemia, 80mg QD
nausea, abdominal pain
60 Mixed dyslipidemia
2.5/10mg QD,
amlodipine / cough, dizziness, edema, HA,
Lotrel Hypertension 5/10mg QD, 5/20mg
benazepril QD
Chronic bronchitis, headache, N/D, blurred vision,
500mg QD, 250mg
Levaquin levofloxacin community-acquired QD, 750mg QD
torsades de points,
62 pneumonia, sinusitis hyperglycemia, tendon rupture

0.125-0.5mg QD,
anorexia, N/V/D, HA, visual
Digitek; Lanoxin digoxin CHF titrate doses every 2
disturbances, arrhythmias
63 weeks

150mg QHS, 150mg N/V/D/C, bradycardia, HA,

Zantac ranitidine Duodenal ulcer, GERD BID anemia, pancreatitis

CHF, hypertension, left 2.5mg QD-BID, asthenia, cough, dizziness,

maintenance 2.5- hypotension, hyperkalemia, N/V,
Vasotec enalapril ventricular dysfunction, 20mg BID, MDD rash, angioedema, hepatic
nephropathy 20mg failure

Duodenal ulcer, GERD, 20mg QD, doses

N/V/D/C, dizziness, URI, rash,
greater than 80mg
Prilosec omeprazole H. pylori eradication, QD should be
abdominal pain, hepatotoxicity,
hypersecretion pancreatitis
66 divided
Community (150)

abdominal pain, amoroexia, dry

5-60mg/day in mouth, weight loss, dysphoria,
Adderall; Dexedrine; amphetaimine salts;
Narcolepsy, ADHD divided doses, 10mg euphoria, HA, tremor, insomnia,
DextroStat dextroamphetamine QD MDD 40mg QD chest pain, hyperthermia,
irregular heartbeat
ataxia, drowsiness, fatigue,
Anxiety, skeletal muscle
Valium diazepam 2-10mg BID-QID hypotension, respiratory
spasms, seizures depression, sedation
abdominal pain, arthralgias, back
Zetia ezetimibe 10mg QD pain, cough, D, HA, fatigue,
sitosterolemia sinusitis
burning, epistaxis, HA, viral
2 sprays each nostril
Nasonex mometasone Rhinitis QD
infection, adrenal suppression,
70 glaucoma

20mg QD, 10-40mg impotence, fatigue, somnolence,

Depression, headache,
Celexa citalopram QD, 20-30 mg QD, nausea, rhinitis, sweating, dry
panic disorder MDD 60 mg/day mouth, D, leukopenia, MI

400mg QD, 150mg

Bone marrow transplant single dose, 400mg
elevated liver enzymes, HA, N/V,
Diflucan fluconazole prphylaxis, candidiasis, on first day and
rash, itching, anaphylaxis
cryptococcal meningitis 200mg QD for 10
-12 days

80-160mg BID, cough, dizziness, fatigue, HA,

Diovan HCT valsartan / HCTZ CHF, hypertension MDD 320mg QD hypotension, angioedema

asthenia, GI problems, headache,

Crestor rosuvastatin hypercholesterolemia 5-40mg QD myalgia, pharyngitis, upper
respiratory infections
4mg QD or in 2 anemia, edema, HA, URI, weight
Avandia rosiglitazone Type 2 diabetes mellitus divided doses gain, hepatotoxicity
Community (150)

15-30mg QD, MDD

45mg QD, MDD in anemia, edema, HA, myalgia,
Actos pioglitazone Type 2 diabetes mellitus combo therapy weight gain, hepatotoxicity
30mg QD

cough, dizziness, fatigue,

2.5mg initially, up to
Altace ramipril CHF, hypertension 10mg QD
hyperkalemia, N/V, angioedema,
hepatic failure

Acute pain, primarry 400mg qd plus

abdominal pain, diarrhea, back
200mg prn day 1,
Celebrex celecoxib dysmennorhea, 200mg qd, 100-
pain, dizziness, headache,
osteoarthritis, RA anemia, arrhythmias
78 200mg qd

amenorrhea, breakthrough
Atropic urethritis, bleeding, spotting, breast
Climara; Estrace; vaginitis, breast cancer, enlargement, breast tenderness,
Tablet 0.5mg QD, chloasma, melasma, pruritis,
Estraderm; Vagifem; estradiol postmenopausal Patch 0.025mg QD depression, headache, edema,
Vivelle osteoporosis, prostate weight changes, leukorrhea,
cancer, vulvar atrophy vaginal discomfort, nausea,
vomiting, skin irritation

10-15mg IR or 20mg
restlessness, behavior
Concerta; Daytrana; SR QD, 7.5mg BID
disturbances, slurred speech, loss
ADHD, fatigue, titrate up to MDD 60
Metadate; Methylin; methylphenidate mg/day, 10-
of appetite, hallucinations,
narcolepsy hypertension, tachycardia,
Ritalin 60mg/day BID or

200-300mg QD or N/V, prurits, rash, renal failure,

Calcium oxalate calculi, BID, MDD agranulocytosis, anemia, bone
Zyloprim allopurinol 300mg/dose and marrow supression,
gout, uric acid calculi
800mg/day hepatotoxicity
Community (150)

100mg BID day 1

Susceptible infections, then 100mg QD, gastrointestinal distress,
100mg BID for 60 photosensitivity, increased BUN,
Monodox; Vibramycin doxycycline anthrax, chlamydia, days, 100mg BID for bulging fontanels, benign
cholera, lyme disease 7 days, 100mg BID intracranial hypertension
for 10-20 days

drowsiness, dizziness, tremor,

hypotonia, irritability, HA, N/V,
Soma carisoprodol Musculoskletal disorders 350mg TID and HS tachycardia, facial flushing,
anaphylactoid shock

25-100mg 1 hour
flushing, dizziness, HA, D,
prior to sexual
Viagra sildenafil Erectile dysfunction activity, MDD 1 time
dyspepsia, nasal congestion, MI,

200mcg QD, 0.2-

Hot flashes, confusion, dry mouth, hypotension,
0.6mg in divided
N/V/C, weakness, somnolence,
Catapress clonidine hypertension, opiate doses (BID), 0.1mg
dizziness, sedation, chest pain,
withdrawal BID-QID for 2 days,
then taper,
angina, atrioventricular block,
Angina, CHF, bradycardia, fatigue, dizziness,
3.125mg BID initially
Coreg carvedilol hypertension, post up to 50 mg BID
HA, N/V/D, erectile dysfunction,
myocardial infarction rhinitis, hepatotoxicity,
86 thrombocytopenia

abdominal cramps, bloating, N/V,

1 yellow tablet QD amenorrhea, breast tenderness,
ethinyl estradiol /
Yasmin Contraception for 21 days and 1 depression, migraine, weight
drospirenone white tab for 7 days increase or decrease,
87 hypertension
Cushing's syndrome, euphoria,
Dermatoses, neoplastic 8-16mg QD,
depression, osteoporosis,
Aristocort; Azmacort; neo/neph 16-40mg
triamcinolone disease, nephrotic hypertension, GI distress,
Kenalog; Nasocort AQ QD, lupus 3-30mg
cataracts, glaucoma,
syndrome, rhinitis, lupus QD
88 hyperglycemia
Community (150)

Adrenal insufficiency, 4-48mg QD, MS cataracts, Cushing's syndrome,

160mg QD for 1 euphoria, depression, ulcer, growth
Medrol; Solu-Medrol methylprednisolone inflammatory conditions, week then 64mg depression, HTN, hypokalemia,
multiple sclerosis QOD for 1 month osteoporosis, glaucoma
2g 1h prior to
Endocarditis prophylaxis, procedure, 250-
N/V/D, rash, hemolytic anemia,
Pen-Vee K; Veetids penicillin VK pneumo infections, 500mg Q6, 125-
hypersensitivity reactions
strepto. infections 250mg Q6-8 for 10
90 days

160mg QD, 54- N/V/D, flatulence, muscle pain,

Tricor fenofibrate 160mg QD, MDD rash, rhinitis, hepatotoxicity,
hypertriglyceridemia 160mg QD rhabdomyolysis

C, dry mouth, dyspepsia,

50mg BID, target
dizziness, somnolence, rhinitis,
Acute bipolar mania, dose 400mg/day,
Seroquel quetiapine tachycardia, postural hypotension,
schizophrenia 25mg BID, range
weight gain, leukopenia,
seizures, tardive dyskinesia

allergic skin reactions, injection site

pain, lipodystrophy, rash, diabetic
Lantus insulin glargine Diabetes administered QD
ketoacidosis, severe
same time every day

0.4mg QD, may chest pain, asthenia, HA,

Benign prostatic
Flomax tamsulosin increase to 0.8mg insomnia, cough, rhinitis, N/D,
hyperplasia QD arthralgia, priapism

20mg IR then 20mg

Angina pectoris, after 7 hrs, 30-60mg HA, dizziness, N/V/D/C,
Imdur gastrointestinal bleeding, QD, 10-20mg BID w/ tachycardia, arrhythmias, cardiac
mononitrate beta blocker, 20mg failure
myocardial infarction
Community (150)

Osteoporosis prevention, 5mg QD, 35mg arthralgia, diarrhea, HA, rash,

Actonel risedronate treatment, Paget's Qweek, 30mg QD abdominal or stomach pain,
disease for 2 months colitis

Cleocin clindamycin Bacterial infection 150-300 mg Q6hr diarrhea, nausea, rash


Estrostep; Microgestin; breakthrough bleeding, breast

ethinyl estradiol / 0.5/35, 1/35 - 28 day tenderness, mood changes, N,
Necon; Ortho-Novum; Contraception
norethindrone tablet sun/light sensitivity, acne, weight
Ovcon; Tri-Norinyl gain

Allergy, anesthesia 25mg HS, or 12.5mg CNS depression, dermatitis,

adjunct, motion sickness, before meals and drowsiness, EPS, N/V, dry mouth,
Phenergan promethazine nausea and vomiting, HS, 25-50mg IM or lower seizure threshold,
postoperative pain, IV, N/V 25-50mg agranulocytosis, respiratory
rectally depression
99 sedation

IR 80mg TID may

increase to
C, dizziness, edema, HA,
Calan; Covera; Isoptin; Angina, arrhythmias, 360mg/day, 240-
verapamil 320mg/day, ER
hypotension, nausea, MI, angina,
Verelan hypertension, migraine syncope
180mg HS, 80mg

2.5-5mg QD initially,
allergic skin reactions, heartburn,
1.25-20mg QD or
Diabeta; Micronase glyburide Type 2 diabetes mellitus divided, MDD 20mg hypoglycemia, N, severe
hypoglycemic episodes

Hyperlipidemia, coronary 40mg QD, 40-80mg flu-like symptoms, GI disturbances,

Pravachol pravastatin
events QD HA, hepatotoxicity

blurred vision, change in appetite,

Depression, Pain from
Cymbalta duloxetine 30-60mg QD change in sex drive, HA, sweating,
diabetes or fibromyalgia N
Community (150)

CHF, diabetic 12.5mg QD titrate at

nephropathy, 7 day intervals to asthenia, fatigue, D, dizziness,
Cozaar losartan
hypertension, stroke 50mg QD, 25- hypotension, angioedema
prevention 100mg QD
asthenia, dizziness, sedation,
10-30 mg IR Q4 prn, N/V/C, dry mouth, pruritis, apnea,
OxyContin oxycodone Pain 10-40mg CR Q12 respiratory depression,
105 hypotension

Sinusitis, chronic
300mg BID for 10
bronchitis, community
Omnicef cefdinir days, or 600 mg QD N/D, vaginal moniliasis, HA
acquired pneumonia, for 10 days
106 skin infections

folic acid deficiency, anorexia, N, bitter/bad taste,

1mg QD, 0.5-5mg
Folvite folic acid hyperhomocysteinemia, QD, 0.8-1mg QD
irritability, confusion, altered sleep
neural tube defects pattern, allergic sensitization
Anxiety, pruritus
Atarax; Vistaril hydroxyzine 50-100mg QD drowsiness, dry mouth, headache
Adalat; Nifedical; constipation, facial flushing, HA,
nifedipine Angina, Hypertension 10, 20, 30, 60, 90mg
weakness or tiredness
109 Procardia
drowsiness, lethargy,
Edema, hirsutism, gynecomastia, HA, hyperkalemia,
100mg QD initial
Aldactone spironolactone hypertension, MDD 400mg/day
N/V/D, urticaria, agranulocytosis,
hypokalemia gastric bleeding, metabolic
110 acidosis

17 g in 120—240 ml bloating, gas, lower ab discomfort

Glycolax; Miralax polyethylene glycol Constipation of fluid QD or cramps, N
abdominal pain, arthralgia,
2-3mg QD, 1mg BID
Bipolar mania, agitation, anxiety, HA, N/V, rhinitis,
Risperdal risperidone increase to 4-8mg
schizophrenia QD
tachycardia, hyper/hypothermia,
112 mania, polydipsia
Community (150)

7.5-30mg HS, blurred vision, confusion, fatigue,

Restoril temazepam Insomnia gradually taper to hangover, lethargy, dependence,
discontinue N/D, drowsiness, HA, hypotension

Angina, anxiety, bradycardia, AV block, cognitive

80-320mg IR QD
dysfunction, depression,
Inderal propranolol arrhythmias, CHF, divided doses, low
insomnia, parethesia, anorexia,
hypertension, migraine initial titrate to dose
114 N/V, dyspnea, bronchospasm

1g BID for 7-10

days, 1g QD for 5 N/V, HA, thrombotic
Genital herpes, herpes
Valtrex valacyclovir days, 2g BID for 1 thrombocytopenic purpura,
labialis, herpes zoster day, 1g TID for 7 hemolytic uremic syndrome
115 days

anorexia, alopecia, asthenia,
MDD 60mg/kg/day,
Epilepsy, mania, ataxia, N/V/D, HA, diplopia, weight
Depakote divalproex 750mg/day, 250mg
migraine prophylaxis BID, MDD
changes, hepatic failure,
dark urine, D, HA, loss of appetite,
Macrobid; Macrodantin nitrofurantoin Antibiotic, UTI 50, 100mg
N/V, temporary hair loss
Alesse; Aviane; Levora; breakthrough bleeding, breast
Nordette; Seasonale; ethinyl estradiol / 0.01/0.03, tenderness, mood changes, N,
Tri-Levlen Triphasil; levonorgestrel 0.03/0.15mg sun/light sensitivity, acne, weight
118 Trivora gain

20mg QD for 4-8

Duodenal ulcer, GERD, weeks,
Aciphex rabeprazole H. pylori eradication, hypersecretory- 60- abdominal pain, N/D, HA, insomnia
hypersecretion 120mg QD up to
100mg in 1 dose

1-2mg QD initially,
asthenia, dizziness, hypoglycemia,
Amaryl glimepiride Type 2 diabetes mellitus 1-4mg QD, MDD
N, severe hypoglycemic episode
Community (150)

cough, dizziness, hyperkalemia,

5mg BID, 20-40mg
Accupril quinapril CHF, hypertension BID, 20-80mg BID
hypotension, N/V, angioedema,
hepatic failure
Antibiotic, skin and D, dry mouth, HA, N, upset
Avelox; Vigamox moxifloxacin 400mg
stomach, trouble sleeping
122 respiratory infections
asthenia, fatigue, tremor, ataxia,
25-50mg QD initial, confusion, dizziness, diplopia, N,
200mg BID speech or language problems,
Topamax topiramate Seizures maintenance, MDD hyperthermia, anemia,
1600mg leukopenia, dyspnea, hepatic
123 failure

abdominal pain, N/D, flatulence,

Osteoarthritis, 7.5mg QD, MDD edema, HA, dizziness, insomnia,
Mobic meloxicam
rheumatoid arthritis 15mg QD arthralgia, anemia, angina, CHF,
dyspnea, leukopenia

1 tablet QD
edema, dizziness, abdominal pain,
Hyzaar losartan / HCTZ Hypertension (50/12.5mg), MDD
N/D, cough, URI, back pain

blurred vision, eyelash changes,

1 drop in affected
Xalatan latanoprost Glaucoma eyes QPM
eyelid skin darkening, iris
pigmentation, macular edema
0.3-0.6 SL, 2.5mg,
NitroQuick; NitroStat nitroglycerin Angina 6.5, 9mg ER
flushing, HA, palpitations, N/V
10mg QD,
maintenance 20-
cough, dizziness, edema,
40mg QD, MDD
Lotensin benazapril Hypertension, CHF 80mg QD, 5mg QD
hyperkalemia, hypotension,
maintenance 5-
128 10mg QD
Community (150)

ataxia, dizziness, headache,

peripheral neuropathy, seizures,
anorexia, GI discomfort, metallic
Flagyl metronidazole Infection 7.5mg/kg IV QD taste perversion, N/V, symptomatic
candida cervicitis/vaginitis, vaginal
discharge, disulfiram-like reaction,
herxheimer reaction

Gastroesophageal reflux constipation, drowsiness, dystonic

0.15mg/kg, reactions, fatigue, fluid retention,
Reglan metoclopramide disease, Nausea and 0.25mg/kg/dose IV restlessness, sedation, tremors

Hypertension, 150mg QD, MDD D, HA, dyspepsia,/heartburn,

Avapro irbesartan
nephropathy 300mg fatigue, URI, angioedema
dizziness, daytime drowsiness
Lunesta eszopiclone Insomnia 1, 2, 3mg tabs
(hangover effect), HA
C, difficulty sleeping, excessive
Dilantin phenytoin Seizures 100, 200, 300mg
hair growth, N

swelling and pain,

Cataflam; Voltaren diclofenac osteoarthritis, rheumatoid 25, 50, 75, 100mg C/D, dizziness, HA, heartburn

abdominal pain, D, flatulence,

Hyperlipidemia, reduction dyspepsia, muscle pain, rash,
Lopid gemfibrozil 600mg BID
xerostomia, abnormal liver
of coronary risk
135 funtion tests, rhabdomyolysis

diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, central

nervous system effects; agitation,
confusion, dizziness,
Chicken pox infections, hallucinations, somnolence,
Zovirax acyclovir 200-800mg QID prn
Herpes infections malaise, burning or stinging of the
skin (topical), phlebitis (IV),
increased serum creatinine and
136 BUN (IV)
Community (150)

Cough, decreased sexual fuction,

Benicar olmesartan Hypertension 5, 20, 40mg HA, nasal congestion, N, stomach
pain, sore or cramping muscles

Nerve pain from

C/D/N, dry mouth, HA, insomnia,
Lyrica pregabalin diabetes, shingles and 50, 75, 150, 300mg
difficulty sleeping, weight gain
138 fibromyalgia, seizures
D/C/N/V, difficulty sleeping, HA,
Lamictal lamotrigine seizures, bipolar disorder 100, 150, 200mg

edema, hypotension, palpitations,

anxiety, dizziness, fatigue,
Cardura doxazosin BPH, hypertension 1-16mg QD
headache, somnolence, vertigo,
abdominal pain, nausea
MDI- 2 inhalations
QID, MDD 12/ N/V/D, hypertension, tachycardia,
albuterol / 24hrs, inhalation HA, dry mouth, dyspepsia,
Combivent; DuoNeb COPD
ipratropium solution- 1-3ml vial coughing, sinusitis, URI,
QID, MDD 6 arrhythmias
141 doses/24hr

back pain, breast tenderness,

Apri; Desogen; Kariva; ethinyl estradiol / mood swings, increased hunger,
Contraception 0.15mg/30mcg
increased urination, bloating,
Mircette; Ortho-Cept desogestrel
142 cramps, weak, tired

blurred vision, C, HA, dry mouth,

2mg IR BID, 4mg
Detrol tolterodine Overactive bladder XR QD
dyspepsia, anaphylactoid
143 reactions

abdominal pain, dyspepsia,

fexofenadine / 1 tablet BID
Allegra-D Seasonal allergic rhinitis agitation, HA, insomnia, nausea,
pseudoephedrine (60/120mg)
palpitation, URI

Antivert meclizine Motion sickness, vertigo 12.5-25mg BID drowsiness, sedation, xerostomia
Community (150)

1-2 tablet TID, AAA

Mycostatin nystatin Candidia infections TID,
nausea and vomiting
1.25-250mg, 2.5- D/N/V, dizziness, HA, heartburn,
Glucovance glyburide / metformin Type 2 diabetes mellitus 500mg, 5-500mg infection, stomach discomfort
olmesartan / 20-12.5mg, 40-
Benicar HCT Hypertension change in sex drive, HA
148 hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg, 40-25mg
Alzheimers type anorexia, N/V/D, fatigue, insomnia,
Aricept donapezil 5-10mg HS
muscle cramps
149 dementia
Osteoporosis prevention, hot flashes, leg cramps, retinal
Evista raloxifene 60mg QD
vein occlusion
150 treatment
Institutional (50)

Brand Name Generic Name Indication Dose

100mg total dose

administered as a
dissolves blood clots in 15mg IV bolus, then
Activase alteplase the heart, BVs or lungs 50mg IV infused over
after a heart attack. 30min, then 35mg IV
infused over the next

PO=800-1600mg QD
x3wks; then titrate
down to 600-800 mg
QD x1mon;
Cordarone (group iii amiodarone hcl ventricular arrhythmias IV=15mg/min
antiarrhythmic) x10min; 1mg/kg
x6hr; 0.5mg/min
x18hr; then

severe fungal infection

Fungizone (antiinfective; systemic refractory/intolerant to
antifungal; antiprotozoal; polyene amphotericin B conventional
5mg/kg/day x2 wks+
antibiotic) amphotericin B

1.5g, 15g, 3g powder

Bacterial Infections - ab,
Unasyn (penicillin antibiotic) ampicillin/sulbactam pelvis and skin infections
for injection. 1.5-3mg
IV/IM q6h
Institutional (50)

hypertension, edema, 0.5, 1, 2mg tabs QD,

Bumex (diuretic) bumetanide swelling fro heart, kidney could be q4h, MDD
or liver disease 10mg

aspergillosis; candida
70mg infusion day 1;
infection; candidemia;
then 50mg/day;
Cancidas (antifungal/systemic) caspofungin acetate empirical tx for fugnal
duration depends on
infection in febrile
dx & response

S.aureus; S.epidermidis;
group A beta-hemolytic
S.pneumoniae; E.coli;
Ancef (1st generation cefazolin sodium
biliary tract infection;
Q8hr; mod/sev= 0.5-
cephalosporin) bone & joint; endocarditis;
1g Q6-8hr
genital; perioperative
prophylaxis; resp tract;
skin/skin struc infections;

aerobic gram (-)

(P.aeruginosa); some typically start w/2g;
Maxipime (4th generation cefepime
gram (+) (S.aureus); frequency
cephalosporin) febrile neutropenia; intra- determined by
ab infection; pneumonia; infection
UTI; skin
Institutional (50)

Antibiotic, ab, bone, uncomplicated

blood, joint, CNS, lungs, infections: 1g IV/IM
Claforan (cephalosporin antibiotic) cefotaxime sodium pelvis, skin and urinary q12h; severe
tract infections. unfections: 1-2g
Prophylaxis for surgeries IV/IM q8h

antibiotic, ab, bone,

Fortaz, Tazidime (cephalosporin Ceftazidime
blood, joint, CNS, lungs, 1-2g IV/IM q8h. MDD
antibiotic) 3RD GEN pelvis, skin and urinary 6g
tract infections.

gram(-) infection
(bone/joint; gonorrhea;
A=1-2g q12-24h;max
Rocephin (3rd gen cephalosporin) ceftriaxone lower resp, RTI;
meningitis; otitis media;
PID; septicemia; UTI; skin

Antibiotic - blood, bone,

250-500mg po q12h
Zinacef (2ND GEN cephalosporin cefuroxime sodium
joints, brain, lungs, pelvis,
x5-10days; 750mg
antibiotic) skin and urinary tract UTI,
IV/IM q8h

Inflammation of the skin, 0.75-9mg/day po in

dexamethasone sodium joints, lungs and other 2-4 divided doses;
Decadron (glucocorticoid)
phosphate organs. Asthma, allergies 05-9mg/day IV/IM
and arthritis divided every 6-12h

Tx of low output states

Dobutrex (inotrope - vasodialator, caused by CHF, 0.5-1mcg/kg/min as
sympathomimetic - adrenergic dobutamine HCL cardiogenic shock, septic continuous IV
agonist) shock or following cardiac infusion
Institutional (50)

Prevent nausea and

vomiting associated with
Inapsine droperidol surgery or other
2.5mg IV/IM

DVT, ischemic-non-QT
1mg/kg sq q12h x 5-
Lovenox (anticoagulant/LMWH) enoxaparin post-MI, ischemic
unstabe angina
0.3mg IM, may
repeat, 0.3-0.5mg
Opens air passages to
SC/IM MR q10-15
make breathing easier for
Adrenaline epinephrine people with lung probs.
min for anaphylaxis,
or q20min-4h for
Also for allergic reactions
asthma. Max single
17 dose= 1mg

anemia in cancer, HIV, 150u/kg iv/sc 3xwk

Epogen, Procrit (erythropoietic) epoetin alfa renal failure, reduction of x8wks, then 300u/kg
blood transfusion 3xwk


250mg po qid; 15-

Antibiotic - pneumonia,
20mg/kg/day Ivgiven
skin, STDs, Legionnaires,
in divided doses q4-
Erythrocin (macrolide) erythromycin lactobionate acne; prevents heart
6h or as a
probs in pts with
continuous infusion
rheumatic fever
MDD 4g

Reduce workload on the 500mcg/kg IV LD

heart - supraventricular over 1 min, MD
Brevibloc (beta-blocker) esmolol tachyarrhythmias, HTN infusion rate
emergency, acute MI, 50mcg/kg/min for 4
unstable angina min
Institutional (50)

Duragesic, Sublimaze, Actiq fentanyl Pain

2mcg/kg IM or slow
(opiate) IV
3-6mg/kg/day IV or
Garamycin (aminoglycoside) gentamicin sulfate Antibiotic IM in 2-3 divided
22 doses

Anticoagulant - prevents 80IU/kg bolus,

Heparin Sodium heparin sodium clots in the veins, maintenance infusion
arteries, lungs or heart. of 18IU/kg/h IV

200-500mg IV/IM
Inflammation - skin,
repeat q6h as long
hydrocortisone sodium joints, lungs, other
Solu-Cortef (glucocorticoid) organs. Asthma, allergies
as clinically needed,
succinate then rapidly taper or
and arthritis
2-3 days
2.5-10mg po q3-6h;
Dilaudid (Opiate) hydromorphone HCL Pain 1-2mg SC/IM/IV q4-

dose depends on
gram(-) infection
where infection;
(bone/joint; endocarditis;
mild/mod infection =
Primaxin (antibiotic) imipenem/cilastatin lower resp; gynecological;
250-500mg q6h IV;
intra-ab; polymicrobic;
septicemia; skin; UTI;
total daily dose
guven as 2-4
Humulin R, Novolin R Insulin, regular (human) Hyperglycemia - Diabetes injections per day,
typically 30-60min
before meals
Institutional (50)

25mg test dose.

INFeD, DexFerrum iron dextran iron deficiency
Dose calculated
Pain, extraction of
30mg IM/IV q6h.
cataract, short term pain,
Total systemic
Toradol (NSAID) ketorolac pain in eye, seasonal
therapy should not
allergic conjunctivitis,
exceed 5 days

pain from procedures, LD: 50-100mg IV

local anesthetic, rate 25-50mg/min;
Xylocaine (anesthetic) lidocaine HCL antiarrhythmic, MD: 1-4mg/min IV
posterpetic neuralgia infusion

MRSA gram(+)infection
600mg IV/oral q12h-
strain only); S.agalactiae,
Zyvox (anti-infective/antibiotic) linezolid S.pneumoniae,
duration depends on
infection type
S.pyogenes infections;
pneumonia; skin & skin
structure infection


antacid, anticonvulsant, anti- 3g PO q6h for 4

Magnesium Sulfate magnesium Sulfate inflammatory, hyperosmotic doses. 1-2g IV/IM
laxative, stimulant laxative, q6h for 24h
magnesium supplement,
renal-urologic agent, atrial
paroxysmal tachycardia,
barium poisoning, cerebral
32 edema, hypomagnesemia,
Institutional (50)

Pain. May be used before 50-150mg SC/IV/IM

Demerol (opiate) meperidine HCL and during surgery q3-4h prn

balance anesthesia IV over 20-30 sec;
supplementation; full effect 2min;
Versed (anesthetic midazolam HCL
induction general sed=0.25mg/kg 20-
adjunct/benzo/sedative/hypnotic) anesthesia; sedation of 30sec 1hr before;
mech vent pts; sedation; intubated pts=0.05-
amnesia 0.2mg/kg loading
then 1-2mcg/kg/min

Acute decompensated continuous IV over
Primacor milrinone HF 10min. MD: infusion
35 rate 0.5mcg/kg/min

initially 10-30mg PO
Astramorph, Duramorph morphine sulfate Pain q3-4h prn; 2.5-15mg
(opiate) IV/SC/IM q2-6h prn
0.4-2mg IV/IM/SC up
treats narcotic drug
to a total dose of
Narcan naloxone HCL overdose, dependency,
10mg. MR every 2-
septic shock
3mins prn

0.5-1mcg/min as IV
infusion, titrated to
acute hypotension,
Levophed (vasoconstrictor and norepinephrine bitartrate cardiogenic shock, septic
desired response.
inotrope) Usual MD=2-
4mcg/min. max dose
= 30mcg/min
Institutional (50)

32mg IV dose
infused over 15 min
beginning 30min
Zofran ondansetron HCL Nausea and Vomiting
prior to initation of

Speeds delivery during via continuous IV
Pitocin oxytocin childbirth, controls infusion. Rate of
bleeding after infusion may be
slowly increased
6-24 million units/day
IM or IV given in
Antibiotic - skin, brain,
divided doses every
Pfizerpen (penicillin antibiotic) penicillin G sodium heart, lungs and stomach.
4 hours or by
Lyme disease and STDs
continuous IV
Initial dose, given by
rapid IV injection,
Often used during
should not exceed
surgery - treats very low
0.5mg. Next doses
Neo-Synephrine phenylephrine HCL blood pressure or serious
may be increased in
heart probs like irregular
2.5-25 mg POof(rarely
0.2mg. Max
up to 50 mg) if single
dose is 1mg
prothrombin timeIVnot
satisfactory within
12-48 h repeat dose,
Vit K deficiency or 2.5-25 mg IV/SC (up
AquaMephyton, Vitamin K phytonadione bleeding problems to 50) repeat in 6-8
hours if pt time not
43 sat.

Antibiotic - appendix, 3.375g IV every 6h

Zosyn (penicillin antibiotic) piperacillin/tazobactam lungs, pelvis, skin for 7-10 days
Institutional (50)

Controls nausea and 5-10mg IM given 1-

vomiting. Also for 2h before induction
Compazine prochlorlperazine edisylate schizoprenia and anxiety of anethesia, MR in
not due to psychological 30min if needed. 5-
illness 10mg PO tid or qid

40mg IV q10sec until

induction onset. MD:
Produces relaxation and
Diprivan (anesthetic) propofol sleep before surgery
or bolus of 20-50mg
IV prn. Allow 3-5min
b/w dosage
1mEq/kg IV by slow
injection, MR with
metabolic acidosis,
0.5 mEq/kg IV in 10
Sodium Bicarbonate sodium bicarbonate hyperkalemia, heartburn,
minutes prn. 2-5mEq
IV infused over 4-8h
3.1g IV infused over
Antibiotic - blood, bone,
ticarcillin/clavulanate 30min q4-6h. Or
Timentin (penicillin antibiotic) lungs, pelvis, skin and
200-300mg/kg/day in
potassium urinary tract
divided doses q4-6h
Antibiotic - ab, bone,
3-6mg/kg/day IV/IM
Nebcin (aminoglycoside) tobramycin sulfate lunch, skin and urinary
in 2-3 divided doses
tract. Blood and brain
Antibiotic - blood, bone, 1000mg IV or
Vancocin vancomycin HCL heart, lung, skin 15mg/mg IV q12h
Institutional (50)

Side Effects

dizziness, N/V

bradycardia; corneal deposits;

hypotension; malaise; fatigue; N/V;
constipation; anorexia; periph.
Neuropathy; photosens; poor
coord/gait; tremor; visual disturb;
arrhythmia; CHF; hepatotoxicity;
pulm tox; shock; steven-johnson
syndrome; thrombocytopenia;
thyroid abnorm

anemia; chills; fever; N/V/D;

dyspnea; hypoK; hypotension;
anaphylaxis(rare); multiple organ
failure; nephrotoxicity; resp. failure

D/N/V, HA, pain, heartburn, sore

mouth, stomach gas
Institutional (50)

HA, loss of appetite, unusual

bleeding or bruising

facial swelling; fever; HA; ↑ liver

enzyme; N/V; infusion rxn; pruritus;

N/V/D; thrombocytopenia;
pseudomembranous colitis;
hepatoxicity; steven-johnson

for surgical
prophylaxis, treats
SEKAB, poor cns

HA; colitis; diarrhea; dyspepsia;

local rxn; phlebitis; inflammation;
pain; encephalopathy; seizure

took over fortaz's

Institutional (50)

D/N/V, HA, vaginal itch, irritation

D/N/V, HA, mouth irritation, pain at

injection site, vaginal itch
Only 3rd gen with
pseudomo activity

enzyme;revserse gallbladder
dx;hemolysis (rare)
cross CNS, pnuemo,
S.aureus. Dosed 1X
except for CNS

D/N/V, pain at injection site,

stomach pain, vaginal itch

HA, N/V, skin problems - acne, thin

and shiny skin, weight gain

PVCs, angina, palpitations, N/V,

paresthesias, dyspnea, HA, mild leg
cramps, nevousness, fatigue
Institutional (50)

Chills, facial flushing, involuntary

muscle movements, trembling

erythema, pain, anemia, fever,

diarrhea, nausea, confusion,
dyspnea, edema

anxiety, dry mouth, drowsiness,

dizziness, HA, increased sweating, TREATS anaphylaxis,
N, weakness or tiredness asthma, cardiac arrest,
uncomplicated open-
angle glaucoma


D/N/V, loss of appetite, stomach


HA, N, unusual tiredness

Institutional (50)

C/N/V, HA, dizziness, loss of 25-100 mcg/patch replaced

apetite, sweating q72h, dosing is dependent on
morphine requirement

D/N/V, HA, pain at injection site

pain at injection site

HA, increased appetite, N, skin

probs, acne, thin and shiny skin

difficulty sleeping, drowsiness, dry

mouth, flushing, HA, itching, loss of
appetite, N/V

N/V/D; thrombophelbitis; injection

pain; anaphylaxis(rare);
seizures(high doses)

increase or decrease in fatty tissue

under the skin, itching @ injection
site, hypoglycemia
Institutional (50)

2-3 mg/kg (divided into 3

changes in taste (metallic taste), doses), slow release
D/N/V, HA, stomach upset tablets 50-100 mg
elemental iron/day
apply up to 3 patches
topically at one time for
D, dizziness, HA, heartburn up to 12 h w/in a 24 hr
period, 4% & 5 % creams
in children less than 10
kg, apply topically to an
area not larger than 100
anxiety, backache, feelings of cm2, 4% and 5% creams
cold, heat, or numb, N/V in children 10-20 kg
apply topically to an area
not larger than 200 cm2

Thrombocytopenia, N/V/D; optic &

peripheral neuropathy;


2.4 mg/kg elemental

magnesium in 50 ml
D5W over 4h prior to
testing, 3-4 g (10% soln)
IV over 30 seconds with
extreme caution, 1-2g IV,
allergic rxn, rectal bleeding, blood in 2.5g (10% soln), 1g IM
stools, mild diarrhea, cramping q6h x 4 doses
Institutional (50)

dizziness, drowsiness, nausea,


hicoughs; N/V; cough;

"oversedation"; HA; drowsiness;
agitation; invol. Movements; apnea; ~1-5 mg IM 1 hour
↓tidal volume & resp rate; oxygen
desaturation(esp child); resp arrest
prior to surgery,
(rare); cardiac arrest (rare); 0.15-0.35 mg/kg IV
hypotensive crisis over 20-30 seconds
and allowing 2 min
for effect, 10-20 mg
PO qhs

ventricular arrhythmias,
hypotension, palpitations, HA

C, dizziness, HA, N/V, pinpoint

pupils, sweating, hypotension

aches and pains, D/N/V, fever,

chills, irritable, nervous, restless,
runny nose, weating, trembling,
weak, increases HR

fear, nervousness, insomnia,

excitability, panic, hallucinations,
N/V, respiratory wakness, EKG
changes. Long term: metabolic initial 8-12 mcg/min IV,
acidosis maintenance 2-4
mcg/min IV
Institutional (50)

8 mg dissolved orally on tongue

C/D, dizziness, HA 30 min prior to chemo repeated
q8h, then 8 mg q12h for 1-2
days after, 16 mg dissolved
orally on tongue 1 hr before
anesthesia induction

HA, N/V,twiching, thirst, abortion adjunct,

lightheadedness,bleed induction of labor,

D, dizziness, HA, upset stomach

treats glaucoma, HoTN,

confusion, nervousness, HA, N/V mydriasis induction,
nasal congestion, PSVT,
uveitis, regional
anesthesia adjunct,

change in taste, dizziness, treats acquired

flushing of the face hypoprothrombinemia,
anticoagulant drug action

D/C, HA, N/V, stomach upset,

trouble sleeping
Institutional (50)

Difficulty passing urine, difficulty

sleeping, HA, sexual dysfunction

dizziness, N

overdose: metabolic alkalosis,

clouding of consciousness, tremor

change in taste or smell, D/N/V,

HA, heartburn, sore mouth


N/V, pain @ injection site, stomach

OTC (50)

Ingredient Common Brand * Indication Usual Dose Side Effects

ADULT Fever: 200-400 mg

(MDD 1200 mg/day);
arthritis: 1200-3200 mg/day
ORALLY divided in 3-4
Body fluid retention, Rash,
Abdominal pain, Constipation,
fever,arthritis PEDIATRIC 6 months-12
Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, Heartburn,
Nausea, Stomatitis, Vomiting,
ibuprofen Advil; Motrin (r,o),pain,dysme years old, 5-10 mg/kg
Increased liver function test (up
norrhea (MDD 4 doses/day); 12
to 15%),Dizziness, Headache,
Somnolence, Tinnitus
years and older, 200-400 mg
(MDD 1200 mg/day);
Juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis: 30-50 mg/kg/day
ORALLY in 3-4 divided
doses; MAX: 2.4 g/day

OTC (50)

ADULT Fever: 650-1000

(MDD 4 g/day)
PEDIATRIC Fever: 10-15
mg/kg/dose ORALLY Q4-
6H (MDD 5 doses/day); age
acetaminophen Feverall; Tylenol 6-12 yrs: 325 mg ORALLY
Fever, pain Q4-6H (MDD 2.6 g/DAY); rash, hypothermia
Pain (Mild to Moderate):
10-15 mg/kg/dose
doses/day); Pain (Mild to
Moderate): age 6-12 yrs:
325 mg ORALLY Q4-6H
(MDD 2.6 g/day)

rash,constipation, diarrhea,
omeprazole Prilosec OTC ulcer,GERD 20 mg po qd
OTC (50)

ORAL inhaler, (on wk 1-12)

6-16 cartridges/day, (on wk
13-24) titrate to lower dose,
then off; MAX 16
NASAL spray, (wk 1-8) 1
spray in each nostril 1-2
times/hr, at least 8
times/day; (wk 9-14)
gradually taper over 4-6 wk;
MAX 5 times/hr, 40
times/24 hr
smoking skin & nasal & oral
nicotine Commit; Nicoderm CQ; Nicorette smoking history over 10
cessation ,insomnia
cigarettes/day: one 21 mg
patch/day for 4-6 wk, then
use one 14 mg patch/day for
2 wk, then use one 7 mg
patch/day for 2 wk
smoking history 10 or fewer
cigarettes/day: use one 14
mg patch/day for 6 wk, then
use one 7 mg patch/day for
2 wk

pain, fever, pain, fever- 325-650 q 4

aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) Bayer; Ecotrin; St. Joseph's prn, mdd 4g, cardio health- dyspepsia,n&v
arthritis,angina 81mg,arthritis- 3g

OTC (50)

Adult Allergic asthma: 10-

20 mg ORALLY once daily
for 3 days to 8 weeks
Allergic rhinitis & urticaria:
10 mg ORALLY once daily
Pediatric Allergic
allergic rhinitis, rhinitis,urticaria: (2-5yrs) 5
Alavert; Claritin idiopathic mg ORALLY once daily, HA, somnolence, fatigue
allergic rhinitis,urticaria (>6
urticaria -chronic yr) 10 mg
Allergic asthma: 10-20 mg
ORALLY once daily based
on body weight: 10 mg if
less than 30 kg; 20 mg if
greater than 30 kg

allergic rhinitis, Adult, 25-50 mg po q4-6

insomnia,motion Pediatric <6 6.25-12.5 mg q dizziness,dyskinesia,sedated,so
diphenhydramine Benadryl; Simply Sleep; Sominex 4-6, >6-12, 12.5-25 mg q 4- mnolence,dry nose and
sickness,parkins 6 throat,sputum

Adult: 200-400 mg PO q4h

MDD 2400mg Pediatric
(6-12yrs): 100-200 mg PO
q4h MDD 1200 mg; (2-
cough 6yrs) 50-100 mg PO q4h
guaifenesin Robitussin; Mucinex MDD 600 mg; (under 2yrs)
dose should be
individualized, common
dosage is 25-50 mg PO q4h
MDD 300 mg

OTC (50)

Fever,pain (minor) over-the-

counter dosing, 200 mg
ORALLY every 8 to 12
naproxen Aleve pain, fever hours as needed; do not take
longer than 10 days unless
directed by physician

Allergic rhinitis,
cetirizine Zyrtec 5-10mg QD Syrup, tablet
10 chronic urticaria

Candidal vulvovaginitis:
200 mg VAGINALLY at
bedtime for 3 days
Candidal vulvovaginitis:
candidal 100 mg VAGINALLY at
vulvovaginitis, bedtime for 7 days
miconazole Desenex; Monistat Candidal vulvovaginitis: N&V, vaginal discomfort
tinea coroporis, 1200 mg VAGINALLY
cruris, pedis once
Tinea corporis,Tinea
cruris,Tinea pedis: apply
TOPICALLY to affected
areas twice daily:

Sinus/Nasal difficulty sleeping, HA, loss of
10mg PO qq4-6h. Up to
phenylephrine Sudafed PE; Vicks Sinex 60mg/day
appetite, nervousness, stomach
12 congestion upset, N ,tachy or BP

relieves itching
associated with dry skin, irritation unusal
Apply to affected area not
hydrocortisone Cortizone minor skin more than 3 to 4 times daily.
increase growth of hair on the
face or body
inflammation and
OTC (50)

associated with skin rash, pruritus, diarrhea,N &
ranitidine Zantac 400 mg bid
acid indigestion
and sour

hay fever or
other upper
allergies: 1 tablet every 4 to 6 hours,
C/D, drowsy, dry
mouth/nose/throat, HA, loss of
chlorpheniramine Chlor-Trimeton sneezing; runny not to exceed 6 tablets in 24
appetite, stomach upset,
nose; itchy, vomiting, trouble sleeping.
watery eyes;
itching of the
nose or throat.

LAXATIVE, granules, oral:

constipation, 1 to 2 rounded teaspoons (6
psyllium Fiberall; Metamucil; Reguloid anal fissures, grams per teaspoon) in the abdominal distention, flatulence
evening and/or before
hemorrhoids, IBS breakfast


relief of burning
and irritation due sting or burn, blurred vision.
to dryness of the Notify your doctor if you
Put 1 or 2 drops in the
tetrahydrozoline Visine eye; for affected eye(s) as needed.
develop: skin rash, eye pain,
swelling in or around the eyes,
protection vision problems.
against further
OTC (50)

peptic ulcer,
gastritis, peptic
calcium carbonate Caltrate; Tums chew 2-4 prn constipation, flatulence
hyperacidity, and
hiatal hernia

bismuth Pepto-Bismol diarrhea 525mg 30m-1 hr, mdd 4.2 g GI
prevention, h
pylori infection

Adult, GERD,esophagitis-
20-40 mg BID, ucler
maintenance- 20 mg hs
Pediatric- Gastroesophageal
reflux disease: (1-16 yrs) 1
esophagitis,GER mg/kg/day ORALLY
famotidine Pepcid AC D,ulcer,hyperchl divided twice daily up to 40 constipation, diarrhea, dizziness
mg twice daily
orhydria Gastrointestinal ulcer: (1-16
yrs) 0.5 mg/kg/day
ORALLY at bedtime or
twice daily up to a
maximum of 40 mg/day;


Relieves generally well tolerated. Notify

Aluminum Take 1-2 softgels as needed
your doctor if you develop: loss
bloating, after meals and at bedtime.
hydroxide/magnesium Mylanta Do not exceed 4 softgels per
of appetite, vomiting, dizziness,
pressure, and headache. Constipation and
hydroxide/simethicone day
discomfort of gas stomach cramps may occur.

OTC (50)

apply 5 times a day until

docosanol Abreva herpes labialis lesions healed
application site reaction, ha

Temporarily 2 to 3 sprays in each nostril Stinging, burning, sneezing,

Afrin 12 hour; Neo-Synephrine 12 relieves nasal not more often than every increased nasal discharge,
oxymetazoline 10 to 12 hours. Do not drying of the nostrils, and
hour congestion exceed 2 doses in any 24 altered taste may occur.
hour period.


Adult 4 mg followed by
2mg up to 16mg/day
Pediatric Diarrhea, acute:
(2-5 yr, 13 to 20 kg) 1 mg
diarrhea, ORALLY 3 times daily hyperglycemia,abdominal
loperamide Imodium AD travelers Diarrhea, acute: (6-8 yr, 20 pain,N&V,dizziness,somnolenc
to 30 kg) 2 mg ORALLY e,fatigue
diarrhea twice daily
Diarrhea, acute: (8-12 yr,
greater than 30 kg) 2 mg
ORALLY 3 times daily


arhtritis, diabetic
irritation, burning,
capsaicin Icy Hot; Zostrix neuropathy,posth apply thin film 3-5x day
erpetic neuralgia

Constipation: 5-15 mg
constipation, ORALLY once daily up to
bisacodyl Correctol; Dulcolax; Ex-Lax Ultra prep for bowel 30 mg/day, pediatric (6- GI
11yrs) 5 mg once daily
OTC (50)

methyl salicylate BenGay mild pain, apply 3-4 xday

one hour before travel starts. May cause drowsiness, blurred

meclizine Bonine; Dramamine Less Drowsy motion sickness. take 1 to 2 tablets once vision, stomach upset, headache
daily or dry mouth.

Swallow 1 or 2 softgels as
Relieves needed after a meal. Do not
bloating, There are no reported side
exceed 2 softgels per day
simethicone Gas-X ; Phazyme; Mylicon except under the advice and
effects with simethicone.
pressure or
supervision of a physician.
fullness - Gas


2 teaspoonfuls every 12
Temporarily hours, not to exceed 4
teaspoonfuls in 24 hours.
relieves cough Children 6 to under 12 years
due to minor Dizziness, drowsiness, nausea,
of age: 1 teaspoonful every
vomiting, or stomach ache,
throat and 12 hours, not to exceed 2
Notify your doctor if you
teaspoonfuls in 24 hours.
dextromethorphan Benylin; Delsym; Vicks Formula 44 bronchial Children 2 to under 6 years
develop chest pain, a rapid
pulse, nervousness or become
irritation as may of age: 1/2 teaspoonful
confused while taking
occur with the every 12 hours, not to
exceed 1 teaspoonful in 24
common cold or hours. Children under 2
inhaled irritants. years of age: consult a

OTC (50)

Adults: take 2 geltabs with

a glass of water. If
symptoms persist or worsen,
acetaminophen / aspirin / ask your doctor. Do not take D, HA, N/V, passing uring
Excedrin Treats migraine. more than 2 geltabs in 24 often, trouble sleeping
hours, unless directed by a
doctor. Under 18 years of
age: ask a doctor.


antifungal used
on the skin to For athlete's foot between
the toes spray twice a day
treat skin (morning and night) for 1
burning, redness or irritation the
infections such first few days as your body
week or as directed by a
terbinafine Lamisil AT doctor. For jock itch and
adjusts to the medication. Notify
as athlete's foot, your doctor if your develop:
ringworm spray affected
jock itch or area once a day (morning or
swelling, oozing, blistering.
ringworm. night) for 1 week


Allergic rhinitis: SR 120 mg

ORALLY every 12hrs
(alone or in combination
allergic with an antihistamine)
htn, tachycardia,
Nasal congestion: 60 mg
pseudoephedrine Sudafed rhinits,nasal ORALLY every 4-6hrs to
congestion maximum of 240 mg/day or
SR 120 mg ORALLY every

OTC (50)

diarrhea. If diarrhea persists or
upset stomach 1 to 2 tablespoonsful.
worsens, inform your doctor.
caused by Children 6 to 11 years: 1/2
Notify your doctor if the
magnesium hydroxide Phillips Milk of Magnesia (MOM) to 1 tablespoonful. Children
following effects occur:
heartburn, acid under 6 years: ask a doctor.
black/tarry stools or rectal
indigestion or bleeding.
sour stomach

athlete's foot,
jock itch, and For athlete's foot and
ringworm, use daily for 4
ringworm. weeks; for jock itch, use
burning, stinging or redness
Relieves itching, when first applied to the skin.
daily for 2 weeks. If
clotrimazole Lotrimin condition persists longer,
This should disappear in a few
burning, days as your body adjusts to the
ask a doctor. This product is
cracking, scaling not effective on the scalp or
and discomfort nails.

To regrow hair
on top of the If excessive amounts of
ROGAINE are absorbed
scalp Not Apply 1 mL with dropper or through the skin, headache,
intended for sprayer (6 sprays) 2 times a nausea, vomiting, dizziness,
minoxidil Rogaine day directly onto the scalp change in heart rate or blood
frontal baldness
in the hair loss area. pressure, chest pain, swelling of
or receding hands or feet, or fatigue may
hairline. occur.

Take preferably at bedtime
occasional or as directed by a doctor.
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
constipation rectal irritation, stomach cramps
Starting Dosage: 2 tablets
senna Ex Lax; Senokot once a day. Maximum
or bloating. SENOKOT may
Generally cause the urine to turn pink, red
Dosage: 4 tablets twice a
produces a BM day.
or brownish in color.
in 6-12 h.
OTC (50)

tolnaftate Absorbine Jr; Desenex; Tinactin ringworm, jock aaa bid for 2-4wks dry skin, mild skin irritation
itch, athletes foot

occasional stomach ache,
Adults and children 12 years cramping.Frequent use of
constipation and over: take 1-6 capsules laxatives can cause dehydration
Colace; Dulcolax Stool Softener; (irregularity). daily. Children 2 to under and loss of essential nutrients.
docusate 12 years of age: take 1-3 Symptoms include muscle
Phillips Liqui-Gels Generally
capsules daily. Children cramps, muscle weakness or
produces bowel under 2 years: ask a doctor. dizziness. Maintain an adequate
movement in 12 fluid intake
to 72 hours.
39 apply liberally to dry
pyrethrins and piperonyl hair/skin. Allow product to
dry, itchy, red skin, tingling
A-200; Pronto; Rid Lice remain on affected areas for
40 butoxide 10min. Rinse. Repeat once
in 7-10 days

For prevention drowsiness, dizziness, headache,

and treatment of 1 to 2 tablets every 4-6 loss of appetite (less likely with
dimenhydrinate Dramamine nausea, hours; not more than 8 cyproheptadine), stomach upset,
tablets in 24 hours vision changes, irritability, dry
vomiting, mouth and nose.


Relieves CITRUCEL is generally well

One scoop up to 3 times a
methylcellulose Citracel constipation day.
tolerated. Bloating, gas, and a
feeling of fullness may occur.
OTC (50)

Helps to reduce Drowsiness, dizziness,

difficulty in falling 1 softgel (50 mg) at bedtime
headache, loss of appetite,
doxylamine Unisom if needed, or as directed by
stomach upset, vision changes,
asleep. Safe. a doctor.
irritability, dry mouth and nose.
Proven effective.

For the relief of

acid indigestion, Calcium Supplement: Chew
nausea, loss of appetite,
2 tablets twice daily.
aluminum / magnesium Maalox heartburn, sour Antacid/Antigas: Chew 1 to
constipation or diarrhea,
weakness, or headache
stomach, upset 2 tablets as symptoms occur

Otic: instill 5-10 drops bid

in affected ears for up to 4
ear wax removal days. Keep drops in ear for
abnormal sensation while
5 min by keeping head tilted
carbamide peroxide Debrox (otic); canker Gel: apply several drops
putting drops in, temporary
reduction in hearing
sores (dental gel) to affected area qid, spit
after 2-3min -no more than
Temporary relief
of itching and
pain associated
Apply to affected area not temporary redness or minor
calamine / pramoxine Caladryl with rashes; more than 3 to 4 times daily. irritation when first applied.
apply small amount 1-3 x
bacitracin / polymyxin B Polysporin antibacterial rash
47 daily

neomycin / polymixin B / apply small amount 1-3 x

Neosporin antibacterial rash
48 bacitracin daily
OTC (50)

give 1 tab PO as a first does

emergency ab pain, cramping, breast
asap (no more than 72h
levonorgestrel Plan B later) Must give second dose
tenderness, dizziness, N,
contraceptive spotting
12h after first

17g in 120-240ml of fluid bloating, gass, ab discomfort,

Polyethylene glycol 3350 Miralax Constipation PO qd. 2-4days usually cramps, N
Herbals (30)

Ingredient Indication Usual Dose Side Effects Drug Interactions

adults=1-10 billion
1. prevention & treatment
in 3-4 doses; 5-10
of diarrhea flatulence; rare bactermia antibiotics (separate by 2h);
Acidophilus billion in 3-4 doses
(antibiotic/traveler's/IBS) & septicema immunosuppressants
dissolved in
2. atopic dermatitis
rehydration liquid

1.improved congnition insomnia; vaginally

2.↓fasting BG in type bleeding; abnormalities; warfarin=↑INR; caffeine=↑HTN;
extract 0.6-3g 1- antidiabetics=↓BG; ↑ effect;
Asian Ginseng 2DM 3.adaptogen tachycardia; palpatation; stimulants=possibly ↑ effect;
3Xday root powder
4.immune fxn stimulation anorexia; diarrhea; HA; immunosuppressants=↓ effect
5.cancer prevention BP changes;

dried rhizome/root
1.menopausal sx 300-2000mg TID
2.induce labor liquid extract 0.3- GI upset; HA; dizziness;
Black Cohosh none
3.PMS 2.0ml poQD weight gain; leg cramping
4.dysmenorrhea tincture 2-4ml

1.DM 200-1000 mcg/day HA; insomnia; mood iron=↓absorption; zinc=↓C

Chromium absorption; vit C=↑absorption
2.hypercholesterolemia in divided dose changes

100mg BID or
2.prevent cardiotoxicity
TID; 50 mg QD;
assoc w/doxorubicin chemotherapeutic
300,600,1200mg in
3.huntington's dx well tolerated; most are agents=specifically alkylating
Coenzyme-Q10 4 divided dose; agents warfarin=↓
4.parkinson's dx GI(<1%)
200mg QD; 150- anticoagulation effects
5.stimulate HIV pt
160 mgQD or
immune fxn
6.mitochondrial disorder
Herbals (30)

UTI preven=1- generally well tolerated;
2.prevention urinary
10oz juice/day; large doses induce GI
catheter blockage cyp450 2c9 substrates=
Cranberry DM=6 caps (240ml upset & diarrhea; long ↓metabolism; warfarin=↑INR
3.DM type 2
juice equiv)/day for term causes uric acid
12 wks kidney stone

1.prevention & treatment extract=6.78 mg or GI upset; dizziness; immunosuppressants=↓ effect;

Echinacea common cold & flu 2 tabs TID; 6- dyspnea; pruritis; 3A4 inhibition=lovastatin;
2.immuno-stimulant 9ml/day for 8 wks hypersensitivity ketoconazole, ect

1.PMS anesthesia=seizure;
well tolerated; rare nocturnal
Evening Primrose 2.endometriosis 3-4 g po QD anticoagulants=may seizure; pregnancy complications
3.menopause sx ↑bleedin

CI in children <2y &

pregnancy; oral
pwd or capsule antiplatelet/anticoag=↑ bleeding;
ulceration; tongue
1.migraines (standardized)125- NSAIDS=↓ effect; iron=↓
irriation; ab pain; N/V/D;
Feverfew 2.rheumatoid arthritis 250mg po QD; absorption; cross-allergy
"post-feverfew syndrome" (ragweed/chrysanthemums
3.menstrual irregularities general use=(leaf)
(nervousness; tension; /marigold/daisies)
1-3 leaves chewed
HA; insomnia; joint pain;
daily w/food
fatigue); derm rxn
Herbals (30)

2.RA approx 3-4
GI- belching; N/D; heart anticoagulants= ↑effect; vit E=↓vit
Fish Oil (Omega-3) 3.HTN grams/day (upto 6 E levels
4.psorisis gm/d)
5.CV risk

Flaxseed Oil 2.laxative 3.EFA diarrhea; allergic rxn anticoag/antiplat=↑ effect

general use= (pwd)

900mg po QD;
1.dyslipidemia (raw) 4g po QD;
breath odor; GI upset; ↓
2.HTN BV clot=600- protease inhib=↓ saquinavir [ ] by
Garlic platelet aggregation; derm 50%; antiplat/anticoag=↑ bleeding
3.atherosclerosis/antioxi 800mg po QD;
rxn; spermatogenesis inhib
4.antibiotic dyslip=600-900mg
po QD; HTN=200-
300mg po TID

1.motion sickness
500-2000mg dried
2.morning sickness ab discomfort; heartburn; anticoag/antiplat= theoretical risk
pwd root in 3-4 (inhibition); BP
Ginger 3.vertigo diarrhea; pepper-like antidiabetic/cardiac meds=may
times/day; or 1g 1-
4.others (OA, migraine, irritation; interfere w/effect of each
4hrs prior to travel
post-op N/V)
Herbals (30)

120-240mg/day in
divided doses leaf anticoag/antiplat=↑ bleeding;
1.alzhemier dx
extract; upto GI upset; HA; dizziness; anticovulsant= ↓effect/↑seizure
Gingko Biloba 2.memory improvement risk; antidiabetic=possibly ↓
600mg/day used ↑bleeding risk
3.tinnitus effect/↑ BG levels
for mem

GI=nausea; heartburn;
antidiabetics=may ↑ insulin
1.osteoarthritis 2.TMJ 1500mg/day BID diarrhea; constipation;
Glucosamine / Chondroitin resistance/↓ production; etoposide
arthritis or TID caution in patients with and doxorubicin
shellfish allergy

1.prevention of dried root/tea=0.5-

b-vits=↓ absorption;
infection/GI disorder 1g TID; GI upset; hallucination;
Goldenseal PPI/H2RA/antacid= ↓ effect;
2.mouthwash & eyewash mouthwash=2 tsp delirium; ↓BP; skin ulcer sedative= ↑ effect; inhibit 3A4
for inflammed tissue in 150 ml TID-QID

1.antioxidant 2.venous
Grapeseed 150-300mg/day some hepatotoxicity warfarin= ↑ bleeding risk

1.improved cognitive fxn dyspepsia; flatulence; caffeine/cimetidine=↑ ADR;

2.GI disorder 240-320mg nausea; vomiting; iron=↓ absorption;
warfarin=↓effect; CNS
Green Tea Extract 3.headache polyphenols (3 agitation; dizziness; depressents=↓effect;
4.cancer cups tea) insomnia; tremors; antiplat=↑effect; lithium= abrupt
5.hypercholesteremia restlessness withdrawal↑ levels
Herbals (30)

general use= (dried
GI disturbances; digoxin=↑toxicity risk;
fruit)=0.3-1g or tea
palpitation; HA; dizziness; vasodilator= additive effect; cardio
Hawthorne 1.heart failure TID po; HF=12-
sleeplessness; agitation; med= may enhace/interfere others;
15mg divided TID CNS depress=additive effect
bronchospasm; chest pain;
po x6 wks
derm rxn

1.symptomatic tx chronic avoid oral ingestion of raw anitcoag/antiplat=↑ bleeding risk;

300mg seed extract
Horse Chestnut venous insufficiency bark/leaf; itching; GI antidiabetic=possibly ↑ effect/↓
BID; BG levels
(varicose vein) irritation; hypersens

Inhibits CYP450, etc: alcohol,

general poor health - CNS drugs, psychotopic agents,
weight loss, puffy faces, anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics
1. mild anxiety, stress, (barbs, benzos, ramelteon),
40-70mg PO bid or poor nutrition; muscle
Kava Kava restlessness, nervousness anticonvulsants, antipsychotics,
tid weakness, increased HDL, muscle relaxants, tricyclic
2. Insomnia
hematuria, antidepressants, MAOIs, lithium,
hypoalbuminemia SSRIs, valarian, levodopa,

2.jet lag 1&2=0.3-5mg
INH/immunosup/BDZ=↑ effect
3.BDZ & nicotine qHS; 3=2MG qHS ↑HR; sedation; HA;
Melatonin BDZ; β-block/CCB=↓ effect of
withdrawal x6wks; 4&5=10- confusion; ↓BP; irritability BP; SSRI/steroid/TCA= ↓ effect
4.antioxidant 50mg QD
Herbals (30)

general use=420mg
poQD of extract; cyp450 3a4 inhibition;
antidiabetic=↓ BG levels; cross-
1.hepato-protectant 70-80% divide TID diarrhea; bronchospams;
Milk Thistle allergenticity=ragweed;
2.protect kidney x6-8 wks; chest pain; derm rxn chrysanthemums; marigolds;
maintain=280mg daisies

1.chronic pain
1000-3000mg po
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) 2.arthritis GI; HA; pruritis; allergy none
3.joint inflammation

antidepres=additive serotonergic
1.depression flatulence; N/V/D; effect; dextromethorphan=possibly
2.heart disease constipation; dry mouth; additive sertonergic effects;
SAM-e 3.fibormyalgia 400-1600mg/day; HA; insomnia; anorexia; levodopa=↓ effect; meperidine=
4.osteoarthritis sweating; dizziness; additive sero effect;
MAOI=serotonin syndrome;
5.alzheimer's dx/dementia nervousness
tramadol=additive sero effect

160mg BID anticoag/antiplat=↑ bleeding;

1.treatment sx BPH rare=well tolerated mild
Saw Palmetto lipophilic extract hormone tx=may interfere
2.treatment of alopecia GI intolerance w/effects
80-90% fatty acids

1.menopausal sx
constipation; bloating; antibiotics= ↓AB efficacy;
Soy Isoflavones 2.hyperlipidemia 3.OP 20-60 g/day tamoxifen= ↓ T efficacy
nausea; allergic rxn
Herbals (30)

triptan=serotonin syndrome;
insomnia; vivid dreams; antidep=↑ serotogenic; cyp3a4
1.depression 2.antiviral
St. John's Wort 300 mg TID anxiety; GI disturbance; inducer==↓ CBZ; cyclosporine;
3.OCD NNRTI; oral contracept; protease
inhib; digoxin; theophyl

1.acne/onychomycosis 5-25-100% confusion; inability to

Tea Tree Oil 2.ring worm & topically BID walk; disorientation; none
scabies 3.athlete's foot x6mo ataxia; dermatitis

400-900mg 2h a alcohol/barb/BDZ= ↑ sedation;

1.sedative-hypnotic long term=BDZ
Valerian HS or 300- cyp450 3A4 (↑ lovastatin; ketocon;
2.insomnia withdrawal syndrome triazolam; ect)
450mg/day TID

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