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Kamie Pearson

Ms. Hull
English 2010
February 10 2014
Effects of Abortion
What is abortion
What is abortion Who !oes it effect What are the si!e effects "oes anyone really #no$
Abortion is !efine! as %a me!ical &roce!ure use! to en! a &regnancy an! cause the !eath of the fetus.'
(Abortion). *f course there are many !ifferent ty&es of abortion+ but , $oul! li#e to tal# about the form
that is cause! by choice. *-er the last cou&le of !eca!es countless stu!ies ha-e been com&lete! an!
the !ebate continues on to!ay.. What are the si!e effects from choosing to ha-e an abortion An! $ho
is affecte! by it
Accor!ing to Encyclo&e! the earliest !ocumente! abortions in America occurre! in the
se-enteenth an! eighteenth centuries. Abortion has been an issue an! source of contro-ersy from the
beginning. Although in the year 1.20 legal rules $ere &ut in &lace to regulate its use+ stu!ies regar!ing
the effects of abortion $eren/t &erforme! until many years later. ,n 1012+ the 3oe -s. Wa!e case+
!rastically change! the future of abortion la$s. 4orma Mc5or-ey (%6ane 3oe') file! a la$suit stating
that the abortion la$s $ere unconstitutional. As a result of this case+ the courts rule! that states are
forbi!!en from banning abortion in the first trimester. Also that states coul! only ma#e regulations
concerning abortion in the secon! an! thir! trimester if there $ere maternal health issues.
Many !ifferent effects are #no$n to occur
,n recent stu!ies there ha-e been many !ifferent conflicting o&inions an! conclusions regar!ing
abortion an! the effects of those $ho are in-ol-e!. For e7am&le+ some research suggests that it causes
Kamie Pearson
Ms. Hull
English 2010
February 10 2014
!e&ression+ suici!e an! other &sychological effects on the mothers. Many state that it affects the fathers
as $ell. 8ome stu!ies also conclu!e that abortion has a !irect lin# to breast cancer. 8ome &eo&le e-en
belie-e there is a syn!rome $omen !e-elo& after abortion calle! %Abortion 9rauma 8yn!rome'.
,t is clear that abortion is a -ery !ee& an! sensiti-e issue. *&inions an! stances are base! off
such a $i!e -ariety of reasons that it is har! to see clearly. :y e7&oun!ing on these to&ics an! the
research+ &erha&s $e can gain more &ers&ecti-e an! information on this to&ic.
Abortion/s ,nfluence on Women
"es&ite the !ebate of the after effects of abortion+ some ague that there ha-e been sufficient
stu!ies an! research to -ali!ate that that the effects are -ery real an! can be ;uite harmful to $omen.
9hese stu!ies sho$ that there are many emotional si!e effects that occur to $omen after their abortions.
8ome of these feelings inclu!e suici!e+ !e&ression+ guilty feelings+ feelings of loss+ an7iety an! anger.
Many $omen ha-e e-en re&orte! &hysical si!e effects inclu!ing slee& !e&ri-ation+ loss of a&&etite+ lo$
energy+ an! fatigue. 5ogniti-e effects ha-e also been re&orte! such as hallucinations of a baby crying+
&hantom fetal mo-ements+ as $ell as substance abuse an! a-oi!ing chil!ren or babies. 9hese
aftereffects are note! to often !ouble in teen mothers. "r. ,an Kent an! his colleagues at :ritish
5olumbia <ni-ersity foun! that many $omen feel !ee& loss an! &ain for the chil! that =shoul! ha-e
been=. (Kent+ >)
Kamie Pearson
Ms. Hull
English 2010
February 10 2014

Figure 1? 9his chart $as com&ile! from the fin!ings
of a stu!y com&lete! in Finlan! regar!ing the
effects of abortion. ,t sho$s that the li#elihoo! of
suici!e is much greater among those $ho ha-e an
abortion+ than other forms of chil! loss.
(Abortion 3is#s)
9here are other s&ecialists $ho agree $ith the i!ea of si!e affects from abortions. 5atarina
5an@rio+ an! her colleagues from the <ni-ersity of Minho+ school of Psychology also ha-e foun!
through their research that %shortly after the e-ent+ emotions inherent to a s&ontaneous abortion are
more intense than the emotions regar!ing an electi-e abortion. Ho$e-er+ o-er time+ $omen $ho ha-e
suffere! electi-e abortions sho$ higher le-els of a-oi!ant thoughts an! feelings $hen com&are! to
those $ho ha! a s&ontaneous abortion.' 5anario an! her colleagues sho$ through their research that
although emotions are more calm after an electi-e abortion com&are! to a s&ontaneous abortion+ as
time goes on the co&ing becomes har!er an! the $omen ha-e more emotional issues an! trauma.
,n another stu!y !one by 5anario an! her colleagues+ fin!ings sho$ that A0 to >0 &ercent of
$omen $ho choose to ha-e an abortion e7&erience emotional trauma. ,n 20 &ercent of those the le-el
of &sychological suffering $as serious. 9hey foun! that significant factors that influence! these
Kamie Pearson
Ms. Hull
English 2010
February 10 2014
statistics $ere little or no su&&ort from family an! frien!s+ li-ing by themsel-es+ an! a change in the
relationshi& $ith the inten!e! father of the aborte! chil!. (5anario)
,n an effort to inform $omen about abortion "irector "a-i! K. Kyle ma!e the !ocumentary
%:loo! Money'. 4arrate! by "octor Al-e!a King+ this film states that it %sho$s e-i!ence that abortion
!octors #no$ that a fetus is a li-ing being. Also among many other things+ %5onfessions that clinics
$ill sometimes &erform abortions on nonB&regnant $omen so they can still ma#e money.'
,n this !ocumentary inter-ie$s are &erforme! by many $omen. All of them testify that they suffer
from forms of Post Abortion 9rauma. ,nability to feel emotion+ !e&ression an! suici!al thoughts among
them. Kyle uses these $omen/s testimonials to s&ea# for his !ocumentary. 9he emotion an! the
sensiti-ity of the to&ic &laces a greater $eight to the issue an! the facts &resente!. (:loo! Money)
9hose against abortion $oul! argue that the effects are not limite! to emotional issues but also
&hysical. ,n her boo# %Forbidden Grief'+ Psychothera&ist 9heresa :ur#e+ Ph.". 8hares countless
e7&eriences in counseling hun!re!s of her &atients through &ostBabortion trauma. :ur#e e7&lains ho$
re&resse! feelings from abortion relate! inci!ents cause eating !isor!ers+ selfBinflicte! beha-ioral
issues+ !ifficulties in the role of a &arent+ faile! relationshi&s+ an! many other &hysical &roblems.
P98" an! Post 9raumatic Abortion 8yn!rome
3esearchers &assionate in this to&ic ha-e coine! a term for these effects. 9hey call it %PostB
AbortionB8yn!romeB"isor!er' or %Abortion 9rauma 8yn!rome'. Accor!ing to Web M" the me!ical
fiel! has not acce&te! this as an official term because of one stu!y &erforme! in 2000 conclu!e! that
most of the $omen !i! not regret their abortions after$ar! an! .0C of the $omen !i! not suffer from
Kamie Pearson
Ms. Hull
English 2010
February 10 2014
!e&ression after$ar!. (Web M") Although the me!ical fiel! has not acce&te! this term in it/s me!ical
terminology+ many belie-e that this syn!rome is -ery real affecting $omen an! men e-ery!ay. 8ome
researchers also belie-e that it is -ery similar in its sym&toms to P98" (Post 9raumatic 8tress
3egar!ing P98"+ some belie-e that it can ta#e a great toll on $omen an! can ta#e a much
longer amount of time to &resent itself. ,nger Wallin Dun!ell+ from the "e&artment of WomenEs an!
5hil!renEs Health at the <&&sala <ni-ersity locate! in 8$e!en an! her coleagues from the gynecology
an! health sciences !e&artments &erforme! a stu!y that consiste! of 142 $omen $ho sought an
abortion+ $ho also sche!ule! a three an! si7 month follo$ u& e-aluation. 9he research inclu!e! si7
!e&artments of *bstetrics an! Fynecology. Four &ercent of the $omen ha! sym&toms of P98" before
the abortion. An! t$enty three &ercent of the $omen ha! e7treme le-els of !e&ression an! an7iety
&rior to the o&eration. At the three month follo$ u& a&&ointment the P98" rates $ere at fi-e &ercent.
An! at the si7 month &erio! si7 &ercent. 9he $omen $ho choose to !ro& out of the stu!y ha! the
higher rates P98" an! P988. Fifty one $omen !e-elo&e! P98" !uring the obser-ation &erio!. An! A1
$omen ha! trauma e7&eriences relate! to the abortion &roce!ure. 9hough the number of $omen $ho
!e-elo&e! P98" $ere relati-ely lo$+ it !oes sho$ that there are !efinite an! measurable affects on the
$omen $ho choose abortion. Ho$e-er some $oul! argue that it !oes not ta#e into account the long
term effect on a $oman/s life. (Dun!ell)
Planne! Parenthoo! states that abortion hel&s $ith maturity an! co&ing s#ills. ,n their fin!ings
they also say that %<& to 0. &ercent of the $omen $ho ha-e abortions ha-e no regrets an! $oul! ma#e
the same choice again in similar circumstances.' (9he Emotional Effects of ,n!uce! Abortion)
Kamie Pearson
Ms. Hull
English 2010
February 10 2014
,n rebuttal of the i!ea that the number of $omen $ho e7&erience effects seem to be smaller than
those that !o not+ ,an Fentles+ a Gor# <ni-ersity historian argues+
%9he thing that has ma!e the -ery e7istence of PostBAbortionB8yn!rome !ebatable is the
fact that it often !oes not surface until many years after the abortion. ,t is -ery common
for a $oman to say that she is fine about the $hole thing+ but later in life she fin!s
herself engulfe! in feelings of guilt+ confusion+ an! e7&loitation. 9he reason for the
surfacing an7iety is &artly a mystery+ but is often associate! $ith the birth of a $ante!
chil!+ or !uring unrelate! counseling.' (Fentles+.AB.>)
Fentles belie-es that much of the mo!ern research fails to recogniHe the fact that the effects of abortion
can lay !ormant for years+ but are still -ery real.
Many Men 3egret 9heir 8u&&ort

Figure 2? Men are inclu!e! in the
number of those $ho can regret
abortion an! feel the effects.
=<nite! Metho!ist *fficials? 5learly More to :e "one to Promote Abortion.
=United Methodist Officials: Clearly More to Be Done to Promote Abortion. 4.&.+ n.!. Web. 00 Feb. 2014.
Kamie Pearson
Ms. Hull
English 2010
February 10 2014
While $omen an! men are -ery !ifferent+ an! co&e in many !ifferent $ays+ they both
e7&erience sym&toms from un!ergoing abortion. 9hough there arenEt as many fin!ings on the si!e
effects of men/s e7&eriences $ith electi-e abortion+ some ha-e re&orte! feelings of relief+ sa!ness+ an!
sometimes &ain. :ut the most e-i!ent $as that of a !esire to su&&ort their &artner in their choice.
,n the article %Fatherhoo! Aborte!'+ Fuy 5on!on+ Presi!ent of 5are 4et (a &ro life organiHation that
&ro-i!es information an! assistance to struggling &regnant $omen) e7amines the anguish e7&erience!
by $oul!Bbe fathers $ho ha! a chil! aborte!. 5on!on uses true stories of others to &ro-e his stance on
the negati-e after effects of abortion. *ne regretting man !eclares %,t $asnEt a &roblem that $as
aborte!I it $as my chil!. , $ante! to be a goo! father+ but e-en before , ha! begun+ , ha! faile! my first
son.' Di#e$ise many other men e7&erience feelings of regret an! sorro$. E-en $hen they encourage or
su&&ort their &artner in the !ecision+ o-er time+ the guilt seems to catch u& $ith them. An! for
numerous men these feelings !o not surface until they !eci!e to ha-e a family. An! some !$ell on
$hat coul! ha-e been. Men can ha-e a large im&act on their &artner/s $ell being. Women/s abilities to
co&e are much higher an! the effects of !e&ression slightly lo$er. Also $hen $omen sense that their
&artners are fully su&&orti-e+ the relationshi& after an abortion can be &ositi-e. (5on!on+ 2>)
9he "ebate 5ontinues
9hrough e7amining many !ifferent stu!ies+ an! research &erforme! on the to&ic of &ost abortion
effects+ 9here is still much !ebate that surroun!s it. 8ome stu!ies in!icate that there are $omen $ho !o
e7&erience emotional an! &hysical &roblems although sometimes not imme!iately a&&arent. 8ome
Kamie Pearson
Ms. Hull
English 2010
February 10 2014
research suggests these effects can e7ten! to the men that are in-ol-e! as $ell. ,t is also suggeste! that
for men an! $omen these &roblems surroun!ing such an e-ent can resurface in their li-es many years
after the abortion has occurre!. ,t !oes ho$e-er seem to be a !ifficult to&ic because of the as&ect of
&ersonal e7&erience an! not all those in-ol-e! e7&erience si!e effects+ lea!ing to the inability to clearly
!etermine abortions effects.
Kamie Pearson
Ms. Hull
English 2010
February 10 2014
=Abortion.= Merriam-Webster. MerriamBWebster+ n.!. Web. 0. Feb. 2014.
=Abortion 3is#s? A Dist of MaJor Physical 5om&lications 3elate! to Abortion.= After Abortion. 4.&.+
n.!. Web. 00 Mar. 2014.
:loo! Money. "ir. "a-i! K Kyle. Perf. 8an!ra 5ano+ 5lenar! 5hil!ress 6r.+ 5arol E-erett+ Feorgette
Forney+ an! Al-e!a King. 9AH+ 2010. "ocumentary.
:ur#e+ 9heresa an! "a-i! 5. 3ear!on. =Forbidden Grief: The Unso!en Pain Of Abortion"# "o-er.
Acorn :oo#s+ 2002. Print.
=5alls for Further 8tu!y of Effects of Abortion on Women K 43D 4e$s 9o!ay.= $%& $e's Today Calls
for F(rther )t(dy of *ffects of Abortion on Women Comments. 4.&.+ n.!. Web. 00 Feb. 2014.
5anario+ 5atarina. Figueire!o+ :arbara. 3icou+ Migel. %Women an! Men/s Psychological A!Justment
After Abortion? a 8i7 Months Pros&ecti-e Pilot 8tu!y'. 6ournal of 3e&ro!ucti-e an! ,nfant
Psychology. 6uly 2011+ Lol. 20 4o. 2. &2>2B21A.
5on!on+ Fuy. %Fatherhoo! Aborte!'. 5hristianity 9o!ay. 12M00M0>+ Lol. 40 ,ssue 14+ &2>. 4P
*ncycloedia"com. High:eam 3esearch+ 01 6an. 200.. Web. 0. Feb. 2014.
Fentles+ ,an. (E!) A time to 5hoose Dife. 9oronto 5ana!a? 8tu!!ar! Publishing 5o.+ 1000. :roen+ A.4.+
Moum+ 9.+ :N!t#er+ A.8.+ O E#eberg+ P. (2004). Psychological im&act on$omen of miscarriage -ersus
in!uce! abortion? A 2Byear follo$Bu& stu!y. Psychosomatic Me!icine+ >>+ 2>AQ211.
Kent+ Post 9raumatic 8yn!rome+ 4e$ Gor# 10.0
=Dife8ite4e$s Mobile K Abortion an! 8uici!e? 9he Frim 8tatistics.=&ife)ite$e's. 4.&.+ n.!. Web. 00
Feb. 2014.
Kamie Pearson
Ms. Hull
English 2010
February 10 2014
Dun!ell+ ,nger Wallin. %Post traumatic stress among $omen after in!uce! abortion?a 8$e!ish multiB
centre cohort stu!y.' :M5 Women/s Health. 2012+ Lol. 12 ,ssue 1+ &1B21.
=3oe -. Wa!e (1012).=PB). P:8+ n.!. Web. 10 Mar. 2014.
=8tu!y 8ays Most Women "on/t 3egret Abortion.=WebMD. WebM"+ n.!. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.
=9he Emotional Effects of ,n!uce! Abortion.=Planned Parenthood. 4.&.+ n.!. Web. 20 A&r. 2014.
=<nite! Metho!ist *fficials? 5learly More to :e "one to Promote Abortion.=United Methodist
Officials: Clearly More to Be Done to Promote Abortion. 4.&.+ n.!. Web. 00 Feb. 2014.

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