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Genre Morph Project

Mara Monroy
Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~
Image Title: Lion

Bibliographic Citation: "Lion's Share Digital." Lion's Share Digital. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.

Topic: King of the Jungle

Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph

Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Expressive

Found Where:

Found How: Searching Lion on Google

Why Select This Image? I feel like it really shows how powerful a lion is even when its just looking out.

What Does This Image State About Power? I think that lions embody power

Why Do You State So? They are the king of the jungle, they even have a movie called Lion King they are just all
about power.

How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This one is kind of random
Martin Luther King Jr.
Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~
Image Title: Martin Luther King Junior

Bibliographic Citation: "WFU and WSSU to Host Joint MLK Celebrations." Camel City Dispatch. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

Topic: Peaceful Power

Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph

Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Expressive

Found Where:

Found How: Searching MLK on Google

Why Select This Image? Martin Luther King was a very powerful person who really impacted our society and way of life.

What Does This Image State About Power? I think it shows that you dont have to use violence and stature to get power.

Why Do You State So? Because MLK never used violence and was always peaceful in his speeches and marches but he still
made a huge impact and changed the lives on many.

How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? It contrasts to the picture of Hitler because he gets
all of his power from violence and stature.

Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~
Image Title: Hitler

Bibliographic Citation: "Adolf Hitler." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

Topic: Violent Power

Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph

Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Persuasive

Found Where:

Found How: Searching Hitler on Google

Why Select This Image? Hitler had a lot of power over all of Germany

What Does This Image State About Power? It shows that power can be gained through violence and fear.

Why Do You State So? I feel like all the power that Hitler had came from the people fearing what he would do to them

How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? It contrasts to the slide about MLK because he got his power
with peace while Hitler got his power from violence.

Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~
Image Title: Queen

Bibliographic Citation: "Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee Portrait." N.p., 05 Feb. 2012. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

Topic: Power Through Bloodlines

Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photographs

Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Entertaining

Found Where:,,20395222_20567519,00.html

Found How: Searching Queen on Google

Why Select This Image? It demonstrates that you can obtain power without really doing anything.

What Does This Image State About Power? It shows that you can obtain power just by being born into the right family.

Why Do You State So? Because any monarch would not have power if it wasnt for their bloodline.

How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? It compares to the president slide where they
actually worked for their power or campaigned for it.

Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~
Image Title: Theodore Roosevelt

Bibliographic Citation: "Teddy Roosevelt: Mind Body and Spirit." Teddy Roosevelt: Mind Body and Spirit. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

Topic: Power through gradually moving up

Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph

Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Persuasive

Found Where:

Found How: Searching Teddy Roosevelt (because he is my favorite president) on Google

Why Select This Image? This picture of Theodore shows how powerful and American he was with his fist up and the flag in the

What Does This Image State About Power? Some power is earned

Why Do You State So? I feel like when youre president you have to go through stages to earn your power. People have to vote on you
and for people to vote on someone they need to have done something to make them think they are worthy of running our country.

How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? It contrasts to the picture of the queen where she just inherited
her power because of her royal bloodline.

Greek Gods and Goddesses
Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~
Image Title: Greek Gods and Goddesses

Bibliographic Citation: "Greek Gods and Goddesses." : Process. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

Topic: Supernatural Power

Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Diagram

Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Entertaining

Found Where:

Found How: Searching Greek Gods and Goddesses on Google

Why Select This Image? It shows a mythological kind of power

What Does This Image State About Power? All power isnt real or still around

Why Do You State So? Because I dont think there were really Greek gods and goddesses I think it was all myths
and legends

How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Random

Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~
Image Title: Surgery

Bibliographic Citation: "Blissful Galleries." Blissful Galleries. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

Topic: Power to save a life

Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph

Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Informative

Found Where:

Found How: Searching surgeon on Google

Why Select This Image? It shows that everyday people have power

What Does This Image State About Power? That a surgeon has the power to save a life

Why Do You State So? Because the person that is getting the surgeries life is literally in the hands of the surgeon

How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Random

Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~
Image Title: Knowledge

Bibliographic Citation: "" DJ Storms Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

Topic: The power of Knowledge

Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): diagram/Chart

Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Informative

Found Where:

Found How: Searching Left Brain vs Right Brain on Google

Why Select This Image? Beacause that both kinds of knowledge are powerful

What Does This Image State About Power? You have more power if you know more than someone who knows
less than you.

Why Do You State So? Because smart people can always talk a dimwit into something because they know more

How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Random

Love <3
Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~
Image Title: Lilly Potter Sacrifice

Bibliographic Citation: "Catholic Once Again: Sacrificing Mothers in Movies and Literature." Catholic Once Again: Sacrificing
Mothers in Movies and Literature. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

Topic: Love is Power

Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph

Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Entertaining

Found Where:

Found How: Searching Lilly Potter Sacrifice on Google

Why Select This Image? It shows what kind of power love is through Harrys mom loving him

What Does This Image State About Power? Love is more powerful than evil

Why Do You State So? In the first Harry Potter movie and book Dumbldore tells us that love is more powerful than evil

How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Random

Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~
Image Title: Electricity

Bibliographic Citation: "Interdisciplinary Research into the Humanities and Science." Interdisciplinary Research
into the Humanities and Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

Topic: Literal Power

Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph

Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Entertaining

Found Where:

Found How: Searching Electricity on Google

Why Select This Image? It shows the more literal side of power

What Does This Image State About Power? That it is also electricity

Why Do You State So? I feel like power is the equivalent to electricity

How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Random

T(Text): This is a picture of Adolf Hitler leading his men doing the Nazi Salute. I found this image on
google in a biography on him in the Jewish Virtual Library. This image shows how powerful Hitler was
when he was ruling Germany because while all of his men were marching by him he is the highest person
in the picture, no one stands taller than him in the picture. I feel like the fact that he is the highest person
in the picture really demonstrates how powerful he was.
R(Reader): The intended audience of this image is anyone who reads the biography that the Jewish
Virtual library has provided.
A(Author): The person that took this picture is unknown but it is a very famous image and has been
used thousands of times.
C(Constraints): The constraints of this image is that it doesnt really show how violent he was as a ruler
of Germany or what
E(Exigence): I feel like this really shows how powerful Hitler was because like I said in test he is the
highest so I think it argues how high in stature Hitler was.

T(Text): This image is frame from the Harry Potter Films where Lilly Potter sacrifices herself to Lord Voldemort in
order to save her son Harry. I think the intended reason for this picture is to show how much a mothers love really means
and how powerful that bond is.
R(Reader): The intended reader or viewer of this still frame is anyone who watches the Harry Potter films or reads
the Harry Potter books. I feel like the people who read the Harry Potter books and watch the movies are primarily kids using
the novels to grow up with (like me) and parents and teachers who have kids that are interested in the books
A(Author): The author of the Harry Potter books who really came up with concept of this scene is J.K. Rowling. The
director of the Harry Potter movies is Chris Columbus and the cinematography was done by John Seale.
C(Constraints): The constraints of this snap in the Harry Potter movie is that if you have never seen the movie you
dont really know whats happening or why Lilly is screaming while holding her baby or what she is about to do which is
sacrifice herself in order to save her son.
E(Exigence):I feel like there wasnt really an argument made by this still frame.

Genre Morph
Genre Morph Examination Form
Image Title: Lion

Original Genre: Photograph

Revised Genre: Graphic

Description of New Genre/New Piece: The new piece is a bunch of words describing lions and
words related to lions in the shape of Africa.

Explanation of New Genre Choice/New Piece: I wanted to put a bunch of words about lions and
put it in the shape of the lion graphic that Broadway has for the lion kingbut I couldnt do that so I
went with the next best option and chose to do it in the shape of Africa because that is where the
Lion King takes place.

Explanation of How New Genre/Piece Differs from Original: The new picture is just a bunch of
words in the shape of Africa and it is no longer a photograph of a lion.

Message Changes? Yes or No? How so?: No because you can still get the idea that the lion is the
most powerful animal because he is so ferocious and king of the jungle.

Genre Morph
Genre Morph Explanation Form Form
Image Title: Knowledge

Original Genre: Diagram/Chart

Revised Genre: Graphic

Description of New Genre/New Piece: The new piece is a hand with a bunch of words that either a
left brain person or a right brain person could indentify with.

Explanation of New Genre Choice/New Piece: I felt like it would be cool to throw together a bunch
a words that a left brain person would use and be familiar with along with a bunch of words that a
right brain person would be familiar with. And then I put all the words in the formation of a hand
because typically a left brain person is right handed and a right brained person is left handed so I
thought it would be cool to put all of the words together in a hand

Explanation of How New Genre/Piece Differs from Original: The new picture is just a bunch of
words and they are not centered around a brain and there is no color.

Message Changes? Yes or No? How so?: No because you can still tell which terms are left brained
and which terms are right brained and tell how left brained people differ from right brained people.
I feel like the two different kinds of words still show that knowledge is power.

Genre Morph
Genre Morph Explanation Form
Image Title: Theodore Roosevelt

Original Genre: Photograph

Revised Genre: Graphic

Description of New Genre/New Piece: The new piece is the united states with words that came
from a biography on Theodore Roosevelt.

Explanation of New Genre Choice/New Piece: When I was making my other two genre morphs I
was scrolling through the layout options that the website gave and I saw America and thought it
would be really cool to do one of the word blobs in the shape of America with words about
Theodore Roosevelt, one of our presidents.

Explanation of How New Genre/Piece Differs from Original: The new picture is a bunch of words
from a biography on Roosevelt in the shape of America when the original was a picture of Roosevelt
in front of an American flag.

Message Changes? Yes or No? How so?: No because the words still show that Roosevelt was a
very powerful and influential president.

Sticky Notes!!!
"Adolf Hitler." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

"Blissful Galleries." Blissful Galleries. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

"Catholic Once Again: Sacrificing Mothers in Movies and Literature." Catholic Once Again: Sacrificing Mothers in
Movies and Literature. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

"Greek Gods and Goddesses." : Process. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

"Interdisciplinary Research into the Humanities and Science." Interdisciplinary Research into the Humanities and
Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

"Lion's Share Digital." Lion's Share Digital. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.

"Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee Portrait." N.p., 05 Feb. 2012. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

"Teddy Roosevelt: Mind Body and Spirit." Teddy Roosevelt: Mind Body and Spirit. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

"WFU and WSSU to Host Joint MLK Celebrations." Camel City Dispatch. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

"" DJ Storms Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

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