Annotated Bibliography For Portfolio

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Mara Monroy

Professor Brown
ENGL 1102-066
April 17, 2014
Annotated Bibliography
I. Fletcher, Geoffrey H. Back to the Future. THE Journal. N.p., n.d. Web 17 Apr. 2014.
This article briefly discusses how education has had progressions through
technology. The article shows a portion of question and answer talking about
technology and how it has emerged and been present in education. The article
talks about how technology in education could be a fad and end up leaving the
classroom because the teachers arent being taught how to correctly and
effectively use the technology in the classroom. I think that the article is very
brief. I feel that if they are going to say the teachers do not know how to use the
technology, then they should be able to support it and say how they could show
teachers how to effectively use the technology or at least give an example of how
they are not using the technology effectively.
II. "Media Violence." Pediatrics. American Academy of Pediatrics, 19 Oct. 2009. Web. 17
Apr. 2014.
This article focused more on technology impact on children as a negative
impact. It doesnt really talk about how technology can be used in education,
instead it focuses more on technology on the home life and how children are
watching too much television and playing too many violent videogames. This
article was very detailed and extensive and it was shown that there was a lot of
research done to ensure that there were no questions left unanswered. Even
though the article looked at technology as a negative, I thought the article did a
really good job especially because it offered recommendations on how to limit the
time and ways children watched television and played video games.
III. Taylor, Jim. "Children's Immersion in Technology Is." "Shocking" N.p., 10 Sept. 2012.
Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
This article also took the side of technology in the home life leaving a
negative impact on children. It was stated that the average child spends about
seven and a half hours on technology outside of academics. That being said, the
article did the math and the average child will have spent about 10,000 hours on
technology by the time they turn 21. I found what the article said to be shocking
but at the same time I feel like it doesnt actually surprise me that much because
most kids are attached to their phone one hundred percent of the time so if you
add up all the times a teenager checks their phone or scrolls through twitter and
instagram the numbers arent really that surprising.
IV. Rowan, Cris. "The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child." The Huffington Post., 29 May 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
I chose this article because it brought up the point that with so many
children using technology so frequently, the childs ability to be creative and use
their imagination diminishes because they are so focused on the readily
technology they have available. I think that a childs use of creativity and
imagination is truly something that should be encouraged and praised because it
shapes who they are and what kind of person they become. The article talks about
how kids become so reliant on their technology it doesnt allow them to be
creative and have such a wild imagination and I completely agree. I do not think
that kids need to have smart phones and tablets, I feel like kids should be able to
have fun by going outside and playing games with their friends.
V. "Children and Technology." N.p., 1 Jan. 2008. Web. 18 Apr. 2014.
This website gave a brief description of the different problems that
children using too much technology face. These problems include how
technology is addictive, it reduces creativity, leads to laziness and obesity,
prevents face to face interaction, and how technology separates children from
nature. Not only does the article talk about the different problems that technology
brings, but it also talks about ways we can fix or improve upon these problems.
Although this source was very short and concise I thought it was really good
because it talked about ways to fix the problems that it talked about.
VI. "Technology and Young Children | National Association for the Education of Young
Children | NAEYC." NAEYC. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014.
This article talks about how technology is a positive learning device for
young children. It talks about the different programs that are specifically designed
to help children learn and all the research that has been put into these different
programs to make them the good educational apps that they are. I think that since
this article is focusing more on the educational programs that are designed to help
children learn it versus the mindless games like flappy bird or social media
websites, that the article is very true because kids should be able to use these
educational websites. If we have technology that can help kids we should use it.
VII. "THE Journal." Project Child: A Decade of Success for Young Children --. N.p., 1 June
2000. Web. 18 Apr. 2014.
This website talks more about a project that incorporates technology in
education. Although the article doesnt really talk about how the technology can
be useful to children first hand, I thought it was a good way to show how
technology is useful in education. The projects goals were to improve upon
motivation, involvement, and feedback.
VIII. Lee, Katherine. "Kids and Technology - When to Limit It and How." School
Age Children. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014.
This article, like others listed above discussed the problems that too much
technology can bring. I thought that this one did a particularly good job of giving
ways to improve on these problems with more practical and easy ways to limit the
technology use. One of the ways was to not put a television in your childs room,
which may seem like common sense but many children who are overusing
technology have tvs in their rooms. Another way was to help your child choose tv
shows or video games so you know what they are doing and watching.

Mara Monroy
Professor Brown
ENGL 1102-066
April 17, 2014
Reflection on Annotated Bibliography

I choose to do my annotated bibliography on child technology use because I want to be a
teacher when I grow up and in my recent classes we have been talking about how useful
technology is in the classroom. While I was doing my research I also found how detrimental
technology can be to kids who are overusing it outside of the classroom. I think that its
extremely odd that something that can be so beneficial to a childs education can also be so
detrimental to their creativity.
I think that power is being able to evoke change in the world with a purpose and
reasoning behind it. Child use of technology demonstrates power because it is a direct correlation
of their future. Whether their future be impacted positively from the use of technology in the
classroom, or negatively from the overuse of technology at home destroying the creativity of
children. If a child is more educated they will in turn do more for us in the future in the real
world when they have a job. On the other hand, if a child has no creativity, is lazy, and
overweight, they are most likely not going to have that much power and in turn will not do much
for us in the future and in the real world when they can scramble to get whatever job they can
manage. So if you manage your technology use can probably end up with a great job and have
some real power in the world.
When I was researching I used google, dogpile, and magportal to find my different
sources. I scimmed through the different sources to find the ones that I thought I could best use
appropriately. I found that a lot of my sources were saying about the same things and didnt have
many differences.
I think I learned a lot about how to limit childs use of technology. Some of the ways that
I learned about I never really thought about but were things that were common sense that you
would think didnt need to be said. For example do not put a television in your childrens room. It
seems so basic but that is a major way to limit how much television your children watch.
Another way was to help your child choose what they watch or what video games they play. That
way you know what they are watching isnt harmful to them or mind draining. Small things that
seem so simple can actually make a big difference.
My opinion on child technology use has changed slightly. I originally thought that
technology couldnt really be that bad of a thing, but when I looked at the statistics and the
numbers I was very surprised to how many hours children spent watching tv and playing video
games. I think that technology is overall a good thing but it should definitely be held in
moderation when it is not in the classroom.
Overall I though this project was very helpful to me as a whole. Whether it be to future
research projects I have in the future or to when I am a parent or teacher and need to make these
kinds of technology decisions myself, I now have more knowledge on the subject.

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