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The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Nu Chapter#13 Area VII Alpha State, Texas

Volume 20 No. 8 May, 2014 Hays & Blanco Counties

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society I nternational promotes professional
and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide

Editor: Mary Nabers
You Are Invited to
An Evening of Celebration

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
St. Michaels Episcopal Church, Blanco*Directions inside
Dinner: 6:00 Meeting 6:45
Italian Dinner provided by Johnson City and Blanco Members
Program: Ceremonies
Initiation of New Members
Honoring Our Founders
Installation of Officers for Next Biennium
Birthday Celebration

Looking to Lubbock
Alpha State Convention
June 19-21, 2014
Barbaras Page:
As we prepare for our May meeting to be held in Blanco on
May 20, at 6 PM at the Episcopal Church hall,
I want to take this opportunity to thank each of you who have assisted in making
this biennium such a wonderful, professional experience for me, while serving as
your chapter president. The list is too long for me to attempt to thank
individuals, because it is always easy to leave
out someones name! But, the officers have certainly been great about carrying
out their specific duties and so willing to take on additional responsibilities
without being asked. Chairmen of committees as well as their members have
made sure we have dinner at each evening meeting; many have provided our
outstanding presentations or helped with presentations; decorated the tables;
brought donations to help us earn monies for the scholarships and the

The minutes and the reports are always prepared at both the local and state
levels; deadlines have been met for state reports; articles submitted to
newspapers; newsletters prepared and distributed; yearbooks prepared over the
summer months; photos taken at events and meetings; and the list goes on! So
many thanks to our outstanding, contributing members.

This May meeting will culminate our 2013-14 meetings as we install our officers
for the next biennium, initiate our new members, welcome our transfer members
and observe Founders Day! The Blanco/Johnson City members will prepare our
meal, which will be served at 6 PM. Try to get those carpools together from San
Marcos, Kyle and Wimberley. I will gladly take those from Wimberley needing
rides if you will let me know.

See you in Blanco on May 20
. Mary will provide driving instructions
located in this monthly newsletter.
Please email or phone Mary (830-833-4109) to let the hostesses know that you
are coming to the meeting.

Congratulations to Nu Chapter!

We have just received notification from the state organization that Nu Chapter is
one of 9 chapters in Area 7 which will be receiving Annie Awards at the State Convention in
June and will be recognized in the conference program.
Thanks to First Vice President, Cheryl Blake, who submitted the On-Hands Social
Media presentation as our selection for consideration by the state committee.
Cheryl will now be busy preparing the Annie Board for display at the state convention in June
in Lubbock. If you have any photos that could be included on the Annie Board, please let
Cheryl know you have them. Also a big thanks to our webmaster, Nadyne Gartman, and her
daughter and granddaughter who spearheaded the social media presentation at our February
meeting, which was held at the new Kyle library.

This has been a big year for Nu Chapter and we look forward to the next 2 years under the
direction of our officers who will be selected at the May meeting!

And Congratulations to Tonda Frady

The Ysleta School Employees Association recently recognized
Tonda Frady's service by inducting her into their Hall of
Fame. Two outstanding former employees are selected each school year for
their outstanding service to the district. There are approximately 600 members in
this association. Congratulations to Tonda!

2014 Area 7 Fall Workshop
Saturday, September 13, Elgin, Tx

Tonda is now accepting $10.00 registration fees from members wanting to register for our Area
7 Workshop to be held in Elgin on Saturday, September 13, 2014. It will be held at Elgin High
School. The deadline for sending Tonda your fee is July1
. Make your checks payable to Nu
Chapter and Tonda will send a list of our paid members names in one check from our chapter.
After July 1st, you will have to register with our Area Coordinator, Laura Packard, or her
designated workshop treasurer. If you wait and pay registration on-site, the cost will be $15.

At the time of the last planning meeting, Laura indicated that we now have over 20 workshops
scheduled. One of the presenters will be our soon-to-be president, Sandra Morales. Other Nu
members presenting include Mary Nabers and Susan Pulis. Nu will be introducing some of the
presenters at the meeting and will be assisted by volunteers from other chapters also in Area 7.
If you are planning to attend and want to represent Nu Chapter as a session facilitator, please let
Barbara Pevoto know ASAP, since she is handling that committee.

The theme for the fall workshop will echo our state president Nancy Newtons state theme:
Expand the Vision: Educate, Inspire, Encourage. Jayne Brainard, Kappa, El Paso member, has
written a theme statement that will be shared during the fall workshop. The Fall Workshop is
well underway in its planning stage and appears that it will be well worth attending.

One of the DKG Commandments:
Delta Kappa Gamma members never say NO.


President: Sandra Morales
. Vice President: Loretta Eiben
. Vice President: Charlotte Evans
Recording Secretary: Kathy Carriker
Corresponding Secretary: Robin Estepp
TondaFrady has agreed to be appointed Treasurer again, and Barbara
Pevoto will serve as Parliamentarian.

Dear Nu Ladies,
Your 2014-2016 newly elected officers would like to invite you to a Meet and GreetTea
this summer, to be held before our September meeting. We hope you will join us for this
come and go gathering, where we can visit with each other in a relaxing manner.
Details follow so be sure to "Save the Date."
Have a wonderful rest of Spring and soon to be here Summer.
Sandra Morales
President-elect 2014-2016


2:00 P.M.---4:00 P.M.

Book Review
By Mary
Dear Life
By Alice Munroe

Alice Munroe won the Nobel Prize for
Literature in 2013. She has been called the
master of the short story. Her most recent
collection, Dear Life,like the rest of her
work, is set in Munroes home countryside
in Canada.
In the books 14 stories, the reader
meets a cross section of Canadian rural and
small town men and women. While there is
no connection between the stories, an
underlying theme of detachment, lack of
commitment, particularly on the part of men,
seems to run through them.
For example, a man with a repaired
cleft palate shares a friendship with a
woman who had formerly been quite
wealthy. He has never thought anyone
could look past his face, so when she
indicates that they could be more than
friends, he cannot accept the possibility. He
has become too much the loner.
In another selection, a man cannot
forgive his sister for having left home and
become a concert violinist. The narrator is a
teen-age niece who often quotes her aunt, a
woman who believes a wifes job is to care
for her husband, no matter what.But she
follows her instinct about the sister.
My favorite is the tale of Jackson,
who gets off a train rather than return home
after the war, stays on a farm with an old
woman until he is faced with responsibility
for her, becomes the right-hand man for his
city landlord until he is again threatened by
a relationship, and runs away again. It is
only then the reader learns why he jumped
off that train so many years ago. And hes a
good man. He is revealed so artfully over
the years that pass that the reader only
gradually understands himor maybe never
understands him.
In addition to the men who cannot
deal with real life ties, there are a couple of
women who seek more excitement than their
stable marriages offer.
The last four stories are based on
episodes from Munroes own childhood,
though she says they are not necessarily
strictly autobiographical. They do show,
however, a complicated husband and wife
relationship and a particularly difficult
mother and daughter relationship.
Alice Munroe features slice-of-life
situationsthat are believable. Dont
approach this book looking for adventure or
suspense; what you will find is an
exploration, though not an explanation, of
human nature, the human heart.Dear Life is
possibly Munroes final set of short stories
and well worth the read.

Check out news and photos on the
web! Get the Minutes on the web.

Member News: Janet Scudder is building a
cottage near Port Isabel. She says she and
Carl are going to sit on the deck all day
watching the surf and deciding where to eat
seafood that night.

Angie Smith will be having carpel tunnel
surgery in June.

Maggie Bains is doing well in her new
home (and is probably organizing all the
other residents).

April Meeting Photos
Enjoying the meal and our sisters

Dr. Evelyn Farmer gave a lively and informative program on leadership. Her sidekick Mary
Reinhart added to the enjoyment.
Nadyne provided door prizes!
Carol won a bird house and Mary won a
Bible puzzle.

OUR 2014-`2016 OFFICERS

We will see you at the church on the
! Please email Mary or phone
(830-833-4109) to let me know that
you will
be at the meeting. Directionsnext page.

Directions to St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church,Blanco,
for the May 20 Meeting
From San Marcos:
Drive west on RR12 to the Junction near Wimberley.
At the Junction red light turn left onto Hwy 32 and continue to Blanco.
When Hwy32 intersects Hwy 281, turn right towards Blanco.

Now you have two choices:

When you get to the red light at Blanco St. (Lowes Grocery), turn right and go several
At Chandler St., turn left and go past the cemetery to Pittsburg St. (before the bridge).
Turn right and the church is at the end of the street.

Continue into town and at the red light on the Square, turn right.
Follow the road over the bridge and turn left onto the first street, (Pittsburg). The church
is at the end of the street.

From Wimberley
Drive west on RR 2325 to RR 165 and turn left. Continue about 8 miles to Blanco.
When you intersect Loop 165 (Chandler St.), turn right and come past the cemetery to
Pittsburg St. (before the river).
Turn right and the church is at the end of the street.
You can go to the Junction of RR 12 and Hwy 32 southeast of Wimberley and follow the
directions as from San Marcos.

From Johnson City:
Drive South on Hwy 281 to the red light on the Square in Blanco.
Turn left and drive to the first street across the river (Pittsburg).
Turn left and the church is at the end of the street.

From Dripping Springs:
Drive west on Hwy 290 to the intersection of Hwys. 290 and 281.
Turn left and follow the Johnson City directions.
1. Drive west on 290 to RR 165 at Henly. Turn left and drive into Blanco.
2. At Loop 165 (Chandler St.), turn right and drive past the cemetery.
3. Turn right onto Pittsburg(before the bridge) and the church is at the end of the street.

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