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Spoken English : Respect the Feelings of the Person you Love

RITA: Hi Sumit, what happened? You look worried and tired.

SUMIT: My heart is broken. Veena has refused to marry me.
RITA: I cant believe. Both of you were deeply in love.
SUMIT: I thought so. I wanted to marry her. But when I proposed her last week she
bluntly refused. It was unexpected.
RITA: She might have some problem. You should have asked.
SUMIT: She told she was just a good friend. She is interested in career not in mar-
riage to anyone. I have been unable to sleep properly since then.
RITA: Well, I can understand your problem. But you should keep patience. Decision
of marriage is a difficult one for a girl. Be a good friend to her.
SUMIT: Probably you are right. I got too much reactive. What should I do now?
RITA: Talk to her. Respect her decision. Time may solve your problem.
SUMIT: You know Rita I cant live without her. Life has lost its meaning.
RITA: I want to tell you one thing. Even if a girl is in love she can not decide to mar-
ry a boy in hurry. She wants to take a rational approach.
SUMIT: I am calling her and saying sorry. We can be friends.
RITA: And after some more time she may be interested in marriage. Always stand
by her feelings.

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