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Kevin Danchik

Professor Blackie
ENG 1010
May 6, 2014
Self Reflecion
!or" #o$n % 1001
Self-Improvement through Writing in English 1010
&ave yo$ ever ha" o 'ive any ho$'h o (heher or no yo$ learne" (ha yo$ (ere
s$))ose" o learn as a res$l of akin' a re*$ire" co$rse+ D$rin' he colle'e years, s$"ens ,$s
ake n$,ero$s re*$ire" co$rses, a,on' he,, En'lish- . a, a he en" of ,y En'lish co$rse, an" .
,$s no( /$sify ,y f$lfill,en of he co$rse o$co,es 0y s$0,iin' a final )orfolio, (hich
incl$"es his (rien reflecion- . 0elieve he (rien )ro"$cs ha . have creae" in his co$rse,
"e,onsrae ha . have ,asere" he co$rse o$co,es 0eca$se . learne" ho( o rea" criically (ih
an eye o iner)reaion an" eval$aion, $se rheorical srae'ies in ,y (rien co,)osiions, an"
a))ly )roofrea"in' an" e"iin' echni*$es-
1he firs co$rse o$co,e saes ha he s$"en (ill 0e a0le o rea", iner)re an" analy2e
vario$s y)es of e3, 0oh orally an" in (riin'- . )arici)ae" f$lly in o$r class "isc$ssions an" le"
s$"en Socraic se,inars- Mos of he i,e, ,y co,,ens sho(e" ha . ha" he a0iliy o iner)re
an" analy2e he class ,aerial- 1he rheorical analysis in o$r a"verisin' crii*$e re*$ire" so,e
o$si"e rea"in' o analy2e a))ro)riaely he echni*$es $se" in he a" o )ers$a"e he cons$,er o
)$rchase P4G cleanin' )ro"$cs- #onsi"era0le analyical ho$'h (en ino i"enifyin' he
e,oion5la"en as)ecs of he a" an" in "eer,inin' ho( he a"verisers e3)ece" his a" o )ro"$ce
increase" sales of he )ro"$cs- 1hro$'ho$ his )a)er, . "e,onsrae" ,y a0iliy o )ers$a"e he
rea"er ha he echni*$es $se" in he a" (ere effecive a reachin' he cons$,er (ih he "esire"
,essa'es- .n a""iion, he essay . creae" a0o$ he environ,en effecively "e,onsraes ,y
a0iliy o iner)re an" s$,,ari2e an aricle- !e ha" o choose hree so,e(ha $nrelae" aricles
an" hen ie he, o'eher (ih an inro"$cion an" a concl$sion- . fel ha ,y s$,,aries (ere
s$ccinc an" ye co,)lee an" ha ,y concl$sion s$ccessf$lly "e,onsrae" ,y ,asery of
s$,,ary an" )ers$asion (hen . ,a"e an i,)assione" call o acion a0o$ 'lo0al (ar,in'-
Professor Blackie6s class is heavy on (riin', so (e ha" ,any o))or$niies o )erfec he
secon" co$rse o$co,e, (riin' co,)osiions $sin' a))ro)riae rheorical srae'ies- !e )ro"$ce"
,any )a)ers, so,e of he, in as lile as (eek6s i,e- .,,ersion in he (riin' )rocess in his (ay
really forces he s$"en o 0eco,e foc$se" on (riin' as a ask- D$rin' his co$rse, (e ha" o
"evelo) rheorical srae'ies s$ch as creain' a hesis sae,en, an" he a0iliy o s$,,ari2e,
analy2e an" )ers$a"e (ihin o$r (rien co,)osiions- . 0elieve ha i is i,)oran o creae a
sron' hesis sae,en 0eca$se i '$i"es he (rier "$rin' he (riin' )rocess- . s)en consi"era0le
i,e on all of ,y hesis sae,ens an" . a, )ro$" of he,, es)ecially he a" crii*$e an" he
elevision revie(- . also feel )ro$" of ,y crii*$e of he firs season of he elevision series,
Breakin' Ba"- 1his co,)osiion is a fine e3a,)le of ,y a0iliy o i"enify he ,ain )oins (ihin a
s$ccinc s$,,ary, analy2e he, an" hen )$ hese ho$'hs ino a cohesive, (ell5or'ani2e" (rien
essay o )ers$a"e he rea"er ha his series is (orh vie(in'-
1he iniial assi'n,en ile" 78 Roa" o 9ieracy:, force" ,e o hink a0o$ (or" $sa'e an"
'ra,,ar as (ell as o recall so,e of he srae'ies . learne" in hi'h school a0o$ narraion an"
reflecion, as (ell as (riin' sr$c$res s$ch as hooks, ransiions, an" $sin' "escri)ive "eails o
en'a'e he rea"er- . is no easy o )$ s$ch )ersonal feelin's an" e3)eriences "o(n on )a)er- 1his
(as ,y firs (rien co,)osiion in a0o$ si3 years an" ,y ro$'h "raf really sho(e" ho( r$sy .
ha" 0eco,e- ;or$naely, i is easier o (rie a0o$ a o)ic ha yo$ kno( *$ie (ell, 0$ in s)ie of
his, . ha" o s)en" ,ore i,e on he revision )rocess for his assi'n,en 0eca$se . ha" o revie(
an" reac*$ain ,yself (ih (ha . kne( in he )as- . "i" no al(ays fin" ha . a'ree" (ih he
7s,arhinkin': s$''esions, 0$ i 'ave ,e a )lace o sar (hen (orkin' on he final co)y- .
a))reciae" he fee"0ack . receive" a0o$ a""in' "eails o creae a ,ore vivi" )ic$re an" hel) he
rea"er $n"ersan" ,y ,essa'e ,ore f$lly- ;ee"0ack fro, he 7s,arhinkin': $or (as also
hel)f$l o ,y i,)rovin' ,y ransiions 0e(een )ara'ra)hs- 1he $or 'ave ,e )oiners o incl$"e
a senence a he en" of he firs )ara'ra)h, (hich lea"s o he ne( o)ic ha (ill 0e conaine" in
he ne3 )ara'ra)h- - . sr$''le" (ih ransiions "$rin' he co$rse, 0$ . hink . "e,onsrae"
,asery of his conce) in he 7<0servaions of a Gaherin' Place: essay-
<verall, . feel ha . learne" ho( o (rie effecively any y)e of )a)er an" )arici)ae" in
0oh self5e"iin' an" he $se of o$si"e a"vice- . 0elieve ha . can no( (rie hesis sae,ens,
,ake a hook o 'ra0 aenion, an" ,ake s$ccessf$l ransiions fro, )ara'ra)h o )ara'ra)h- .n
a""iion, . i,)rove" ,y a0iliy o $se a""iional "eails o a"" o he rea"er6s $n"ersan"in', an"
)ro)erly concl$"e ,y )a)ers (ih an a))ro)riae revie( of he ,ain )oins in ,y )a)er- 1here are
n$,ero$s e3a,)les of ,y a0iliy o s$,,ari2e, criically analy2e an" )ers$a"e as (ell as
"e,onsrae ,y skill in or'ani2in' a )a)er (ih a lo'ical flo(- 1he ,any layers of correcions ha
. "i" on hese )a)ers are ,osly invisi0le in he finishe" )ro/ecs, 0$ hey consis of several layers
of self5e"i )rior o $rnin' in he ro$'h "raf, a leas on )eer e"i, a )ai" )rofessional service e"i,
an" a final e"i fro, he )rofessor- 8 each level, . ,a"e n$,ero$s chan'es o he )a)er o (hile
a(ay he i,)erfecions $nil an envia0le finishe" )ro"$c (as rea"y o 0e s$0,ie"- !hen yo$
look a hese essays, . 0elieve ha i (ill 0e evi"en ha . have f$lfille" all hree of he co$rse
o$co,es for his En'lish class-

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