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Rory Appleton

Tel: (559) 905-0923

Email: theshrew@mail.fresnostate.e!
"e#site: www.roryappleton.$om
Work Experience
May, 2014 - Present GamesBeat Worldwide
%reelan$e "riter
& write news #riefs' feat!res an re(iews for the )ames i(ision of *an %ran$is$o-
#ase te$hnolo)y site +ent!re,eat
April, 2014 - Present Fresno Bee Fresno, CA
*t!ent "riter
& write news #riefs an $o(er #rea-in) news se(eral ni)hts a wee- for the %resno
,ee newspaper
& also write feat!res on a (ariety of topi$s in$l!in) weather' e!$ation' animals'
lo$al or)ani.ations an e(ents an $omm!nity iss!es
March, 2014 - May, 2014 Gamer eadlines Worldwide
& reporte the latest news in (ieo )ames an te$hnolo)y
/$$asionally' & i re(iews an feat!res of (ieo )ames an te$h pro!$ts
!an"ary, 2014 - Present #hemepar$olo%y &os Banos, CA
& write s$ripts for Themepar-olo)y' an on)oin) o$!mentary series that e0plores
the history of famo!s theme par- attra$tions
1omplete s$ripts to ate: 2The 1aro!sel of 3ro)ress4
!an"ary, 2014 - Present Fresno Bee Fresno, CA
%reelan$e 1ol!mnist
& write a $ol!mn on (ieo )ames an te$hnolo)y for the *at!ray eition of the
%resno ,ee newspaper
This $ol!mn $an #e fo!n on the front pa)e of the 5ife se$tion or online at
'cto(er, 201) - April, 2014 Corr"pted Cartrid%e Worldwide
Asso$iate6Re(iews Eitor
& wrote news reports' feat!res an (ieo )ame re(iews for $orr!pte$artri)e.$om
& also s!per(ise an eite a team of 758 writers who report from aro!n the
2012-201* Fresno +tate ,ni-ersity Fresno, CA
,.A. 9ass 1omm!ni$ation an :o!rnalism ; :o!rnalism /ption (on)oin))
2010-2012 Willow and .nternational Center Fresno, CA
<eneral E!$ation
Computer Skills
3rofi$ient in 9i$rosoft /ffi$e ("or' E0$el' 3ower3oint' A$$ess) an /pen /ffi$e
3rofi$ient in "or3ress
3rofi$ient in Ao#e 3hoto*hop
3rofi$ient in =nisys> print pro)ram
3rofi$ient in A!a$ity
Referen$es a(aila#le on re?!est

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