May 2014 Newsletter

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Teacher Appreciation

Parent Teacher
No School
Early Dismissal Days 5/22
First Day of Summer
Last Day of Summer

Chapelwood School for Young
Children Est. 1958

As another school year comes to a close, I would like to tell you all thank you for
making this year such a successful one. I appreciate each of you who came to the
events with your child, giving so generously, and participated in volunteering in the
classrooms. It truly does take a village to raise a child. Without the loving and car-
ing parents at Chapelwood, our school would not be able to accomplish all that we
do for our children.
To the families that are leaving, we hope that you will keep in touch. For our re-
turning families, we will enjoy seeing each of you in the fall.
Have a great summer!
Carolyn Park - Administrator

It is very hard to believe that our school year is drawing to a close already. This
year has truly flown by.
I want to thank you all for helping make this year so great. We have had terrific
support from our parents this year, and that has made us all feel very appreciated.
The children in our program make such a difference in our lives. Every year I am
amazed at just how much the children grow and change in just 9 months. They
have all learned so much and are ready for the new challenges that lie ahead for

Have a blessed summer,
Marissa Capasso School Nursery Director

What an incredible year it has been at Chapelwood School! As
much as everyone looks forward to the summer, including me, it is also with
a bit of sadness to see the end of a school year.
Be sure and sign up with your childs teacher for a conference on
May 12th to get a final evaluation of the year. Also, during that week we
will be having Step Up Days where the Preschool aged children will have
an opportunity during the day to visit the next age classroom to get an idea
of what next year will be like. Be sure to look for the button your child will
get the day they step up. Finally, please remember there is noon dismissal
on our last days, May 22
and 23
so that teachers can get things put away
for the summer.

Amy J. HinnantPreschool Director
Spanish News by Senora Menn
Weve had a great year! The children have learned a lot, and Ive been blessed by sharing Gods love through His beautful gif of
music. To end the year, I would like to invite you to a short music program put on by each age level. The children will perform
some of their favorite songs and show you how much they have learned. All of the programs will be in the Fellowship Hall, and
the show tmes are listed below. I hope to see you there!

Chapelwood Schools
Musical Revue

Thursday, May 15, 9:15 am Payne, Schaefer & Mitchell (TTh classes)

Friday, May 16, 9:15 am Schaefer & Mitchell (MWF classes)

Monday, May 19, 9:15 am Zadouri, Lowrey & Grand (MWF classes)

Monday, May 19, 1:30 pm Jackson, Liu, Guy, Mohle, Murf & Seele

Tuesday, May 20, 9:15 am Zadouri, Lowrey & Grand (TTh classes)

Wednesday, May 21, 9:15 am Tacker, Bakht, Carmichael & Arce

Wednesday, May 21, 1:30 pm Favor, Simpson, Clark & Cagle

This month we are going to celebrate " El Cinco de Mayo " (The fifth of May) with
a party. We will have quesadillas (tortillas and cheese), cookies and juice.

What is the Cinco de Mayo celebration about?

During the early 1800s, an apparent lack of strong leadership in Mexico caused
some European countries to be angry with Mexico for unpaid debts. In 1862, the
French thought they could easily invade the country to extract payment of the
debts. In the first battle, in the village of Puebla, a combination of Mexican soldiers
and Indians soundly defeated the overconfident French. El Cinco de Mayo is cele-
brated as the anniversary of this important battle and is remembered as a time of
pride and bravery for the Mexican people.
Music Notes by Kathryn Grigsby
Science and Health News

Nutrition class was a big success! The children tasted, smelled, matched and learned and had lots of fun doing it
all! Almost everyone said that their favorite part of class was trying new foods. They also enjoyed building a
grocery store, finding their taste buds in the mirror and playing games like food group bingo and the catch and
answer game.

Out of all the foods we tried, some of the favorites were: kiwi, yellow squash, dried plums, orange cauliflower,
frozen bananas, tomatoes, dried apples and hummus.

My favorite part of the year was watching your children try new things and get excited about staying healthy
with good nutrition! Have a safe and nutritious summer!

Kathryn Grigsby, MS, RD, LD

It is with a feeling of bitter-sweetness that I write this May article
for you as this will be my last one, although Im very excited about my upcom-
ing retirement, I know how much I am going to miss all of you and your beauti-
ful children. This is the end of my 5
year working here and I must tell you
that of all the jobs that Ive held in the past, this one has been the most en-
joyable. It has been so much fun watching the children grow, learn and
change daily. What a treat for me! I would like to thank all of you for your
thoughtfulness and kindness to me through the years. I am so grateful to
have known you all. You have given me some beautiful memories, and it is with
a happy heart that I embark on this next journey in my life. I shall miss you
all, but I do plan to be back to visit and to possibly substitute at times for
the new nurse. Please stay healthy and happy.
Love and my best to you all,
Nurse Peggy
Nurses Notes with Nurse Peggy
This will be Nurse Peggys last month at Chapelwood. She will be greatly missed because she is deeply
loved by the children, their parents, the teachers and staff. We want to say thank you, for taking care of the
children in the most loving way you could. We thank you for your wisdom and your kindness.
It is a tough task to be a constant problem solver, a healer, a therapist and a nurturer.
You made everyone feel better because you cared.

To Be a Nurse
To be a nurse is to walk with God,
Along the path that our Master trod;
To soothe the achings of human pain,
To faithfully serve for little gain,
To lovingly do the kindly deed,
A cup of water to one in need,
A tender hand on a fevered brow,
A word of cheer to those living now;
To reach the souls through its bodys woe
Oh, this is the way that God would go.
Oh, white-capped nurses with hearts so true,
Our great healer is working through you.

You will be forever in the hearts of your family here at Chapelwood.
God Bless you and your beautiful family.

With all our love,
Chapelwood Teachers and Staff

We had a messy, ooey, wet, and
wild time at Ooey, Gooey, Fun Day.
Challenging work and play was fun and
successful for most of us.
Many thanks to the parents that
shared time and energy with us. We
appreciate your help at Chapelwood
Joanne Buchwald
Emily Magilton and Bijou Rejaie from Ms. Favors Class
Ms. Buchwald and Ms. Mitchell
Ms. Tamara and Ms. Kattyas Class
Playing with Shaving Cream
Christopher Thibaut from Ms. Seeles Class

Sensory Day 2014

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