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ubllc ArL

ubllc arL and sculpLure ls all around us ln Lhe

clLy and suburbs
lL makes us Lhlnk
lL reecLs our culLure

1radluonal ubllc ArL
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1he expedluon of 8urke and Wllls was lll
faLed, and Lhe explorers ln Lhe parLy perlshed.
8oberL CPara 8urke and Wllllam !ohn Wllls
seL ouL Lo Lraverse Lhe conunenL and dlscover
whaL was ln Lhe lnLerlor of AusLralla. 1hey
boLh had llule experlence as bushman. 1he
gures ln Lhe sculpLure are shown as sLrong
and commandlng ln a classlcal pose looklng
over Lhe landscape. ln reallLy Lhey were
exhausLed and sLarvlng and nally perlshed. .
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'!"#$%' a.k.a. 1he ?ellow erll, durlng
lLs shorL Lenure ln 1980 ln
Melbourne's unloved ClLy Square. 1he
sculpLure ls now locaLed aL ACCA

8on 8oberLson-Swanns !"#$%& ()*+
When mosL people Lhlnk of publlc sculpLure
Lhey Lhlnk of bronze gures sLandlng on
pedesLals. erhaps Lhls ls whaL many people
ln Melbourne were expecung ln 1978 when
arusLs were asked Lo submlL deslgns for a
sculpLure for Lhe new ClLy Square on
SwansLon SLreeL. 8on 8oberLson-Swann was
Lhe wlnner of Lhe compeuuon wlLh hls enLry,
!"#$%. As soon as 8oberLson-Swann was
awarded Lhe commlsslon, Lhere was a greaL
debaLe amongsL ClLy Councllors and ln Lhe
publlc. 1he conLroversy escalaLed once Lhe
sculpLure was compleLed and lnsLalled. 1he
!"#$% conLroversy wenL on for some ume
unul Lhe Councll declded ln SepLember 1980
LhaL Lhe sculpLure would be removed from
Lhe Square. 1he unlons refused Lo move lL
buL, nally, ln !uly 1981, lL was secreLly
moved under Lhe cover of nlghL Lo Lhe banks
of Lhe ?arra 8lver alongslde Spencer SLreeL.
1he sculpLure ls now locaLed aL ACCA.
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Cow up a 1ree
1he cow's dlsuncuve shape
references Lhe porLralL of AusLrallan
arusL !oshua SmlLh by Wllllam
uobell, whlch won Lhe 1943
Archlbald rlze and was sub[ecL Lo
Lhe lnfamous courL case durlng
WWll where 'arL' was puL on Lrlal.
AL LhaL ume, uobell served as a
'camouage' labourer, produclng
papler mache cows used Lo dlsgulse
alrelds and fool !apanese plloLs.
lnsplred by a ood LhaL swepL caule
lnLo Lrees ln vlcLorla's Clppsland
area, Lhls work lmaglnes a ood
hlmng uobell's alreld.

!ohn kelly 1999
Deborah Halpern
ueborah Palpern ls a remarkable arusL, she ls a
sculpLor, a palnLer, a pouer and a prlnLmaker. Per
work can be exuberanL and whlmslcal buL ls also
lmbued wlLh a deep arusLry. Cver her 27 year career
ueborah Palpern has produced an lncredlble body of
work and Lhrough her numerous publlc sculpLures
has become well-known and respecLed wlLhln Lhe

ueborah Palpern ,-./$
ueborah Palpern's
ma[or publlc sculpLure
,-./$& was orlglnally
commlssloned ln 1987
as a pro[ecL of Lhe
AusLrallan 8lcenLennlal
AuLhorlLy for Lhe souLh
moaL of Lhe nCv's SL
kllda 8oad slLe. ,-./$
has now been lnsLalled
on Lhe ?arra bank aL
8lrrarung Marr - a
specLacular new slLe for
whaL ls one of
Melbourne's mosL loved
works of publlc arL.

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Melbourne CaLeway
uenLon Corker Marshall
Lransformed Lhe enLrance of Lhe
1ullamarlne lreeway and dlvlded
oplnlons wlLh lLs Melbourne
CaLeway, commonly dubbed Lhe

1he Loy-llke yeL auLhorlLarlan
row of red and yellow pylons was
unloved by Lhose who saw lL as a
reecuon of former premler !e
kenneu, hls qul, and hls
fondness for neo-fasclsuc
archlLecLure feaLurlng half-saluLe
ubllc ArL - LasLllnk
SculpLor Lmlly lloyd's playful
work 0#1$23 ,4% 5%4"%/.6
consclously alludes Lo Lhe
conLroversles of Lhe pasL: Lhe
yellow worm abouL Lo be
eaLen by Lhe blackblrd evokes
Lhe much-mallgned 7/$$89
0/42$ (correcLly uLled !"#$%, by
8on 8oberLson-Swann) as well
as Lhe Melbourne CaLeway.

osLmodern alluslons aslde,
lloyd has a slmple deslre for
her blackblrd and worm: "l do
hope LhaL chlldren en[oy lL.
1hey're ln Lhe back of Lhe car."

Callum MorLon, :8%/$ 2008

MorLon has deslgned a fake hoLel,
alludlng Lo Lhe "falled uLopla of
modernlsm" - a poLenL message
on Lhe slde of a freeway busLllng
wlLh carbon-emlmng cars.

!ames Angus ;$$2<=82>"$ 53#$<%#4/, 2008. ConnecL LasL.
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Claes Oldenburg

The Swedish/American artist, Claes
Oldenburg is one of the most important
sculptors of the 20

He was one of the pioneers of Pop Art,
a style which developed in the 1960s
and 70s

Pop Artists looked at the everyday
world around them, finding inspiration
in the popular culture of magazines,
newspapers, comics, the movies,
supermarkets, advertising and neon

They took the ordinary and
transformed it into the extraordinary.

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Oldenburg focussed on such common
things as food, musical instruments,
tools and appliances, often increasing
their scale, altering their proportions
or changing the quality of the materials
from which they were made. With his
wife, he also began a series of
monumental public sculptures that can
be seen today in major cities around
the world.

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