Email: Cluttrell@mail - Cameron Davis Luttrell

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Email: cluttiellmail.smu.euu

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SN0-Tv's stuuent iun news bioaucast.
6 AN ciew call. Positions incluue:
Cameia opeiatoi, wiitei, flooi uiiectoi, anu Telepiomptei

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volunteei tutoi in ieauing anu wiiting foi two stuuents twice a week at a low-
income elementaiy school in South Ballas.

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Woikeu as a counseloi to 1S foui yeai olus five times a week at the beach club's
"Bobie Camp."

,A+--, 1;=7B><8=9
Final Cut Pio X, AvIB iNews, Sony NXS0 BB Cameia

Niciosoft Woiu, Powei Point, Excel, Photoshop, iPhoto

,=>834 #6783
Twittei, Facebook, Pinteiest

4 yeais of high school Spanish
2 semesteis of college Italian

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Essay about the impact of Facebook anu social meuia publisheu in SN0's jouinal.

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Najoi: Conveigence }ouinalism
Ninoi: English
uPA: S.S4.u

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