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Hey Neighbor!

“Hey Neighbor, have you heard!”

The comment’ry was stirred.
If he’s first, if he’s third,
Makes no diff’rence, t’was slurred.

He went on undeterred,
And exposed word by word,
A ‘peating myna bird,
Theater of the absurd.

“Hey Neighbor, have YOU heard?”

I politely conferred:
“Let my conscience re-word,
Best leave those things deferred.”

His face after demurred,

Like a crocodile bird.
Said, “perhaps I misheard –
Let no shame be incurred.”

To what some have endured,

Should we now be inured?
Leave some issues obscured,
Curiosity not allured.

For we may be assured,

Brings less harm, what occurred,
If the message not cured,
Rests like others, unheard.
Mark Shafer

“Whatsoever things are

pure… lovely… of good report…. Phil. 4:8

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