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God is sitting in Heaven when a scientist says to Him,

"Lord, we don't need you anymore. Science has finally

figured out a way to create life out of nothing.
In other words, we can now do what you did in the 'beginning'."
"Oh, is that so? Tell me..." replies God.
"Well", says the scientist, "we can take dirt and form it into the
likeness of you and breathe life into it, thus creating man."
"Well, that's interesting. Show Me. "
So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil.
"Oh no, no, no...." interrupts God,

"Get your own dirt......."
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Santa joined NASA. After one month the Americans had to change the name from
Sardar: Last night I saw an English movie .It had no scene nor no sound.
Friend Sardar: wow tell me the name of the movie. I too want to see it.
Sardar: Please Insert Disc.
Sardar went for an interview, The question was when is your birthday?
Sardar: 19th january.
Interviewer: which year?
Sardar: Nonsense..Every Year.
Three Sardarjis went for a tour to America.They searched for rooms everywhere an
d finally got
one which is in the topmost floor of a 100 floor hotel.
After taking rest they started for a local visit.
While leaving the hotel, the manager informed them that they should reach the ho
before10.00pm or else lift will not be available and they have to take the step
s for which they
agreed and went out.
After all the entertainment in the city, they reached back late at 10.30.
Since lift was not available, they decided to take the stairways under the condi
tion that each
sardarji has to tell a story that lasts for 33 floors so that they can reach the
100th floor without
much trouble.
After first sardarji finished his story in 33rd floor, the third sardarji said,
I have a sad story to say, but i will tell at the end only.
Then second sardarji finished his story and the third finished his story and fin
ally they reached
the 100th floor.
Then first sardarji asked what was the sad story.
The third one said,
I forgot the room key which is on the managers table.
They once again started back to the first floor and this time the second sardarj
i after crossing 33
floors from top said,
I got a sad story, but I will also say that at the end.

They finally reached the first floor and when asked about the sad story, the sec
ond sardarji said,
The keys were in my pocket only.
With anger and full tired, they once again start from the first floor.
After reaching the 33rd floor, the third sardarji said,
I too have a sad story, but I will say at the end only.
Then they reached the 100th floor and the second one asked the third sardarji ab
out the sad story,
he replied:
This is not our hotel, It is on the other side of road, opposi
Sardar jokes-Suger level
Sardar enters kitchen and opens the sugarbox. Sees inside and closes it.Wife obs
erves the whole
episode.Again he comes and does the same stuff. Wife asks Why are you doing this
replies: Doctor told to check sugar level regularly.
A Sardar Prays Daily for 2 hoursHey VaheGuru meri Lottery lagade.After 11 yrs Vah
angrily appears & says-Abe Sardar 1 bar ticket to le

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