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Hammond, 2014

Unit: The Curious Incident (of the Autism Spectrum)
Grade 12 English, Comprehensive Focus

Unit Duration: 4 weeks
Unit Dates: April 7
May 2

Over the course of this unit you will
Familiarize yourself with the writing variables
o (form, central idea, purpose, audience, context)
Review and refine language skills and written mechanics
Understand the importance of perspective through character study
Find, evaluate, and use evidence to support ideas

TENTATIVE Timeline (like all else in life, this is subject to change):

Date Pages Read Discussion Mini-Assignments Major Assessments
April 7 (Mon) Activating the Unit (See lesson plan)
April 8 (Tues) 1-8 Do together #1: Sticky Notes Discuss Statements
April 9 (Wed) 8-28 None #2: Metaphors/Similes N/A
April 10 (Thur) 28-48 8-28 N/A N/A
April 11 (Fri) 48-65 28-48 Savant Discussion N/A
April 14 (Mon) 65-85 48-65 #3: Figures of Speech N/A
April 15 (Tues) 85-115 65-85 #4: Mechanics Letter/Dialogue
April 16 (Wed) N/A 85-115 Catch-Up Letter/Dialogue
April 17 (Thur) NO SCHOOL
April 18 (Fri) NO SCHOOL
April 21 (Mon) 115-140 None #5: Using Evidence N/A
April 22 (Tues) 140-164 115-140 Intro Educating the Community
April 23 (Wed) 164-177 140-164 Educating the Community Assignment
April 24 (Thur) 177-200 164-177 Educating the Community Assignment
April 25 (Fri) 200-221 177-200 Educating the Community Assignment
April 28 (Mon) N/A 200-221 Intro Statements, Watch Thinking in Pictures
April 29 (Tues) N/A Catch-Up Watch Thinking in Pictures
April 30 (Wed) N/A Catch-Up Series of Statements Assignment
May 1 (Thur) N/A Catch-Up Series of Statements Assignment
May 2 (Fri) N/A Catch-Up Series of Statements Assignment

Ms. Hammond, 2014

Assessment Breakdown:

*Note: If you would like access to the audio version of the novel, please let me know and
that can certainly be arranged!
Assessment % of Unit Grade Tentative Due Date
Lost Letters/Written Dialogue Assignment 15% Wed., April 29
Mini-Assignments (5) 25% Mon., April 21
Educating the Community Assignment 25% Fri., May 2
Series of Statements Assignment 35% Fri., May 2

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