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ECE 315 30.04.2014


For this assignment, I interviewed with a parent who has a child with mental health
disorder. During this conversation, I tried to focus on the difficulties of having such a child.
This child is a boy and he is six years old. He studies in a special education and rehabilitation
center in Aydn.
He has this disorder from his birth. The parent of this child said that when she learned
that her child has such disorder she was very sorry and disappointed. She thought her baby
aborted but it is too late for this. Then, she decided to give birth and she started to become
familiar with this idea slowly.
When the child comes to the world, she said that she could not decide how to feel but
she loved him very much. On the other hand, she was worry about what kind of a life is
waiting for them. During her child, she said that she faced with a lot of difficulties because
she had to be with him all the time. She did not go outside like she did before the birth. Also,
her relatives and friends started to move away from her because some of them are afraid of
her son and she felt that they were trying to escape from her and her son when they are
together with.
She said that she loves her child very much but she sometimes feels desperate because
her child learns very slowly. He can achieve some basic skills with training but this training is
not permanent. He learns something and after a very short time he forgets. At that time, she
said that this hurt her very much.
She added that her son has some attack and he starts to shout and he cannot control his
body at that time. She said that in these situations she did not control herself and sometimes
she also shouts her son and after that this made her very upset.
ECE 315 30.04.2014


Moreover, she said that after the birth she also had some diseases because of stress and
sadness. She had headaches and some psychological problems. She thinks that having such a
child also changed her family relationships. She said that she had an older son but form her
small sons birth she does not have enough time so spend with him and this affects their
communication negatively.
Also, she said that they had some financial problems and they cannot send him
hospital very often because they cannot afford the transportation and hospital cost. For this
reason, they felt very sorry because they want to help their child and they do not. Also, she
added that she and her husband cannot prevent themselves to think about what happens if
something happens to us. This idea really makes them feel desperate.
At the end of the interview the mother said that I have been deal with a lot of
difficulties due to having such a child. However, whatever it is I love my son very much and I
never think a world without him. Also, she said that she will be happy to be near her son rest
of her life and she will never give up him despite all these difficulties she mentioned during
the interview.

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