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BBI 2423 Speaking Accurately Portfolio

Speaking Accurately Portfolio (15%)

This is an individual assignment where students complete weekly tasks on speaking accuracy
The tasks are to !e su!mitted on weekly !asis starting from "eek # $ "eek #%
&ffective 'ate( #)
of *e!ruary 2%#4 +Sem 2, #3-#4.
BBI 2423 Speaking Accurately Portfolio
&ffective 'ate( #)
of *e!ruary 2%#4 +Sem 2, #3-#4.
"atch and listen to the following videos(
# http(--wwwyoutu!ecom-watch0v1t2h33wutf45
2 http(--wwwyoutu!ecom-watch0v16789!:3mkyA
A "rite in 2;3 sentences what you have learnt a!out intonation
from the videos
B <ark the rising and falling intonation of the underlined
sylla!le-word in the dialogue !elow
=se the arrows !elow to mark the rising and falling intonation of the
underlined sylla!le-word in the dialogue
/ising intonation
*alling intonation
A2i2 ( >i <ary + .
<ary ( 3h, hi + .
A2i2 ( >ow are you doing0 + .
<ary ( I?m doing alright + . >ow a!out you0 + .
A2i2 ( @ot too !ad + . The weather is great, isn?t it0 + .
<ary ( 5es, it?s a!solutely !eautiful today + .
A2i2 ( I wish it was like this more fre6uently + .
<ary ( <e too + .
A2i2 ( So, where are you going now0 + .
<ary ( I?m going to meet a friend of mine at the mall + .
A2i2 ( 8oing to do a little shopping0 + .
<ary ( 5eah, I have to !uy a cake, !alloons and presents + .
A2i2 ( "hat?s the occasion0 + .
<ary ( It?s my parentsA anniversary + .
A2i2 ( That?s greatB + . "ell, you !etter get going + . 5ou
don?t want to !e late, do you0 + .
<ary ( @o, I donAt + . I?ll see you neCt time + .
A2i2 ( Sure+ . Bye + .
D /ead and record the dialogue according to the markings +rising
and falling tones.
' Su!mit A, B and D via &dmodo
& Answer for B will !e uploaded in week E
3 Apr $ #%
Apr 2%#4

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