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FA-34/1, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi * Mobile: +918376022613 * Email:

Profile Summary
Highly accomplishe !ales E"ec#ti$e with o$er % month of e"perience.
&ro$en s#ccess in managing in$estment ' ins#rance, an c#stomer ser$ice.
&laye a $ital role in increasing c#stomer satisfaction thro#gh the #tilization of effecti$e
c#stomer ser$ice protocols.
(n$estigate an resol$e c#stomer iss#es in a timely manner.
MBA (HR & Marketing) from ICFAI National College, arana!i"
#$%CA from MII& in!tit'ite,(arana!i
Work Experience
(D)( *+,-(E! .(*E (N!/,0N1E 1+. (ND(0
Hanle c#stomer ser$ice on a aily basis. +pene new ins#rance as neee.
(ncrease c#stomer satisfaction le$el thro#gh so#n b#siness e"pertise.
E"ec#te all aspects of c#stomer relationship management s#ccessf#lly.
2inows, M! 2or, M! E"cel, M! &ower&oint, +#tloo3, &eople!oft, comp#ter ' (nternet
wor3ing 3nowlege.
!elf4initiator, effecti$e written ' oral comm#nication, c#stomer oriente, highly moti$ate
an har wor3ing.
,ea no$el
!ing a song
Personal Details
Fathers Name A.HASAN
Date of )irth 5678976:;<
Nationality (nian
1ontact No 8;5<%8==%65
&ermanent 0ress H4=% 0sho3 >ihar 1olony &hase ( &anayp#r
I hereby declare that all the above mentioned details are correct and true to my no!led"e

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