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Living costs[edit]

During Soviet times, apartments were lent to people by the government according to the
square meters-per-person norm (some groups, including peoples artists, heroes and
prominent scientists had bonuses according to their honors!" #rivate ownership o$
apartments was limited until the %&&'s, when people were permitted to secure property
rights to the places they inhabited" Since the Soviet era, estate owners have had to pay the
service charge $or their residences, a $i(ed amount based on persons per living area"
Due to the current economic situation, the price o$ real estate in )oscow continues to
rise" *oday, one could e(pect to pay +,''' on average per square meter (%% sq $t! on the
outs-irts o$ the city[&&] or .S+/,0''1+2,''' per square meter in a prestigious district"
*he price sometimes may e(ceed .S+,',''' per square meter in a $lat"[%''] [%'%] [%'3] 4t
costs about .S+30'' per month to rent a %-bedroom apartment and about .S+%0'' per
month $or a studio in the center o$ )oscow"
5 typical one-bedroom apartment is about thirty square meters (636 sq $t!, a typical two-
bedroom apartment is $orty-$ive square meters (,20 sq $t!, and a typical three-bedroom
apartment is seventy square meters (706 sq $t!" )any cannot move out o$ their
apartments, especially i$ a $amily lives in a two-room apartment originally granted by the
state during the Soviet era" Some city residents have attempted to cope with the cost o$
living by renting their apartments while staying in dachas (country houses! outside the
4n 3''/, )ercer 8uman 9esources :onsulting named )oscow the worlds most
e(pensive city $or e(patriate employees, ahead o$ perennial winner *o-yo, due to the
stable 9ussian ruble as well as increasing housing prices within the city"[%'6] )oscow
also ran-ed $irst in the 3''7 edition and 3''2 edition o$ the survey" 8owever, *o-yo has
overta-en )oscow as the most e(pensive city in the world, placing )oscow at third and
behind ;sa-a at second"[%',] :ritics o$ their methodology argue that this survey
replicates the li$estyle that a senior e(ecutive would have in <ashington D:, counting
certain very e(pensive brand name $oreign goods, but disregarding the many lines that
are $ar cheaper in 9ussia, e"g" household sta$$, drivers, nannies, etc"[citation needed]
4n 3''2, )oscow ran-ed top on the list o$ most e(pensive cities $or the third year in a

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