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Contact Name

Name Of the Business

Business Status Sole Trader, Partnership, Limited Company
No of Employee Part Time:
Full Time:

1. How long have you been practicing your craft?
0-3yrs 4-10yrs
10-15yrs 15-20yrs
20-25 yrs 25-30yrs

2. Is your workshop/studio adequate for your current needs for your practice?

a) Yes b) No

3. Do you have Access to specialized equipment for your crafts?
a) Yes b) No

4. What are the shared characteristics of the market? (Buyers and potential buyers)

5. Who are the craft buyers?

6. Who are the potential buyers?

7. Have recent economic changes affected your ability to sell, make and produce your work?

a) Yes b) No

8. Has the economic downturn affected spending decisions of consumer?
a) Yes
b) No

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