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Dylan McKinley

131 Srathaven Crescent

Strathmore, AB
Telephone: (403)-902-0211
!ee"in# pa$% %i&e e&ploy&en% 'o$ a'%e$ (chool an) on *ee"en)( )+$in# %he (chool yea$ ,
Am a people person
Work hard
Listen to instructions
Grade 11 Education Strathmore Hih School !un "#13
3o$" E4pe$ience
Corporate Contractin Services Ltd Cleanin Atm $achines !an "#13%
Ba&'sittin (or children ranin (rom aes "%1#
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) have volunteered m' time to help *ith the Al&erta ,lood clean up+
-honda Shumka .#3%/3.%/301
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Aaron Sims .#3%/#1%0232
,amil' ,riend

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