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Explain it to a 5

GraderChemistry Final Project

For your final project of the year it will be your job to construct an educational book. Of course, it cant be
just any book it has to be a childrens book! You need to write your book so that the content is
understandable by a 5
grader. In fact, I have some 5
grade volunteers who will be reading your work
in class!

So, what should you be concerned with?

1. The information needs to be simplified.
2. You need to make the materially engaging.
a. You can do this a number of ways:
i. You can create characters to explain and interact with the information
ii. You can give real life examples and applications of the information
iii. You can do a combination of several things! Whatever you think will draw in your
target audience.
3. Technical Specs:
a. You should make your book a minimum of 10 pages not including the title or author
b. You need to include an author biography with the following information:
i. Your name, age (or grade), and school.
ii. An interesting fact or two about yourself.
iii. What you want to do when you graduate high school.
c. Each page needs to be neat and organized including all appropriate images and text.
d. Grammar and spelling counts!
e. You should not hand-write anything. You may draw pictures/illustrate, but it needs to be
full color and very neat.
f. The information on each page should not be more than one paragraph. Large blocks of text
are very intimidating! (Think about how you feel reading a textbook.)
g. You must pick one topic to cover. I MUST APPROVE YOUR TOPIC.
h. You need to include all sources that you use and cite them correctly. This includes sources
for any images that you might use.
4. You will present your book to the class and explain your motivation behind choosing your topic
and the method you chose to display your information and complete your book.

HINT: If doing all of this by hand frightens you, you may consider an online publisher such as storybird.

Chemistry Topics:
- Scientific Method
- Matter and Change
- Measurement
- Atomic Structure
- Chemical Reactions
- Periodic Trends
- Bonding
- Chemical
- Mole Concept
- Stoichiometry

Topic Due: May 8

Outline of Information for your book: May 12

Rough Draft of your book (including layout): May 16


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