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Slide 1


Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
First concentration camp established Dachau,
for people who opposed the Nazi party


Slide 2

Where books are burned, in the end

people will be burned. Heinrich Heine


Burning of non-German literature

20 cities in Germany (20,000 books just in Berlin)
Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, Marx, Lenin,


Trotsky, Helen Keller

Process of purifying German culture


Slide 3

This is a political cartoon from the Sochi

Olympics. Compare/contrast it to the
1936 Olympics held in Germany. What
does this say to you?
Explain, minimum of half a page.



Slide 7



Mein Kampf
Simple message to a mass audience = success

Dr. Joseph Goebbels


Nazi master propagandist

No Jewish editors, not allowed to have a radio


Olympic cover up

Slide 8

The Jew: The inciter
of war, the prolonger
of war.

Satan has taken off his


Germany Must Die!

(The sterilization of the
entire German
population and the
dismemberment of
Germany as a nation.)


Slide 9

The state must set race in the center of

all life. It must take care to keep it pure.
Hitler, Mein Kampf
The Science of Race


Forced sterilization began 1934

Between 250,000 and 300,000 people were


Research institutions dedicated strictly for racial
hygiene studies


Involved the entire German psychiatric community


Slide 10


Dr. Horst Schumann


Air force physician

Carried out sterilization




Non-aryans, twins


Slide 11

Euthanasia Program aka T-4 Program


Systematic murder of Germans who were physically

and mentally disabled


useless eaters living lives unworthy of life

Gas chambers
disguised as showers,


then cremated

Slide 12

1939 deportation
Warsaw ghetto, established 1940


Largest in Poland
More than 400,000 in 1.3 square


Food smugglers
Life in the Ghetto


Abraham Lewent , Charlene Schiff


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