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AAMLA is an Indian Fruit available fresh only once a year just like mango fruit.

AAMLA is full of medicinal properties and the richest possible natural source of vitamin
'C' and contains essential elements for keeping our body healthy and resistant to germs
and infections. 'A!"#$%A' proves that AAMLA is capable of setting&right any
imbalance in any of the three basic elements of the body. #A'A ('he Air)* +I''A ('he
Fire) and ,A+-A ('he .ater) A!"#$%A believes that it is only the imbalance or
vitiation of any one of these basic elements that makes the body ill. 'he best property of
this fruit is that it doesn't shed its ambrosial /ualities even if it is dry totally or heated on
fire. Its e0treme richness in vitamin 'C' is not only good 1hen consumed internally but
e/ually beneficial 1hen applied over the skin or hair. It is a 1ell&kno1n fact that all the
natural dyes have contents of AAMLA liberally mi0ed in it. $ven if you apply alone
AAMLA paste on your hair* it can turn gray into black.
'his fruit has also ample amount of proteins* fats* mineral salts* carbohydrates* calcium*
phosphorus and iron. It is not these ingredients' individual effect but their collective
effect that makes AAMLA 1hat it is. It is the richest natural source of vitamin 'C'. 'he
amount of vitamin 'C' in AAMLA is four times more than it is in oranges and eight times
more than it is in tomatoes. It is so rich that the vitamin doesn't get destroyed 1hether
you burn or dry it. And 1e kno1 ho1 necessary vitamin 'C'' is for our system. 2esides
keeping the system clean of the various germs and other filth* it provides resistance
po1er to the body.
AAMLA is capable of curing many diseases and ailments alone if it is taken in the right
combination. AAMLA is one of the essential ingredients of ''"I+-LA' churna (po1der).
'his is the most important and most popular combination of Indian -erbs in Ayurvedic
system of medicine. 'he other t1o ingredients are kno1n as '-A"%A' 3 '2$-%A'. 'he
combination of these three super herbs is so 1onderful that it can create miraculous
results in body and mind. It has the po1er to balance '"I%45-A (Imbalance of #A'A*
+I''A and ,A+-A).
AAMLA is used as Medicine to cure the %iseases6%isorders and Ailments such as7
Acidity* 2aldness* 2oils in the Mouth* Cataract* Chicken&po0* Common Cold* Common
cough* Cuts* Constipation* Chronic -eadache* Chronic Fever* %arkness before the $yes*
%ischarge of Albumin* %ryness in the 2ody* %iabetes* %yspepsia* %ysentery* $ye
'roubles ("edness etc.)* $arly $jaculation* 8eneral %ebility* 8out* -oarse #oice* -air&
Loss* -igh 2lood +ressure* -ydrocele* -ysteria* Indigestion* Itching on the 2ody*
Impure 2lood* $ruptions* 9aundice* Loose Motions* Lice in -air* Loose #agina*
Menstrual %isturbance* Migraine* :ose 2leeding* :avel %isplacement* 4besity* +imples*
+iles* +oisonous Insect&bite* "ashes* "estlessness* 5mall&po0 5pots* 5tomach %isorders*
!rinary 'roubles(2urning or 2leeding !rine).
AAMLA is also used as food items such as 9am of Aamla* Chutney of Aamla and +ickle
of Aamla. Aamla 5herbet ($0tract the juice of fresh Aamla). It is better to heat them a bit
in hot 1ater* blend in food processor* and then e0tract the juice by s/uee;ing. Add to this
fresh juice some rose 1ater for flavor. ,eep in a glass bottle 1ith some preservatives and
add sugar to taste 1hen serving. 'his sherbet is an ideal tonic during the summers. -ave
a glass of this sherbet early in the morning to pass your day comfortably. 'his sherbet is
especially efficacious to cure even the chronic piles and bleeding from any unkno1n
C-A#A:&+"A5-< is also an ancient most (-erbo&mineral) general tonic of Ayurveda.
Maharshi Chyavan first prepared this medicine and that is 1hy it is kno1n as =Chyavan&
+rash=. In 5anskrit< & +rash means some special diet given to eat. It is made by mi0ing the
eli0irs of eighteen roots and herbs in the fresh Aamla +aste and sugarcane syrup.
-ave a big spoonful of this Chyavan&+rash 1ith hot and thick milk everyday morning.
'his diet is a po1erful tonic. It is said that 5age Chyavan made it to bring back youth in
an old and fragile body. 'hat>s the beauty of Aamla.
'here are many other -erbo&mineral preparations available in Ayurveda for various

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