Cantwell Fema

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FENA F0IA 0ffice

Recoius NanagementBisclosuie Bianch

18uu S. Bell St., Fouith Flooi, Nail Stop SuuS
Ailington, vA 222u2

RE: Nassachusetts State Repiesentative }im Cantwell Communications with FENA

This is a iequest unuei the Fieeuom of Infoimation Act, foi uocuments of
coiiesponuence between FENA anu Nassachusetts State Repiesentative }im
Cantwell. I am iequesting that I be pioviueu the following uocuments:

The Biggeit-Wateis Floou Insuiance Act enueu long-teim feueial subsiuies that kept
floou insuiance low in pione aieas, incluuing Rep. Cantwell's uistiict. Be has
iepiesenteu to his constituency that he has been in touch with FENA in an effoit to
iestoie the low floou insuiance iates anu limit the effect on his uistiict. Please
pioviue, any coiiesponuence between NA State Repiesentative }im Cantwell
incluuing letteis, e-mails, anu any othei uocuments fiom August 1, 2u1S to the

I iecognize that you may chaige ieasonable costs foi photocopies, computei uisks,
oi peisonnel time to comply with this iequest. Please confiim the total chaiges with
me befoie fulfilling this iequest.

As you aie awaie, youi office must iesponu within 2u uays to this iequest.


Baiin uibbons
Nass Citizens foi }obs
6u7 Boylston St., Suite 4S7LL
Boston, NA u2116

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