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Chapter 1 Journal

Back to School

Chapter 1 details the first day of school for Little Man.
Pretend you are Little Man and describe your feelings about
starting school and the various things that happen to you
throughout the day. How have Little Mans feelings about
school changed since the beginning of the day?

Directions: Write a paragraph or more based on the prompt
above. Your paragraph must be 10-15 sentences long (you
can write more if you choose to!). The journal will be worth
15 points and will graded by completion as well as
answering the prompt fully.

Chapter 3 Journal

Revenge on the Bus

In chapter three, it is likely you enjoyed the sweet revenge
that the Logans got on the bus. Although things turn out
okay and no one is hurt, this student could have proven to
be very dangerous. Write a fictional excerpt, which shows
the bus revenge gone badly. You are free to be creative and
add any new characters you wish to.

Directions: Write a paragraph or more based on the prompt
above. Your paragraph must be 10-15 sentences long. The
journal will be worth 15 points and will graded by
completion as well as answering the prompt fully.

Chapter 5 Journal

Growing Up

In chapter five, Cassie grows up a little bit when she learns
what life is really like for her people. Describe a time when
you grew up a bit and learned a valuable lesson about the
way things really are.

Directions: Write a paragraph or more based on the prompt
above. Your paragraph must be 10-15 sentences long. The
journal will be worth 15 points and will graded by
completion as well as answering the prompt fully.

Chapter 7 Journal

Thank You Letter

For Christmas, Jeremy gave Stacey a handmade flute. Stacey was
puzzled, unclear why Jeremy continually tries to be his friend.
Stacey discusses his feeling with Papa, who warns him against
being friends with white people. (See pages 155-158 for help).

Your Assignment: Write a Thank You card from Stacey to Jeremy.
In this card, Stacey should attempt to explain why it is difficult for
him to be friends with Jeremy. Be creative, and try to see things
from Staceys perspective. The body of your card should be at least
10 sentences long, and it should be written in the form of a letter.
The journal will be worth 15 points and your grade will be based on
completion and answering the prompt fully.

Dear _____________________,


Chapter 9 Journal


In this chapter, we learn that T.J. has gone bad. Write a diary
entry that shows Staceys feelings about how his friend has
changed. Include his feeling about how he betrayed his mother and
got her fired. Also include statements that show how loyal a friend
Stacey is.

Directions: Write a paragraph or more based on the prompt above
in the space below. Your paragraph must be 10-15 sentences long
and should be in diary entry form. The journal will be worth 15
points and will graded by completion as well as answering the
prompt fully.

Dear Diary,

Chapter 11 Journal


The Avery family has been lynched, and there is talk of hanging
T.J., Mr. Morrison, and even Papa. What are your predictions for
the end of the story?

Your task:
1. Make at least one prediction for Ch. 12 (1 sentence).
2. Explain your reasons for making that prediction. (2 sentences)
3. Draw an illustration of your prediction in the space below.

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