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The Last Book In the Universe

Final Project

Due November 24th

Create your own city.

1. Map out your city in a picture. There must be roads, buildings, and all the things
you consider important for a city to have.
2. Write a motto for your city. The motto should show what a good leader you are.
You can write your motto on the flag.
3. Create a flag for your city.
4. Write and defend a list of laws for your city. A good leader should have a reason
for any law. You must have at 10-15 laws and a defense for each law.
a. Example: No Jaywalking. Jaywalking is dangerous because a car could hit
a pedestrian, causing serious injury or death.
5. Write one to two paragraphs describing how your laws will be enforced.
Describe how your law enforcement will work in your city.
6. Write one to two paragraphs describing what will happen if a citizen of your
city breaks one of your laws.
7. Think of how your city will make money. A city can’t exist if there is no money
to fund it. Will your city be a tourist city? Will it be factories? Will it be corporate
businesses? Write one to two paragraphs about how your city will make money,
and explain why you chose that source of income.
8. Finally, write one concluding paragraph about how your city shows that you
are a good leader. Use examples from class discussion, the novel, and your own
schema to defend your leadership qualities as a city creator.

Page 1 should be your city sketch.

Page 2 should be your flag and motto.
Page 3 should be your laws and the reasons for the laws.
Page 4 should be contain #5-8

The project must be TYPED in times new roman font at size 12 and double spaced. If
you go onto more than 4 pages, that’s fine. You should staple your pages neatly
together, or put them in a cover.

The laws must be numbered with an extra space between each law and explanation.

You must use complete sentences, correct punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphs
in the rest of the writing portion.

This project is worth 60 points.

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