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Teaching Literacy

Signature Assignment: Comprehension Lesson Plan for Genre Study

Lesson Plan Outline Format

Student: Jaclyn Wemple

Text Title (APA): Chasing Vermeer
Narrative Description (Quantitative and Qualitative Levels and Reader
Interest level: 6-8
Lexomeasure: 770
Reading level: 5.6
DRA: 4

Focus of Instruction: Comprehension- Asking questions

SWBAT create questions based on text
evidence and support
SWBAT make predictions about the book
and figure out what might happen next
SWBAT use the characters knowledge and
thoughts to help them solve the mystery

ELA CCSS Standards:
details and examples in a text when
explaining what the text says explicitly and
when drawing inferences from the text.
information presented visually, orally, or
quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs,
diagrams, time lines, animations, or
interactive elements on Web pages) and
explain how the information contributes to an
understanding of the text in which it appears.
List of materials:
Chasing Vermeer book
Clip Boards
Partner worksheet assessment
White Board
Dry Erase Marker
Readers Response Journals

READ 30280
Teaching Literacy

Signature Assignment: Comprehension Lesson Plan for Genre Study

Lesson Procedures

Introduce the topic and ask the class why is it important to ask questions
while you read and wait for their responses. After students respond, start
reading from the text Chasing Vermeer. In between examples I would
have students think out loud questions like I wonder why the characters
in the story are asking each other questions? Do you think these
questions have anything to do with the solution to the mystery? Some
examples I will read are Page 87 where Petra and Caulder are discussing
the suspiciousness of the painting and they are asking each other
questions Petra glanced at Caulder. It does seem suspicious. And sad,
dont you think? These magical scenes that no one will ever know more
about. I would read further in that chapter because it shows great
examples of why it is important to ask questions. Id point out how even
the characters ask each other questions and say Dont you think it is
interesting how Petra and Caulder are talking about the painting? Do you
think that may be important? Well lets take a farther look. Then Id
continue to read down the page and complete the chapter where it ends
with Page 89 At the end of Harper Avenue they stopped and both ate an
M&M, agreeing that the color blue had a rare and mysterious taste.
After I conclude with chapter nine I would ask them what they thought
was interesting about the chapter and what kind of inferences they could
make and which clues seemed important to the mystery. I would then pass
out the clipboards and worksheets and have them write down examples
from the chapter that they thought were interesting and what kind of
inferences they could make from those examples. After a few minutes I
would then ask for some volunteers to tell the class what they discussed. I
would write down some of the examples on the white board that the
students volunteer to give me and write underneath the example what was
important about it and how we can draw conclusions about the text. After
that I would send them to their seats.

Students will then do independent reading and I will have them write in
their readers response journals any new parts in Chapter ten that they
found interesting. They will just be continuing to read from Chasing
READ 30280
Teaching Literacy

Signature Assignment: Comprehension Lesson Plan for Genre Study

Vermeer and can read up to the next chapter of the book. Then when they
are responding in their readers response journals they will make a chart
that will one section be the example from the book and the other section
being what information they can draw from that example. After finding at
least five examples they will then come up with a new hypothesis about
what they think will happen in the next chapter and what they think is the
solution to the mystery. If they do not complete the chart in class I will
have them complete it for homework and hand it in to me the next day of
class so that I can see their progress.

Method of Assessment
Clip board examples
White board examples after completing chapter nine with the class
Questions chart in the Readers Response journal

Criteria for Success
Participation during group discussion
Conclusions drawn from examples make sense with the text
Questions chart from independent work makes sense and students
complete assignment

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