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Running head: FINAL PROJECT

Final Project
Chiaki Yohida
I!" Tech Co##unit" College
Educator are %eron &ho can auto#aticall" gi!e tudent'learner the %o&er o( uggetion) A
a (uture educator* I %aid attention to it) For thi reaon* I choe +the %o&er o( uggetion, a the
to%ic o( the (inal %roject)
Definition of terms
The power of suggestion
Po&er i the a-ilit" to control %eo%le and e!ent)
.uggetion i an idea* action* and %lan that i uggeted)
The ender i aked to co##unicate ilentl" the characteritic and #eaning o( a !iual ti#ulu
to the recei!er)
The recei!er re%ort #ental i#ager" and u-jecti!e i#%reion that he or he e/%erience) The
recei!er0 #utation i uuall" recorded (or later anal"i)
Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
The a-ilit" to kno& thing &ithout uing hearing* eeing* touch* tate or #ell
Oive oi
Yello& or green oil* #ade -" %reing oli!e)
A %eron &ho a" he'he ha %o&er to ee the (uture or ee thing that other %eo%le cannot ee)
.o#ething that i -eing dicued or conidered)
To ucceed in reaching or achie!ing o#ething)
.o#ething that encourage a %eron to do o#ething)
2Ca#-ridge 3ictionarie Online* $4156)
%aterias &eeded'
7lank heet
7ae "#-ol (igure
."#-ol (igure &ith oil
Oli!e oil
NI8 Certi(icate
9ideo that e/%lain E.P %o&er
Ear %hone and PC to %la" !ideo
Tet reult heet
Authorit" Certi(icate
Incenti!e en!elo%e
A ender
An aitant
In(uiry Round )
*uestion +)' $ow does the power of suggestion affect peope,s ESP power-
!aim +)' The power of suggestion positivey affects a person,s ESP power "y increasing
their num"er of hits.
16 Find o#eone a a u-ject &ho can coo%erate &ith our e/%eri#ent)
$6 E/%lain ho& to do thi e/%eri#ent)
16 An aitant ak the u-ject to &atch the !ideo to e/%lain &hat E.P %o&er i)
56 Ak a u-ject again i( he'he till &ant to %artici%ate)
:6 I( +No*, thank hi#'her (or the ti#e) Then* go to te% 1) I( +Ye*, go to te% ;)
;6 An aitant introduce a ender to a u-ject and e/%lain &hat the ender i u%%oed to do)
<6 The u-ject i gi!en a %encil and a heet o( tet %a%er)
=6 E/%lain that the core heet i -aed on the >an?(eld E/%eri#ent)
@6 E/%lain a u-ject: #" %artner* Angela &ill -e the ender o( the i#age ho&n on the !ideo in
a rando# order) The ender end (igure i#age to recei!er) The recei!er i "ou)
146 The ender tell to tart the (irt e/%eri#ent)
116 The ender end (i(teen -ae (igure i#age to the u-ject)
1$6 Ak the u-ject to &rite (i(teen -ae (igure i#age the" recei!ed accordingl")
116 The ender e/%lain the econd e/%eri#ent &ith hone"uckle eence oil)
156 E/%lain to the u-ject that oli!e eential oil ha an e((ect on increaing one0 a-ilit" (or E.P
and clair!o"ance)
1:6 Put a dro% o( oil on u-ject0 hand)
1;6 The ender #entall" end (i(teen (igure i#age to the u-ject one -" one)
1<6 Ak the u-ject to &rite (i(teen target that the" got (ro# the ender accordingl")
1=6 Re%eat the a-o!e te% 1 to 11 t&o #ore ti#e)
1@6 Collect data (or three u-ject)
The Ratio o( 8it:
.u-ject 1: 4A BC $<A D $< %oint EP
.u-ject $: $4A BC 11A D 11 %oint EP
.u-ject 1: 11A BC <A D ; %oint 3o&n
/verage' )0.1 points 2P
Telling the e((ect o( her- eential oil and ha!ing a dro% o( oil on u-ject0 hand a the %o&er o(
uggetion increaed the nu#-er o( hit)
C The ti#e (or &riting all (i(teen target i !ariou de%ending u%on u-ject)
C .u-ject F1 &a o &illing to take %art in thi tet that he !olunteered) 8o&e!er* he did not
necearil" get a good reult)
C A(ter all e/%eri#ent o( three u-ject* the a!erage o( hit i 1:)1 %oint increaed) It #ean
that the three u-ject could increae the %ercentage o( hit -" 1:)1 A on a!erage)
I* a a (uture educator* (ocued on the e((ect o( the +%o&er o( uggetion,) 3r* Jere#"
3ean* a %"chologit and an author o( Making Habits, Breaking Habits: How to Make Changes
That Stick* &rote nine (act that the %o&er o( uggetion %oiti!el" a((ected %eron0 attitude) In
thoe nine (act* t&o (act reall" attracted #" attention) One i that a (ake drug -ooted %eo%le0
intelligence* and the other one i that telling the teacher0 e/%ectation to tudent %roduced -etter
%er(or#ance o( tudent 23ean* $41$6) 7oth #eant that %eo%le0 %er(or#ance &ere %oiti!el"
changed -" ha!ing the %o&er o( uggetion)
7" kno&ing it* I decided to ue the e((ect o( her- oil intead o( a (ake drug a the %o&er
o( uggetion) According to the article in Natural Health* the hone"uckle oli!e oil not onl" ha
natural e((ect (or health -ut alo har%en a %eron0 intuition and increae #ental a-ilit"
28olida" 8ealer* $44:6) In #" e/%eri#ent* I told a-out thi e((ect o( hone"uckle oil to three
u-ject and %ut a dro% o( oil to a u-ject0 hand -e(ore the econd tet) 8o&e!er* the oil &a
actuall" not her- oil -ut %ure oli!e oil &hich I got (ro# the la-orator" at I!" Tech Co##unit"
A a reult* t&o out o( three u-ject could increae the nu#-er o( hit) Three u-ject
could increae the nu#-er o( hit -" 1:)1 %oint on a!erage) Although I told three u-ject a-out
the e((ect o( hone"uckle oli!e oil and %ut a dro% on their hand* it &a not oli!e oil -ut %ure oli!e
oil) Thi #ean that the" could i#%l" increae the nu#-er o( hit -" -eing told the e((ect o( oil
&hich &a the %o&er o( uggetion to the#)
No& I kno& telling the e((ect o( oli!e oil i e((ecti!e a the %o&er o( uggetion) Then*
ho& can I increae it %o&er #oreG A a !aria-le o( Round $* I choe the +authorit" (igure, that
can enhance the %o&er o( uggetion a the !aria-le (or Round $)
In(uiry Round 3
*uestion +3' 4hat wi the presence of authority figure have on the affects of the resuts-
!aim +3' It wi increase the num"er of hits.
Procedure +3:
16 Find o#eone a a u-ject &ho can coo%erate &ith our e/%eri#ent)
$6 E/%lain ho& to do thi e/%eri#ent)
16 An aitant ak the u-ject to &atch the !ideo to e/%lain &hat E.P %o&er i)
56 Ak a u-ject again i( he'he till &ant to %artici%ate)
:6 I( +No*, thank hi#'her (or their ti#e) Then* go to te% 1) I( +Ye*, go to te% ;)
;6 An aitant introduce a ender to a u-ject and e/%lain &hat the ender i u%%oed to do)
<6 The u-ject i gi!en a %encil and a heet o( tet %a%er)
=6 E/%lain that the core heet i -aed on the >an?(eld E/%eri#ent)
@6 E/%lain a u-ject: #" %artner* Angela &ill -e the ender o( the i#age ho&n on the !ideo in
a rando# order) The ender end (igure i#age to recei!er) The recei!er i "ou)
146 The ender tell to tart the (irt e/%eri#ent)
116 The ender #entall" end (i(teen -ae (igure i#age to the u-ject one -" one)
1$6 Ak the u-ject to &rite (i(teen -ae (igure i#age the" recei!ed accordingl")
116 The ender e/%lain the econd e/%eri#ent &ith hone"uckle eence oil)
156 E/%lain the u-ject the -ene(icial e((ect o( her- eential oil) The hone"uckle eential oil
ha e((ect on increaing one0 a-ilit" (or E.P and clair!o"ance* and thi ender i a %ecialit
in eential oil treat#ent o( the National Intitute o( 8ealth -" ho&ing the certi(icate)
1:6 Put a dro% o( oil to u-ject0 hand)
1;6 The ender tell the u-ject to tart the econd e/%eri#ent)
1<6 The ender #entall" end (i(teen (igure i#age to the u-ject)
1=6 Ak the u-ject to &rite the (i(teen target that the" got (ro# the ender accordingl")
1@6 Collect data o( all %eo%le)
The Ratio o( 8it:
.u-ject 1: <A BC 11A D ; %oint EP
.u-ject $: $4A BC 11A D 11 %oint EP
.u-ject 1: $4A BC 11A D < %oint 3o&n
.u-ject 5 $4A BC $<A D < %oint E%
.u-ject : :1A BC 4A D :1 %oint 3o&n
.u-ject ; $4A BC 11A D 11 %oint EP
.u-ject < $<A BC 11A D 15 %oint 3o&n
.u-ject = $4A BC 11A D 15 %oint 3o&n
.u-ject @ 11 A BC $4 A D < %oint EP
A!erage: B 1)5 %oint D 5); %oint 3o&n
56ive out of nine persons increased the ratio of hits "y 7nowing the authority figure.
The %reence o( the authorit" (igure increaed the nu#-er o( hit)
C I did thi e/%eri#ent to ele!en %eo%le at a ti#e) 8o&e!er* data o( t&o %eron hould -e
e/cluded a the" kne& detail a-out thi e/%eri#ent)
C One %eron ga!e the e/tre#e reult &hich caued the negati!e a!erage %oint)
A the econd %o&er o( uggetion* I decided to ho& u-ject the authorit" (igure and
tell ho& the e/%ert can enhance the u-ject0 reult)
H" %artner* Angela Fore"* ucce(ull" co#%leted a coure o( E/tra#ural Reearch) .he
&a certi(ied -" The National Intitute o( 8ealth 2NI86* and he ha the coure certi(icate) The
National Intitute o( 8ealth i an intitute to eek (or (unda#ental creati!e reearch and
a%%lication (or hu#an health and -iological e((ect) In addition* it reearche (or her-al
#edicine 2National Intitute o( 8ealth* $4116) There(ore* I decided to ho& thi certi(icate to
u-ject a the %o&er o( uggetion)
A a reult* the a!erage %oint &a 5); %oint do&n) Thi negati!e nu#-er &a caued -"
one e/tre#e reult) 8o&e!er* (i!e out o( nine u-ject could increae the nu#-er o( hit)
Through reearch* I (ound that 3r) Caroline Iatt* &ho i a #e#-er o( the Joetler
Para%"cholog" Enit at the Eni!erit" o( Edin-urg in .cotland* actuall" did E.P e/%eri#ent
&ith a >an?(eld #ethod) .he re%orted that the -elie( o( the e/%eri#enter #a" in(luence the
outco#e) It i in(luential on the reult o( the e/%eri#ent that a recei!er -elie( the %o&er o( the
ender 2Iatt* n)d)6)
7e(ore going to the lat round* &e thought &hat &e hould chooe a a (inal !aria-le)
Ihat i the #ot attracti!e arti(act that #a" enhance %eo%le0 %o&erG Ie %icked u% +incenti!e,
a the !aria-le o( Round 1)
In(uiry Round 1
*uestion +1' $ow does the incentive affect peope,s ESP power-
!aim +1' The incentive wi increase peope,s ESP power.
Procedure +1:
16 Find o#eone a a u-ject &ho can coo%erate &ith our e/%eri#ent)
$6 E/%lain ho& to do thi e/%eri#ent)
16 An aitant ak the u-ject to &atch the !ideo to e/%lain &hat E.P %o&er i)
56 Ak a u-ject again i( he'he till &ant to %artici%ate)
:6 I( +No*, thank hi#'her (or the ti#e) Then* go to te% 1) I( +Ye*, go to te% ;
;6 An aitant introduce a ender to a u-ject and e/%lain &hat the ender i u%%oed to do)
<6 The u-ject i gi!en a %encil and a heet o( tet %a%er)
=6 E/%lain that the core heet i -aed on the >an?(eld E/%eri#ent)
@6 E/%lain a u-ject: Angela &ill -e the ender o( the i#age ho&n on the !ideo in a rando#
order) The ender end (igure i#age to recei!er) The recei!er i "ou)
146 The ender tell the u-ject to tart the (irt e/%eri#ent)
116 The ender #entall" end (i(teen -ae (igure i#age to the u-ject one -" one)
1$6 Ak the u-ject to &rite (i(teen -ae (igure i#age the" recei!ed accordingl")
116 The ender e/%lain the econd e/%eri#ent &ith hone"uckle eence oil)
156 E/%lain the u-ject the -ene(icial e((ect o( oli!e eential oil) The hone"uckle eential oil
ha e((ect on increaing one0 a-ilit" (or E.P and clair!o"ance) I( "ou can increae "our
core* "ou &ill recei!e &hat i in thi en!elo%e)
1:6 Put a dro% o( oil to u-ject0 hand)
1;6 The ender tell the u-ject to tart the (irt e/%eri#ent)
1<6 The ender #entall" end (i(teen (igure i#age to the u-ject)
1=6 Ak the u-ject to &rite (i(teen target that the" got (ro# the ender)
1@6 Collect data o( the u-ject)
The Ratio o( 8it:
.u-ject 1: $4A BC <A D 11 %oint EP
.u-ject $: <A BC $4A D 11 %oint 3o&n
.u-ject 1: 11A BC $4A D 1< %oint E%
/verage' 0.8 points 2P
The o((er o( an incenti!e &ill increae the nu#-er o( hit)
C I did not ho& the inide o( the en!elo%e on %ur%oe o that u-ject could ha!e e/%ectation
(or it)
C Although the a!erage %oint &a not o high* u-ject looked the #ot delighted o( all round
a(ter the" &ere told a-out incenti!e)
A the (inal round* &e choe gi!ing incenti!e a the %o&er o( uggetion) Ie &anted to
%ro!e that the nu#-er o( hit &ould increae a(ter &e told u-ject the" &ould recei!e incenti!e
i( the" could increae the nu#-er o( hit)
A a reult* t&o out o( three u-ject could increae the nu#-er o( hit) Three u-ject
could increae the nu#-er o( hit -" :)< %oint on a!erage) Although I &a intereted in the
reult o( thi e/%eri#ent #ot* the reult &a not o e/tre#el" high co#%ared &ith other t&o
round) 8o&e!er* three u-ject looked #ot delighted a(ter the" &ere told a-out incenti!e)
According to the reearch -" 3r) .chraeder and the reearcher* J) 7ecton at Au-urn
Eni!erit" in Hontgo#er"* the utili?ation o( %a"ing incenti!e %rogra# in A#erican indutr" ha
-een o e((ecti!e that e!en the go!ern#ent %aid attention to it 2n)d)6) Not to #ention it*
-eha!iori# i one o( learning theorie* and it %ro%erl" ue the right incenti!e to enhance
#oti!ation and outco#e o( tudent0 learning 2Joch* $41$6)
Ca#-ridge Eni!erit") 2$4156) Cambridge dictionaries online) Ca#-ridge Eni!erit" Pre)
Retrie!ed (ro# htt%:''dictionar")ca#-ridge)org'u
3ean* J) 2$41$* June6) Nine i#%le uggetion that change %eo%le0 %erce%tion) Psyblog)
Retrie!ed (ro# htt%:''&&&)%ring)org)uk'$41$'4;'@Bi#%leBuggetionBthatBchangeB
8olida" 8ealer) 2$44:) 3ece#-er6) Natural Health) 1;216) 8ealth .ource 3ata-ae)
Retrie!ed (ro# htt%:''&e-)a)e-cohot)co#)alltate)li-%ro/")i!"tech)edu'ehot'
Joch* J) 2$41$6) Teach: student edition. 2%%) <16) Iad&orth)
National Intitute o( 8ealth) 2$411* Ha"6) bout N!H: mission)
Retrie!ed (ro# htt%:''&&&)nih)go!'a-out'#iion)ht#
.chraeder* H)* K 7ecton* J) 2n)d)6) An o!er!ie& o( recent trend in incenti!e %a"
%rogra#) The Coastal Business "ournal. Retrie!ed (ro#
Iatt* C) 2$411* Octo-er6) Testing the #si hy#othesis. Reearch: %i)
Retrie!ed (ro# htt%:''&&&)koetlerB%ara%"cholog")%")ed)ac)uk'Pi)ht#l

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