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Career goals, dreams enrichment any one of us think and desires.

So, to achieve career goals and dream

we have to do? To answer this question first we must answer the question "5 years later you would be?"
fter 5 years you are? That!s what you have to decide right now. "o whatever you like and #lanning to
achieve that goal. $ost successful #eo#le, they have target and clear determination.
"oan %guyen "uc & Chairman of '() was born and grew u# in a #oor #easant family. 'is childhood
is days riding buffalo and #lowing rent.
"ang )e %guyen *u & (eneral manager of Trung %guyen coffee grou# was born and grew u# in a
family of #oor farmers in the mountainous district of "ak)ak #rovince.
Sam +alton the founder of the largest retail conglomerate on the world, he also have childhood #oor
They have goals and a clear #lan and they succeeded. +hy can,t we?
So, +hat!s my goal in the ne-t 5 years? $y goal in 5 years later, . would become one of the leaders in
the field of software, stick with the com#any that .!m working. There is life stable and lucrative income
to take care of my family. also within target 5 years of my because . reali/e that this is a very good
environment for me to a##ly my knowledge to work and learn new e-#eriences. The most #ractical
thing . wish is that after 5 years to become a good teamleader in the com#any. $aybe it!s far&fetched
but . believe . can do it.

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