Vences Roberto Inquiryproposal

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Roberto Vences

Professor Padgett
English 1102
February 5, 2014

Devil In A New Dress

Social media has not been around for too long but it is something that seems to be
taking over many peoples lives. People are constantly checking social media such as
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram many times a day. Many students especially seem to
check these websites and apps plenty of times during their classes. While social media is
amusing and fun it can also affect our lives in a negative way.
How does social media affect me negatively? Thats a question that many kids
dont think of because they feel that this is something that is irrelevant to them because
they feel that they are good at everything and dont have to worry about anything. I
believe social media affects you in three main ways. The first problem is that you become
distracted; the second problem involves posting things that you are not supposed to and
the third problem is a personal belief that you will be unhealthy.
How does social media distract me? Social media as we all know it is very
distracting. Kids including myself always get on our phones or laptops and get on
Facebook and Twitter to see if we can somehow manage to make whatever class were in
less boring and hope that time passes by quick by doing something that we like to do. I
know that most of us have tried to take notes while using our phones or laptops, but I
think that never works because Ill eventually stop taking notes and not learn everything
in class. Then we have homework and have no clue what to do especially if its
something like math or chemistry. We might just happen not to do the homework if we
get mad about how we dont know how to do it. Then the exam will come along and you
wont know how to do it so youll stare at your exam and say to yourself that next time
Comment [AP1]: Really great title!
Comment [AP2]: What constitutes a kid?
Can you define your terms here?
Comment [AP3]: And who decides what
you are supposed to and what youre not?
Comment [AP4]: But you can just google
the answers later right? (just kidding, btw)

youll focus and study but in reality but probably wont do it and end up failing a class.
Now you wont know how to explain to mum and dad that you are on the path to being a
freshman again your second year of college. Youll blame it on the professor of course.
How is posting stuff going to affect me? Not all stuff people post is
inappropriate but theres always that time when youre drunk or high and youll post
something stupid on Facebook or Twitter that you arent supposed to that will get people
thinking what on earth is wrong with you. You will almost always post a picture on
Instagram as well. Of course itll be funny at the moment but when the people that follow
you start showing it to other people that arent supposed to see it then thats when shit
gets real. We all know we follow that one friend who always posts up pictures of them
drinking, smoking and partying. Then theres that friend that will actually post pictures of
the drugs and pills they have which is pretty stupid but nice to know just in case if youre
ever in need. These pictures will always fall into the wrong hands and if they fall into the
wrong hands when youre attending school then you are definitely out of luck. Expulsion
can be just the start of the consequences; this can be followed by legal problems. All this
and your life ruined because you decided to share stuff on social media that you though
was funny all when you shouldve just kept this thoughts and pictures stored in your
memory or phone.
How is using social media unhealthy? Im not talking about mentally unhealthy
but mostly physically unhealthy. I have this idea in my head that when people are home
on social media they are probably laying on the couch or bed just like I am right now and
are most likely eating something unhealthy. Theres always the kids who do this but care
about their body and go to the gym so they should be fine but then there are the kids who
Comment [AP5]: Something is happening
with your sentence structure here. not sure
what your intention is here.
Comment [AP6]: Hey, whats with the
British here?
Comment [AP7]: Of course :)
Comment [AP8]: Can you use more
specific language than stuff?
Comment [AP9]: Ha! But, again, can you
use more specific language. I really like how
you seem to be discussing the
uncontrollability of virality.
Comment [AP10]: Wait, which are you
saying is stupid? Taking pictures of the
drugs? Or doing the drugs?
Comment [AP11]: Okay, but from another
point of view, this seems to be a great
service social media provides society:
catching those silly enough to post such
stuff on the internet, but a least they are
getting caught so that they may help
themselves and potentially others, right?
Comment [AP12]: This is a great question.
You could probably expand it to include
technology in general. I mean, the television
itself could certainly be blamed for some of
these things, and tv has been around for
some time now.
Roberto Vences
Professor Padgett
English 1102
February 5, 2014

are already starting to seem a bit on the chunky side and are becoming obese and will
have problems breathing later. This may be something that is not as serious right now but
it could affect you in the long run one day. Imagine being immobile one day all because
when you were a teen you were stuck on social media so you just sat around your
computer all day eating.
During my research I expect to find how social media affects students negatively
and how it could potentially lead to health problems in the future. There are already many
research studies about this so hopefully what I believe is true is actually true and not the
opposite of what I believe. In my research paper I will be arguing that social media is bad
for you only if you use it excessively though. There are many things pointing to social
media having a negative affect on your lives so I think this is important and people
should pay attention and follow steps to become less dependent on social media.
You have some really great ideas here and youve done a good job presenting your ideas
and your inquiry. I am most interested in your inquiry about how technology might be
contributing to our physical heath. I mostly like this idea because I havent seen anyone
else present this idea yet, and so it seems fresh and new. Reminds me of that movie Wall-
E. I also am really interested in what you have to say about virality. However, cant you
just delete your original post, assuming it is your original post that has been shared
virally. BUT, then I think of youtube videos that get copied and reposted. I think there is
a lot of potential in these ideas and I look forward to seeing how they develop, good work
Comment [AP13]: Though, I feel like
obesity is a problem that extends beyond
the blame of technology.

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