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Deion Brown

Professor Padget
English 1102
Annotated Bibliography
Inquiry: How has our generation had to adapt to life because of the way Social media has
caused the world to change?

Proposed Thesis: Technology like social media has changed the everyday life of my generations
and the world dramatically.

Wadhwa, Vivek. "How Social Media Changed the World." How Social Media Changed the
World. IndyStar, 7 Feb. 2014. Web. 10 Mar. 2014.

As a young tee i remember finding a lot of information online. not just for school work but
also for my social life on social networks. My ways were very different from the ways
my parents generation did discovering info. To the children of this connected era, the
world is one giant social network. They are not bound as were previous generations of
humans by what they were taught. They are limited by their curiosity and ambition.
During my childhood, all knowledge was local. There is a perfect example of how social
media has changed everyday life in the whole world compared to how it used to be in
past generations. When my parents where kids they were probably in a sitiuaton like
Wadhwa with news being mostly local. I cant even imagine what it would be like to be a
generation of teens and young adults with out cell phones and the internet. Now social
media doesnt just let you find out what everyone elses opinion on life is but it is also
used as an everyday tool to socialize and be entertained doing it.

Fry, Alexandra. "Study Shows Concern over Use of Social Media Data in Research." Study
Shows Concern over Use of Social Media Data in Research., 21 Feb. 2014.
Web. 12 Mar. 2014.

The article from Fry suggest that social media has become so prevalent in everyday life
that its a new for research that can be used for more than just academics. social media is
a veritable goldmine of opportunity. Every day, reams and reams of naturally occurring
data are produced by users of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. At any given moment,
millions of people are tweeting about what they are doing, where they are going and how
they are feeling. And new field of research is emerging that uses this information to
investigate all kinds of issues.The article tells about some issues surrounding using
social media for reserch as well. A new report has found that social media users have
mixed feelings about their tweets and posts being used in sociological studies. I dont
really know how I would feel if i had to be involved in the same kind of circumstances. If
I had to guess I would probably have mixed feelings about any of my social networking
being used for research also.

Clifford, Stephanie. "Social Media Are Giving a Voice to Taste Buds." The New York
Times. The New York Times, 30 July 2012. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.

Cliffords article supports my main topic of how social media has changed the world and
life as we know it. She talks about how social media can give a voice to taste buds by
using Frito-Lay chips as a perfect example. Coming out with a new flavor of chip was a
completly different and more difficult task for companies like Frito-Lay to handle back
before social media. Frito-Lay is developing a new potato chip flavor, which, in the old
days, would have involved a series of focus groups, research and trend analysis. With
the technology of our age there is a endless number of opportunities for companies to
take advantage of and hopefully succeed from. While consumers may think of social
media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare as places to post musings and interact
with friends, companies like Wal-Mart and Samuel Adams are turning them into
extensions of market research departments. And companies are just beginning to figure
out how to use the enormous amount of information available. The chief marketing
officer of the Gilt Groupe, Elizabeth Francis, said It tells us exactly what customers are
interested in. Social media is continuously starting to become a huge key factor in the
marketing field too.

Tufekci, Zeynep. "Social Media's Small, Positive Role in Human Relationships." The
Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 25 Apr. 2012. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.

Tufekcis article talks about a positive role that social media has in human relationship.
If anything, social media is a counterweight to the ongoing devaluation of human lives.
Social media's rapid rise is a loud, desperate, emerging attempt by people everywhere to
connect with *each other* in the face of all the obstacles that modernity imposes on our
lives. The article explains the way social media helps social relationships as well. In
other words, texting, Facebook-status updates, and Twitter conversations are not
displacing face-to-face socializing -- on average, they are making them stronger. Social
media is enhancing human connectivity as people can converse in ways that were once
not possible. The article gives a suggestive mood or feeling that some people just
naturally prefer online interaction and theres nothing wrong with that. One other
category that is often overlooked are people who are either not that comfortable at some
aspects of face-to-face conversation but find online interaction to be liberating. It's not
that these people are not seeking human contact. This shows that some people can just
be considered cybersocial instead of anti-social.

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