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The way people say: The 26 Greatest

Joys And Struggles Of Being A Late-

Night Person
1. Growing up, you were the last to fall asleep ______.
2. And now, youre ______ for hours after your significant other has fallen
asleep next to you.
3. You have friends in other timezones ______ company when everyone
around you is fast asleep.
4. You ______ emails to send later so your boss (and colleagues, and
professors, and friends, and parents) wont judge you for working at 4
5. You work all day, but dont really get ______ until youre alone in the dead
of night.
6. If you have roommates, you spend your prime working hours ______ and
typing as quietly as possible.
7. You know every ______ store and restaurant in your neighborhood.
8. And the late-night food delivery men know you ______.
9. Getting in bed early doesnt mean getting more sleep. It means angrily
______ for a few hours.
10. People constantly ask you why youre ______ so late, and you dont know
what to say.
11. Also: Do you ______ sleep?
12. And: Wow, youre ______ a vampire.
13. Your friends are always tired and ready to go home when youre just
starting to ______.
14. But if they ever make early plans, youre definitely the last to ______.
15. Seriously. Everything about waking up in the morning ______. Fuck alarms
and sunrise and birds chirping.
16. People are always giving you ______advice on how to fall asleep earlier.
17. Your parents have always been ______about not sleeping enough.
18. And, over the years, youve ______ways to hide it from them.
19. You ______your best ideas at night.
20. And wake up to a ______ comprehensible notes and self-emails to remind
yourself of them.
21. Youve seen (and ______) a lot of sunrises.
22. Waking up early for school/work means you almost never ______four
hours of sleep during the week.
23. But you make sure to ______on it by sleeping 12-plus hours on the
24. Your special skills include: ______terrible TV shows
25. ______ silently in bed
26. And mindlessly ______ Reddit/Tumblr/Twitter for hours.
27. Of course, youre totally and completely useless in the morning, and need
______coffee to get through the day.
28. But its all worth it for your hours of peace and ______in the dark
29. Hidden away from the world, and all of its ______ diurnal people.
1. 24-hour
2. a gallon of
3. anything done
4. at sleepovers
5. binge-watching
6. bunch of barely
7. by name
8. catch up
9. come up with
10. ever
11. figured out
12. get more than
13. have fun
14. Instagrammed
15. insufferable
16. literally
17. on your case
18. quiet solace
19. restlessly awake
20. schedule
21. scrolling down
22. show up
23. Snacking
24. sucks
25. tiptoeing
26. to keep you
27. turning
28. up
29. well-meaning

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