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Bumpy Road Ahead

Megan McGinnis
EDUC 526 Capstone Experience in Digital eaching and !earning
"ro#essor$ %enni#er Cardi##
A"U &range Regional Center'&nline
Date$ May () 2*+,
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age +
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring // 2*+,
.ection &ne
0hile completing my Bachelor1s degree at Cal .tate 2ullerton) all / could thin3 a4out
-as #inishing my degree and mo5ing on to the Credential "rogram6 At that time) / had no desire
to complete my Masters degree) let alone complete it at A7usa "aci#ic Uni5ersity 8A"U96 /
thought e5erything -as all laid out in #ront o# me at Cal .tate 2ullerton / had my$ Education
classes -ere already lined up) / applied #or the Credential "rogram) and / had :ust passed my
CBE. and C.E exams6 Un#ortunately) -ith only t-o months le#t o# the semester) / got the
call that anyone -ould dread; Cal .tate 2ullerton dropped their Credential "rogram night classes6
0or3ing #ull<time and going to school #ull<time -as something that / ha5e al-ays dealt -ith) 4ut
this -as di##erent6 / -as no- 4eing #orced to ta3e day classes that / -as una4le to complete due
to -or3 commitments6 =o- it -as 4ac3 to the dra-ing 4oard #or me to #igure out my next mo5e6
Un#ortunately) only -ee3s later the ans-er -as gi5en to me -ithout e5en ha5ing to do any
research; my uncle passed a-ay and my li#e -as changed #ore5er6 / -as angry at God) / did not
-ant to go to school) and / had no desire to e5en thin3 a4out continuing -ith the Credential
"rogram6 A#ter many prayers and discussions -ith #amily mem4ers) / reali7ed that the 4est thing
#or me -as to go to a Christian Uni5ersity -here / -ould get the 4est education) as -ell as 4e
a4le to learn and gro- -ith God6 he decision then 4ecame) -hich Christian Uni5ersity -ould
4e the right #it #or me>
/ only researched t-o schools$ A7usa "aci#ic Uni5ersity and Concordia Uni5ersity6 A#ter
loo3ing into 4oth o# them and praying o5er the decision) / #ound that A"U -as going to 4e the
right match #or me6 0hen / #irst entered the program / had no desire to complete my Masters
degree) / :ust -anted my Credential and to 4ecome a teacher6 A#ter a semester in my Credential
"rogram and meeting other #ello- teachers) / reali7ed that getting my Masters degree -ould 4e a
challenge 4ut -ell -orth it in the end6 !earning a4out the education system and seeing all the
changes that -ere happening in the classrooms today 8i"ads) .martBoard) E!M&) etc69) /
reali7ed that the 4est decision #or me -as to pursue my education at A"U and get my Masters
degree in Digital eaching and !earning6 / -anted to gain a 4etter understanding o# the -orld o#
technology and disco5er ne- -ays to teach students) using all #orms o# technology6
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age 2
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring //
"ersonal Gro-th
Going into my Masters courses / thought / 3ne- at least something a4out technology$
-rite a paper) create a "o-er"oint) na5igate around the -e4) etc6 0ell) / -as -rong6 echnology
has changed so much o5er the years that the only -ay to #ully understand e5erything that is out
there is to ta3e a technology course6 During my Masters program / -as enrolled in six di##erent
technology courses that -ould help expand my 3no-ledge and understanding o# the technology
that is used in today1s classrooms6
During one o# my courses 8EDUC 5229) / -as a4le to #ully understand not only the
di##erent technologies 4ut also Gardner1s multiple intelligences6 / disco5ered that / am a ?er4al)
?isual and /ntrapersonal learner6 Meaning that / learn 4est 4y listening to people or the
instructor) seeing a 5ideo or pictures and -or3ing alone on pro:ects; this -as so spot on6 All
through my schooling) / al-ays 3ne- that i# / did not hear it) see it or -atch it) / -as :ust not
going to 4e a4le to learn or understand the topic; this is still the case to this day6 Disco5ering my
o-n learning style has hope#ully helped me to 4etter understand the di##erent intelligences and
learning styles o# my #uture students6 By earning a Master1s degree in Digital eaching and
!earning) / -ill 4e a4le to create lessons that connect -ith all the di##erent learning styles$
?isual) ?er4al Musical) =aturalist) @inesthetic) /ntrapersonal and /nterpersonal) as -ell as to
incorporate technology into e5ery lesson6
By recei5ing my Master1s degree in Digital eaching and !earning) / -ill not only 4e
pro5ing to mysel# that / can o5ercome almost anything) 4ut / -ill 4e sho-ing my #amily and
#riends that / can challenge mysel# and / can accomplish -hat / set my mind to6 here -ere times
that / thought / couldn1t do it) that / cried o5er assignments) and time that / -anted to gi5e up6
!uc3ily) -ith the constant support o# my #amily 4ehind me and constant praying) / 3no- that /
-ill in #act o5ercome this challenge and accomplish my goal6
&n a spiritual le5el / #eel that attending A"U has really helped me -or3 past all o# my
anger to-ards God6 As / -as gro-ing up / -ent to church e5ery .unday) :oined the youth
ministries and e5en helped in the day care center6 Un#ortunately) t-o years ago my -orld and
#aith changed #ore5er -ith the passing o# my uncle6 A#ter my uncle passed a-ay) / de#lected my
anger at the -rong person 8God9 and 4lamed him #or ta3ing a-ay someone / lo5ed so dearly6 /
stopped going to church) stopped praying) and started 4eing mad #or no reason6 /t -asn1t until
my #irst night o# class in my Credential "rogram 8-here / shared my story o# ho- / ended there9)
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age A
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring // 2*+,
that / reali7ed / truly -as meant to 4e going to school at A"U6 !uc3ily #or me) my #ello-
classmates and teacher -ere there to gi5e me a hug and reassure me that e5erything -as going to
4e o3ay6 his experience luc3ily continued throughout my entire :ourney through A"U6 E5ery
teacher / met 4rought -ords o# -isdom) reassurance) and lots o# prayers my -ay6 hose
experiences ha5e helped me 4e a4le to #orgi5e God) gain lasting #riendships) and continue -ith
my prayers6
"ro#essional Gro-th
a3ing technology courses at A"U has helped me e5ol5e a great deal) not only as an
educator 4ut a tech<sa55y educator6 0hen / get into my #uture classroom / #eel con#ident that /
-ill 4e a4le) use my i"ad) the .martBoard and E!M&) and teach students a4out the #uture o#
technology6 / am more a-are o# all the di##erent apps) -e4sites and resources that are out there
and that are 4ene#icial to student learning6 his technology program has excited me to teach
a4out technology and to thin3 outside o# the 4ox6 / -ant to ma3e learning exciting #or students
and to engage all types o# learners) all -hile utili7ing technology6
My 5ision o# education has some-hat stayed the same) -hich is to help e5ery student
learn to the 4est o# his or her a4ilities and to ma3e learning #un6 Be#ore ta3ing the technology
program / #elt that going into teaching -as my passion 4ecause / -anted to help students learn
and ma3e a change in their academic li5es6 A#ter the technology program / still #eel the same
-ay 4ut no- / -ant to engage students1 learning) using as much technology as possi4le6 A"U
has helped pro5ide me -ith all the necessary 3no-ledge and resources in technology that can
help me teach the generations o# tomorro-6
/n order to teach the #uture students o# America) / must #irst #ocus on mysel#6 Currently) /
am -or3ing on an Action Research study that is #ocusing on Bho- much exercise is 4ene#icial to
my health and 4ody>C My goal is to determine ho- many days a -ee3 and ho- much time per
day is necessary #or me to lose -eight and stay healthy6 / #eel that this topic -ill help me in my
#uture classroom 4ecause i# / am not #ocusing on my health and -ell 4eing) / -ill not 4e a4le to
#ocus on teaching my students6 My #irst priority in li#e is to #ocus on my health and -ell 4eing
#irst) and then e5erything else -ill start to #all into place6
echnical Gro-th
Be#ore ta3ing technology courses) / -as not #amiliar -ith the i"ad or e5en the MacBoo3;
/ had only used a "C and my i"hone6 / 3ne- ho- to use e5erything Microso#t &##ice 4ut using
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age ,
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring //
"ages and operating a MacBoo3 -as much tougher then / had imagined6 /n my #irst technology
class 8EDUC 5+29) -e learned e5erything there -as to 3no- a4out our MacBoo3 and i"ads6 /t
too3 me the -hole nine -ee3s to #igure out ho- to use "ages and ho- to na5igate using the
di##erent options a5aila4le on my MacBoo36 his class has helped me learn ho- to use and
operate my MacBoo3 correctly) as -ell as learn ho- to start using the i"ad in the classroom
setting6 hen in my EDUC 5+5 class) / -as a4le to explore deeply into the i"ad and to explore
ho- to e##ecti5ely use the iMo5ie operating system on my MacBoo36 his class really opened up
my eyes to learning ho- to create mo5ies and too learn a4out all o# the di##erent resources that
are out there that / can use on my i"ad6 /n addition to these classes) EDUC 522 helped pro5ide
me -ith hundreds o# other apps that can 4e used in my daily teaching$ Educreations) E5ernote)
.ho-me) @idsBlog and so much more6
.ince #inishing up my EDUC 5+5 and EDUC 522 classes) / ha5e learned o# di##erent
technology resources that can 4e used in my #uture classroom6 /n EDUC 5+5 / learned a4out the
#lipped classroom) 4logging) creating a -e4site and using -itter to reach out to other teachers6 /
lo5e the idea o# 4eing a4le to create a -e4site -here parents and students can 5isit daily and see
-hat -e are doing in class on a daily) -ee3ly and monthly 4asis6 / also thin3 that teaching
students using the #lipped classroom model 8home-or3 is done in class -hile learning is done at
home9) -ill help students learn in#ormation much easier and lessen the stress on parents trying to
help their child -ith home-or36
!i#e !ong !earning "lan
/t is strange to thin3 that a#ter going to school #or t-enty straight years that it is #inally
coming to an end6 / #eel that / ha5e #inally 4een a4le to achie5e all o# the academic goals that /
ha5e set out to achie5e and the 4iggest achie5ement -ill 4e completing my Masters degree and
4eing the #irst in my #amily to do so6 E5en though / am #inishing up my schooling) / still plan to
continue to chec3 into technology courses e5ery no- and then -hen they come along so that /
can stay up to date on any ne- resource) app or -e4site that / can use in my classroom6
his technology course has made me thin3 o# all the di##erent -ays to incorporate
technology into the classroom and to ma3e learning #un6 E5en though / am not in the classroom
no-) / am still exploring and experimenting -ith all the di##erent technology resources that are
out there so that / am prepared -hen / do ha5e my o-n classroom6 / am researching di##erent
resources that can 4e used #or all di##erent types o# learners6 /# / learned anything in my Masters
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age 5
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring // 2*+,
courses it is this$ e5ery student learns di##erently and there are resources out there to help e5ery
type o# learner to succeed6 Be#ore / start teaching) / -ant to continue to explore using di##erent
apps) 5amping up my -e4site and continue -or3ing on learning a4out ne- -ays to teach
students using all technology6 /# / am not tech sa55y or up to date on the ne-est technology) then
neither -ill 4e up to date6
&nce / #inish my Master1s in Digital eaching and echnology) / plan to start applying
#or a teaching :o4 right a-ay6 /t is my goal that -ithin #i5e years / -ill #ind a teaching :o4 that
allo-s me to use my 3no-ledge #rom all my course-or3 and to teach students using all aspects
o# technology6 / -ould also li3e to see mysel# mo5ed out #rom my dad1s house and married to
my 4est #riend o# eight years6 !i#e has 4een thro-ing me a lot o# cur5e 4alls) ones that / am
hoping -ill all 4e resol5ed in due time6 /# li#e has taught me anything it is that things happen #or
a reason and e5ery decision that happens in li#e is meant to 4e6 / :ust hope that the decisions /
ma3e no- -ill 4e the right decisions #or me ten years do-n the road6 / need to trust in God and
trust that the plan he has #or me is one that is meant #or me to do good and help others learn to
the 4est o# my a4ilities6 / -ant to 4e that teacher that students -ill remem4er years later) and -ill
remem4er all that / ha5e taught them to help them succeed in li#e6
.ection -o
Distory o# Course-or3 and Course E5olution
Megan McGinnis
Spring II 2014
*$+rse Tit"e ,
-e% S.i""s /c0+ired *$mments/S+ggesti$ns
2oundations in
eaching and
Doyle "otter
Creating !i5eBinder)
0ordle) Understand
importance o#
his course at times seemed a
little easy 4ut -hen it came
time to creating a !i5e4inder)
it -as no :o3e6 /t really helped
me reali7e ho- important
technology is in the classroom
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age 6
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring //
0e4Euest) iBoo3s)
"ages) Blogging)
@eynote) iCloud)
i"ad apps) 0ord
"rocessing) a4s in
0ord) Mail Merge
his course really helped me
de5elop more computer s3ills
8-hich / thought / already
had96 !earning ho- to 4ecome
#amiliar -ith using the i"ad
and ho- to use it properly in
the classroom setting6 his
course -as de#initely the
starting point into my
reintroduction into technology6
Digital ?ideo in
the Classroom
Bill .ela3
.pring //
Rules o#
"hotography) ?ideo
editing) Google
/ #eel that this class is not
really teaching me anything6 /
am gi5en assignments and told
to 4asically #igure it out6 0ell
in a A hour class / should 4e
learning ho- to edit in iMo5ie)
not to sit there and #igure it out
mysel# -ithout help6 he class
is 5ery #rustrating6
%ason .elis3ar
.pring /
Blogging) -itter #or
de5elopment) 2lipped
Classroom) i&. apps)
all things Google
8Google sites)
#orums) Dri5e9
his class really opened my
eyes to all things technology6 /
-as a4le to experience the
positi5e e##ects o# ha5ing a
Blog) and -itter account6 /
-as e5en learning a4out the
positi5e e##ects o# creating a
2lipped Classroom6 his
course also helped me 4ecome
connected -ith other teachers
through -itter and 4logs6
!earning in the
2+st Century
.pring /
Blooms axonomy)
intelligences) apps
#or all learning styles)
as -ell as) creating a
A -ee3 unit plan)
incorporating all
se5en learning styles
his class really opened my
eyes to ho- much -e as
teachers need to 4e a-are o#
the needs o# all o# our students6
/ -as also taught ho- to
distinguish di##erent lessons
that -ill #it the needs o# each
learner) and 4eing a4le to
incorporate technology into
e5ery lesson6 his -as 4y #ar
the most challenging 4ut most
re-arding class that / ha5e
e5er ta3en6
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age (
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring // 2*+,
eaching and
.pring //
Gro-th assessment)
action research plan)
com4ining all -or3
#rom pre5ious EDUC
courses and creating
an extensi5e unit plan
his class has really made me
thin36 / ne5er 3ne- ho- hard it
-as to actually -rite a4out
mysel#6 / am 4eing taught to
re#lect on my :ourney and learn
ho- to compile all my -or3
into an e"ort#olio6
E5aluation o# the /mpact o# the Digital eaching and !earning "rogram
here -ere many instructional strategies and tools that / ha5e learned throughout my
time in the Digital eaching and !earning program that -ill 4e used in my #uture classroom6
Do-e5er) the one instructional strategy that made the 4iggest impact on me came #rom my
EDUC 522 class -here / learned ho- to e##ecti5ely create lessons #or all types o# learners) all
-hile utili7ing technology6 / #eel that 4eing a4le to 3no- and understand Gardner1s se5en
multiple intelligences) can help me 4etter understand not only mysel# 4ut my #uture students6 /
-ill 4e a4le to understand each student1s needs and utili7e corresponding technologies that can
help them learn to the 4est o# their a4ilities6
"rogram E5aluation
My o5erall experience at A"U has 4een ama7ing6 During my Credential "rogram) / made
some ama7ing #riends and met some ama7ing teachers) all o# -hom -ould do anything to help
me succeed6 / attended the &range Regional campus #or my entire Credential "rogram and then
-ent on to attend hy4rid classes #or my Masters classes) -here / met more ama7ing teachers6 he
greatest attri4ute o# A"U is the teachers) o# course6 E5ery teacher that / had 8except one9) -as
al-ays there #or me) helped me -hen / thought / couldn1t do it) and -ould al-ays 4e there #or
me -hen / needed more clari#ication or :ust a simple prayer6 he teachers -ere the ones -ho
helped me get to -here / am today and 4ecause o# them / am no- #inishing my Masters -ith
straight A1s6 All the pro#essors at the school are 5ery de5oted to not only teaching 4ut they are
de5oted to helping me succeed to the 4est o# my a4ilities) they ne5er stop caring6
he only -ea3ness in the program -ould pro4a4ly 4e the lac3 o# response time on emails
and phone calls6 During the time / applied #or student teaching / -as 5ery #rustrated 4ecause /
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age F
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring //
did not #ind out a4out my placement until three days 4e#ore6 A#ter countless phone calls and
emails -ith no responses) / almost ga5e up trying) and -as :ust going to #orget student teaching
altogether6 his un#ortunately -as not the only incident that happened to me during my time at
A"U6 / #ully understand that the school has thousands o# students) and the sta## gets countless
phone calls and emails that are di##icult to respond to right a-ay6 But -hen a student is paying
thousands o# dollars to attend the school) a reply 4ac3 should 4e expected6
As / #inish up my last courses at A"U and re#lect 4ac3 on my academic experience) / #eel
5ery grate#ul #or ma3ing the decision to complete my Masters at A"U6 / #eel that completing my
Masters in Digital eaching and !earning -as the 4est decision that / could ma3e #or my #uture
in teaching6 / ha5e de5eloped many #riendships and many pro#essional relationships throughout
my time at A"U they helped to push me and encourage me to do my 4est in all o# my endea5ors6
/ am con#ident that e5erything / ha5e learned at A"U -ill 4e used e##ecti5ely in my #uture
Form: "Unit Candidate Dispositions Rubric
Candidate/Date Information (optional)
Candidate Name: APU ID No.:
Megan McGinnis 002456970
Evaluator ame (optional):
No answer specified
(RE!UIRED) "ssessor:
Course #refi$ and umber (optional):
Example: EDUC 504
EDUC 526
(RE!UIRED) Et%ical educators &%o are able to understand and articulate t%e inte'ration
of a C%ristian &orldvie& in t%eir professional communities of practice displa(:
1 2 3 4 Not
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age G
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring // 2*+,
Personal n!egri!" x
Colla#ora!i$e% coopera!i$e% an& respec!f'l #e(a$iors x
)airness in e&'ca!ional se!!ings #" mee!ing !(e e&'ca!ional
nee&s of all s!'&en!s in a caring% non*&iscrimina!or"% an&
e+'i!a#le manner
Sensi!i$i!" !o c'l!'ral an& in&i$i&'al &ifferences x
Personal an& professional ma!'ri!" x
Response Legend: 1 , -o! .ccep!a#le /no! &ispla"e&0 2 , .pproac(es .ccep!a#le /some!imes
&ispla"e&0 3 , .ccep!a#le /'s'all" &ispla"e&0 4 , 1arge! /al2a"s &ispla"e&0 N/A , -o! .pplica#le
(RE!UIRED) Comments re'ardin' candidate stren't%s/areas for improvement (Et%ical):
nee& !o learn !o 2or3 #e!!er 2i!( o!(ers on pro4ec!s5 's'all" 4's! li3e !o !a3e o$er an
assignmen! an& &on6! le! o!(ers in% !(in3ing !(e" 2ill no! #e a#le !o &o as a goo& a 4o# as
can5 ! is impor!an! especiall" in !(e classroom se!!ing% !o allo2 e$er"one !o (elp an& 2or3
(RE!UIRED) Responsive educators &%o practice reflective critical t%in)in' in t%eir
en'a'ements &it% diverse communities of learners displa(:
1 2 3 4
7esponsi$eness !o !(e expec!a!ions an& s!an&ar&s of !(e
professional comm'ni!"
7esponsi$eness !o con&i!ions !(a! promo!e learning% (eal!(%
an& personal safe!" in !(e P*82 sc(ool an& comm'ni!"
Effec!i$e comm'nica!ion 2i!(in !(e e&'ca!ional comm'ni!" x
Commi!men! !o fair aca&emic prac!ices !(a! ens're all s!'&en!s
can learn
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring //
7esponsi$eness !o !(e impac! of &iscrimina!ion #ase& on race%
class% gen&er% &isa#ili!"9excep!ionali!"% sex'al orien!a!ion% an&
lang'age on s!'&en!s an& !(eir learning
Effec!i$e !ime managemen! x
.ppearance an& &ress appropria!e for one6s professional
Response Legend: 1 , -o! .ccep!a#le /no! &ispla"e&0 2 , .pproac(es .ccep!a#le /some!imes
&ispla"e&0 3 , .ccep!a#le /'s'all" &ispla"e&0 4 , 1arge! /al2a"s &ispla"e&0 N/A , -o! .pplica#le
(RE!UIRED) Comments re'ardin' candidate stren't%s/areas for improvement
#elie$e !(a! 2as al2a"s on !op of m" assignmen!s an& &i& !(e #es! !(a! co'l& on
e$er"!(ing5 am c'rren!l" no! in !(e classroom so 'na#le !o &e!ermine (o2 m"
comm'nica!ion 2i!( m" f'!'re s!'&en!s is meas're&5 &o (o2e$er 3no2 !(a! 2(en am in
!(e classroom 2ill al2a"s s(o2 goo& managemen! s3ills% comm'nica!e effec!i$el" !o
s!'&en!s an& colleag'es an& al2a"s #e a2are of all s!'&en!s nee&s5
(RE!UIRED) Informed and collaborative sc%olarl( educators &%o are dedicated to
professional 'ro&t% and lifelon' learnin' displa(:
1 2 3 4
Commi!men! !o a&ap!ing an& appl"ing !(e #es! researc(*
#ase& i&eas !o impro$e clinical prac!ice
.n 'n&ers!an&ing of c'rren! an& emerging !ren&s in !(eir fiel&
of prac!ice
:no2le&ge of s!an&ar&s an& expec!a!ions of !(eir &iscipline
!(ro'g( rele$an! ac!i$i!ies an& pro4ec!s in !(e program
.#ili!" !o appl" an& comm'nica!e c'rren! researc( effec!i$el"
in co'rse 2or3
1(e a#ili!" !o s"n!(esi;e an& appl" co'rse con!en!% pro4ec!s%
clinical prac!ice% an& professional 2or3
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring // 2*+,
Response Legend: 1 , -o! .ccep!a#le /no! &ispla"e&0 2 , .pproac(es .ccep!a#le /some!imes
&ispla"e&0 3 , .ccep!a#le /'s'all" &ispla"e&0 4 , 1arge! /al2a"s &ispla"e&0 N/A , -o! .pplica#le
(RE!UIRED) Comments re'ardin' candidate stren't%s/areas for improvement
am $er" 2ell informe& no! onl" in learning (o2 !o crea!e lessons an& pro4ec!s #'! #eing
a#le !o crea!e assignmen!s 'sing all forms of !ec(nolog"5 am no! in !(e classroom no2 #'!
&o 2is( !(a! 2(en am% 2ill #e s're !o !a3e all !(e informa!ion from m" 2 "ears a! .PU
an& appl" i! !o m" f'!'re classroom5
Megan McGinnis Gro-th Assessment "age
A"U &range EDUC 526 .pring //

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