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Loeshia Durham 12

Wyandotte High School
Activities in School Years Involved Leadership Positions Held
Volleyball 2010-2013 Backrow Defensive
Basketball 2012-2013 Point Guard
Track & ield 2012-2013 !"rinter
Band 2012-2013 Percussion
#rc$estra 2010-201% irst &$air
Jobs Held Length of Position Description of Position
&ourt #fficer &lerk 03'12 to 0('12 )nsure and kee" court records on
Defendants and !anctions*
+evi,s !tore #utlet 11'13 to 11'13 -eclo.e custo.ers w$o ca.e in and T$anked
/Peak !easonal Greeter0 custo.ers w$o were leavin1*

2 a. a leader3 or1ani4ed3 $el"ful3 deter.ined and will do w$at ever it takes to be
Honors and Awards Date Received Criteria for Winning
Directors &$oice 5ward or #rc$estra 2010 6ne7"ected
8onor 9oll 2010 3*: 1"a
&ertified as ;<#B 9)5D=> 2012 &o."letin1 t$e "ro1ra.
by <obs for =oun1 5dults
bstacles verco!e" The obstacles that I had to overcome was dealing with my family
issues and continuing on going to school.
Ms. Foreman (913) 416-0320
Ms.Smith (913) 626-9721
Ms.Davis (913) 562-4665

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