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"This slow Day moved along --"

By Emily Dickinson
This slow Day moved along -- [1]
I heard its axles go [2]
As if they could not hoist themselves [3]
They hated motion so -- [4]
I told my soul to come -- [5]
It was no use to wait -- [6]
We went and played and came again [7]
And it was out of sight -- [8]
Poem 1120 [F1198]
"This slow Day moved along"
Analysis by David Preest
In poem 781 Emily had said, 'To wait an Hour -- is long -/ If Love be just beyond,' and perhaps in this poem the day moves slowly for the
same reason -- that she is waiting for a visit from Samuel Bowles. After waiting downstairs in vain, she tells her soul to come with her up to
her room. She plays or communes with her soul for a time, but when she goes downstairs again, she finds that Bowles has been and gone.

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