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Title: Students as Tutorial Designers - Multiplying Fractions Tutorial video

Introduction: This activity provides students with the opportunity to show what they know.
During the math unit of fractions the students will produce a series of videos that are simple
tutorials that demonstrate various processes.

Curriculum Alignment: The 5th grade math curriculum includes a module/unit on fractions
(multiplication and division, addition & subtraction) Grade 5s Module 4 extends student
understanding of fraction operations to multiplication and division of both fractions and decimal

Time Required: The time required to complete the tutorial video depends on the individual
students. Overall, it should take approximately 2-3 30 minute sessions to complete the activity
from start to finish.

Technology Resources: In order to produce the tutorial video with relative ease a smartboard
and a free screencasting program is required. A blank slide in Smart Notebook can be used
while the process is demonstrated. BSR Screen Recorder is the software used to record the

Pre-activities: The activities that lead up to this include surveying students for prior knowledge
of multiplication and division and prior experience working with fractions. Also important is to
expose students to various types of tutorial videos as a frame of reference.

Activities: The activity of creating the tutorial video itself is quite simple. The preparation is the
true activity.

Assessment: The formal assessment for this activity is the overall quality of the instruction in
the tutorial video. The informal assessment is the overall quality of the tutorial video production.
This is an opportunity for students to .

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