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Drunk Driving

Wendy Cadorna, Kristine De Guzman, Kylie Findley, Miki Fifita

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Drunk Driving is the crime of driving a vehicle
with an excess of alcohol in the blood.
History Of Drunk Driving Penalties
* Surprisingly, it only took 11 years after the
first car for someone to be arrested for drunk
*The penalties vary from state to state, and
also depend on the number of chances you
have previously had.
Drunk Driving Statistics
In 2008, Hawaii had the highest rate for
impaired motor vehicle fatalities.
*In 2013, the United States had about 10,000
fatalities due to drunk driving!
Advantages Of Harsher Penalties For Drunk Driving
Current penalties on drunk driving
now in Hawaii:
Minimum License Suspension or
Revocation 90 days (restricted
license possible after 30 days for
Mandatory Alcohol Education,
Assessment and Treatment
Vehicle Confiscation
Ignition Interlock Device
If we make the penalties harsher, the
penalties will be:
Licenses revoked for more than 5 months.
Must take counseling classes on alcohol
and failure to attend classes with lead to
more time or community service.
Vehicle confiscation , that will be up to the
state or county how long the suspension is
Ignition interlock device will be determined
on the state or county how long the device
will interlock for.
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Disadvantages for Drunk Driving Penalties
A female drinker even if she is the same height and weight
as a male drinker will get a 20-25% higher blood alcohol
level from the same drink.

Reason why :
Males are bigger than female.
Female has 25% higher body fat level than a man thus
making the alcohol in the female body more alcohol
absorbed into the blood volume than males since the
male muscles dilute the alcohol more.

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Solution for women drinking limit
Instead of calculating a .02 blood alcohol for every beer,
drink or glass of wine. They should really calculate .035
for every drink.
Its rare for women who can rely on being under the limit if
she has more than two drinks in an hour. But regardless
of gender, no one should ever drink under the influence
of alcohol for coming up next is the type of penalties for
drunk driving.

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Penalties of Drunk Driving
-Fines up to $2000
-Jail time 6 months up to Life
-Revoking of License
-Suspension of License
-Shame from your friends and family
Solutions to Drunk Driving
-Designated Driver
-Harsher penalties
-5 people died in Kula on 3/25/12
-many people affected
-had to close highway down
-due to drinking and driving
Recent Incident
Drunk Driving Statistics in Hawaii
Total Alchol

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