Lenguaje Indirecto Reported Speech

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El Reported speech o Lenguaje indirecto es una estructura que usamos cuando
reportamos o hacemos mencin sobre algo que alguien ha dicho previamente. El
lenguaje indirecto es la manera ms habitual de hacer referencia a las palabras de
otra persona. Cuando reportamos se hacen algunas modificaciones a nivel del
verbo, de los pronombres y de los adverbios de tiempo.
En los Pronombres
Los pronombres personales, los pronombres objetivos, adjetivos posesivos y
pronombres posesivos, cambian cuando reportamos una oracin.
Direct Speech Reported Speech
I he/she
We they
My his/her
Your my
Our their
Mine his/her
Me him/her
Us them

a) John: I need your help today
John says that he needs my help that day.

b) Mary: We are going to the party
Mary says that they are going to the party

En los adverbios
Direct Speech Reported Speech
now then, at that moment
today that day
tonight that night
last night the previous night, the night before
tomorrow the next day, the following day
yesterday the previous day, the day before
this week that week
next week the following week, the week after
last year the previous year, the year before
here there

a) Rosa: I am going to the party tomorrow
Rosa says that She is going to the party the next day.

b) Daniela: I had the best grades here
Daniela says that she had the best grades there.

En los adjetivos

Direct Speech Reported Speech
This That
These Those

a) Luis: I like this belt
Luis says that he likes that belt

b) Mary: These are my shoe
Mary says that those are her shoes

Lenguaje Indirecto

Jos Flix lvarez

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