Egee 101h Homework 1

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Meghan Stouter

Dr. Eser
January 23, 2014
EGEE 101H, Homework #1 Unit Conversions
Due on Thursday, January 30 by electronic submission to the HW1 drop box, by 11:59 p.m.
Submit, MS Excel, MS Word, or pdf. Scanned copies of handwritten pages are not acceptable.
Each question is worth 12.5 pts.
1. Calculate the work done (in Joules) by a 75-kilora! wo!an to cli!b to the top o" #ount E$erest
(2%&'2( "eet)) (Con$ersion "actors you need to sol$e this proble!* 1 !eter+ ,.2( "eet& -ra$itational
.cceleration +%.( !/sec/sec. 0ote that work + "orce 1 distance& and "orce + !ass 1 ra$itational
F=75kg(9.8m/sec/sec) = 735 kg/m/sec/sec
8,850(735) = 6,504,750 Joues
2. 2hat is the enery equi$alent o" the work done in 3uestion 1 in slices o" pi44a) (Con$ersion "actors
you need to sol$e this proble!* Enery content o" one slice o" pi44a + 2%' Calories and 1 Calorie +
5&1(5 Joules) Co!!ent brie"ly on why your answer (which is ther!odyna!ically correct) is not really
the riht answer.
6,504,750 Joues/4,!84 = !,554.67 c"o#$es/290 c"o#$es = 5.36! %$ces &&'($s $s )ot #e"* t(e
#$g(t ")s+e# ,ec"use t(e (um") ,od* c"))ot co)-e#t food(c"o#$es) $)to .o+e# "t !00/
,. .nnual per capita enery consu!ption in the 6.7. is appro1i!ately ,5' !illion 8tu. Calculate how
!any pounds o" coal would ha$e the equi$alent a!ount o" enery (9he $alue o" a typical coal is 1,&'''
350,000,000 0tu/!3,000 0tu/, = 26,923.08 ,s
5. 9he wattae o" a typical color 9: is ,'' (i.e.& it uses ,'' watts o" electric power). ;" one kilowatt-
hour o" electricity costs < cents& how !uch does it cost to watch 9: "or , hours) (1 kilowatt + 1'''
300 W"tts x 3 (ou#s = 900 W"tts = .9 1$o+"tts x 6ce)ts = 5.4ce)ts
5. 9he speed o" liht is appro1i!ately ,''&''' kilo!eters/second& and the distance "ro! the sun to the
earth is appro1i!ately 15'&'''&''' kilo!eters. =ow lon (in !inutes) does the solar radiation take to
reach the earth)
!50,000,000 1m/300,000 1m/sec = 500 %ec / 60 sec = 8.33 2$)utes
<. .n ele$ator needs a power o" 1' k2 to run s!oothly. Calculate its power in units o" horsepower.
! (. = 746 W"tts !W"tt = !/!000 k+ !0,000 +"tts = !0 k+
!0,000 / 746 +"tts = !3.4 (o#se .o+e#
7. . typical adult in 6.7. con$erts 2''' Calories o" "ood enery per day. Calculate the a$erae
!etabolic power o" an adult& assu!in that the enery is con$erted e$enly throuhout the day (25
hours). (>ou know that this assu!ption is not true. ?ne con$erts& "or e1a!ple& !uch less enery by
sleepin than by walkin or runnin).
3o+e# = e)e#g*/t$me W"tt = Joues/sec
! 4oue = .2389 c"s
8,37!,703 4oues / 86400 (seco)ds $) " d"*) = 96.89 W"tts
(. Calculate how !any kilora!s o" carbon dio1ide (C?
) are produced when one kilora! o" natural
as (i.e.& !ethane& C=
) is burnt co!pletely to carbon dio1ide and water.
5"#,o) = 2g#/"tom
6x*ge) = !6g#/"tom
7*d#oge) = !g#/"tom
!2 5"#,o) 8 2(!6) 6x*ge)
!2 8 2(!6) = 44g /!000 kg = .044 kg

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