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Multiple Intelligences

Unit Plan Template

EDUC 522
Unit Title: Westward Expansion: Lewis and Clar Expedition Teac!er: "rian Lind
#rade Le$el: 5t! #rade
%ideo Presentation Lin: !ttps:&&www'(outu)e'com&watc!*
2u)3ect: 2ocial 2tudies Time /rame: /our Wees
-Students will learn to visualize and conceptualize different ideas
regarding the impact the Louisiana Purchase had on the Lewis and Clark
-Will Identif different tri!es found in the Pacific "orthwest
-Identif and appl the attire and culture of tri!es in the pacific northwest
-#o research and explore different aspects of the Lewis and Clark
expedition with a specific emphasizes on culture and its impact on the
terrain and the concept of power and eminent domain. Students will
understand the !asic framework to which a culture is !uilt and the
differences !etween western and traditional !ased cultural
-Identif ke policies and ac$uisitions% which led to the &nited States to
explore westward expansion.
-Compare and Contrast the goals and outcomes of the Lewis and Clark
-'utline the ma(or points of expansion% which evolved from the

-Identif a variet of plants and animals found during the Lewis and Clark
-#o understand different cultures and identif what makes or creates a
culture or identit
-*!ilit to link important events in the west with the Lewis and Clark
-*!ilit to identif the importance of water and geograph in planning
and preparing a specific (ourne or trip
-&nderstand how to use social networking sites like +ake!ook%
portfolioopen% and #witter.
Intelligences: -usical .hthmic% /odil 0inesthetic% "aturalist% 1er!al
Linguistic% Logical2-athematical% 1isual Spatial% Interpersonal%
Tec!nologies in t!e unit:
i!ooks% Ipad% computer% *pple #1
Common Core standards:
,. ,. With prompting and support% descri!e the relationship !etween
illustrations and the stor in which the appear 3e.g.% what moment in a
stor an illustration depicts4.
5. 5. 6etermine a theme of a stor% drama% or poem from details in the text7
summarize the text.
8. 8. .efer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text
sas explicitl and when drawing inferences from the text.
9. 9. Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in
:. :.Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics 3e.g.%
opposition of good and evil4 and patterns of events 3e.g.% the $uest4 in
stories% mths% and traditional literature from different cultures.
Tec!nolog( standards:
5' Creati$it( and inno$ation
Students demonstrate creative thinking% construct
0nowledge% and develop innovative products and
Processes technolog.
a. *ppl existing knowledge to generate new
Ideas% products% or processes
!. Create original works as a means of personal
'r group expression
c. &se models and simulations to explore complex
Sstems and issues
d. Identif trends and forecast possi!ilities
2' 6esearc! and In1ormation /luenc(
Students appl digital tools to gather% evaluate%
*nd use information.
a. Plan strategies to guide in$uir
!. Locate% organize% analze% evaluate% snthesize%
*nd ethicall use information from a variet of
Sources and media
c. )valuate and select information sources and
6igital tools !ased on the appropriateness to
Specific tasks
d. Process data and report results
.' Critical T!ining7 Pro)lem 2ol$ing7 and Decision Maing
Students use critical thinking skills to plan
*nd conduct research% manage pro(ects% solve
Pro!lems% and make informed decisions using
*ppropriate digital tools and resources.
a. Identif and define authentic pro!lems and
Significant $uestions for investigation
!. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution
'r complete a pro(ect
c. Collect and analze data to identif solutions
*nd2or make informed decisions
d. &se multiple processes and diverse
Perspectives to explore alternative solutions
8' Digital Citi9ens!ip
Students understand human% cultural% and societal
Issues related to technolog and practice legal and
)thical !ehavior.
a. *dvocate and practice safe% legal% and
.esponsi!le use of information and technolog
!. )xhi!it a positive attitude toward using
#echnolog that supports colla!oration%
Learning% and productivit
c. 6emonstrate personal responsi!ilit for
Lifelong learning
d. )xhi!it leadership for digital citizenship
5' Tec!nolog( 4perations and Concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding
'f technolog concepts% sstems% and operations.
a. &nderstand and use technolog sstems
!. Select and use applications effectivel
*nd productivel
c. #rou!leshoot sstems and applications
d. #ransfer current knowledge to learning
of new technologies
Materials: :digital and non;digital<
;oogle 6ocuments
;oogle Site
;oogle Presentation
Lewis and Clark )-learning vignette
IPad or computer
Stationar in-class we! director
#ri!e 6ata!ase
+ake!ook account
+lickr account
School I.6.
*udio recording device
Poster !oard
Week One: The Expedition
4)3ecti$e 4ne: Students will learn to visualize and conceptualize different ideas
regarding the impact the Louisiana Purchase had on the Lewis and Clark
4)3ecti$e Two< Will Identif different tri!es found in the Pacific "orthwest
4)3ecti$e T!ree< Identif and appl the attire and culture of tri!es in the pacific
4)3ecti$e /our< #o research and explore different aspects of the Lewis and Clark
expedition with a specific emphasizes on culture and its impact on the terrain and
the concept of power and eminent domain. Students will understand the !asic
framework to which a culture is !uilt and the differences !etween western and
traditional !ased cultural perspectives.
Da( 4ne-Students will engage in an opening discussion regarding who Lewis
and Clark are along with what the know a!out western expansion. Students
will then have a small group discussion on what each other know and what the
value of information has on an upcoming trip or endeavor. Students will then
watch a video on the overall (ourne of Lewis and Clark=s expedition and write
a one-page ;oogle document on their view of what the term western world
means to them.
>ou#u!e< Lewis *nd Clark 6ocumentar ?. Code
Da( Two-Students will create a ;oogle presentation on what is re$uired to
!ring on a trip out west !ack in the da. #hen take awa luxuries in the modern
times and have students discuss in a small group some of the dangers in
travelling west. Students will also !e introduced and assigned reading from the
!ook @&ndaunted Courage.A
Da( T!ree-Students will Create a Prezi presentation descri!ing in detail the
different plants found along the Lewis and Clark trail. Students then will then
esta!lish a free )-learning vignette account and listen to one podcast regarding
the Lewis and Clark expedition.
+ake!ook we!site ?. Code
Da( /our-&sing audacit students will in a small group setting create a photo
essa and (oining audio recording on the different tri!es found in the pacific
northwest including there !eliefs% lifestle% culture% and location.
Da( /i$e-Students will form a circle outside and !ounce ideas off one another
using the concept off slope connection ! tossing a !all to each other. #he
theme will !e to identif different events associated with the Lewis and Clark
expedition. 6uring this segment students won=t !e allowed to reference notes
and cannot pass the !all without making a connection. #heir peers can help
them if necessar.
=ati$e >merican tri)al data)ase We)site ?6 Code
Week Two: Geography
4)3ecti$e 4ne< Identif ke policies and ac$uisitions% which led to the &nited
States to explore westward expansion.
4)3ecti$e Two< Compare and Contrast the goals and outcomes of the Lewis and
Clark expedition.
Da( 2ix-Cave students look up geograph and terrain out west and the rigors of
travel for the expedition. Cave a round ro!in stle de!ate in small groups on
what were some of the challenges of travelling west linking culture and
ideologies for each tri!e and species of animal or plant discussed.
Da( 2e$en-.ead the first three chapters of the !ook @&ndaunted CourageA and
have a small group discussion on the important points from the chapters !eing
discussed. Specificall focus on the events in Lewis=s life that lead up to his
decision to travel to the west focusing on his mindset heading towards the
western territories. Students will then undergo a we! $uest on famous
landmarks in the California area.
Da( Eig!t-* class discussion on what perspective means and its application to
discovering the west. In particular its impact on how western and traditional !ased
cultures are different and the challenges those su!tle differences can have. Cave
students talk to one another to identif differences in logic and then correlate those
experiences in an in-depth ;oogle document. Students need to understand the
significance in cultural meandering and how traditional cultures impacted settler=s
relationships with western tri!es.
Da( =ine< Students will listen to audio file from a similar trek made during the
gold rush ! earl settlers reenacting the event identifing to ke themes. Students
will take notes and form small discussion groups identifing what challenges
settlers had in travelling westward. In particular focusing on tri!al warfare% disease%
and suppl shortages. *ssign a video on westward challenges for students to watch
at home.
Da( Ten-* discussion on how the Lewis and Clark expedition relates to other
famous expeditions and how societ has changed over time or hasn=t changed over
time. Paing particular attention to the gold rush and the differences !etween when
Lewis and Clarks expedition commenced and other treks such as the 'regon trail
expedition. Students will create an in-depth Wordle that will highlight the different
concepts talked a!out in class. Students will then use that Wordle and the will
create a word maze connecting different experiences and how the impacted the
foundation of the &nited States.
Week Three: Perspectives
4)3ecti$e 4ne: -'utline the ma(or points of expansion% which evolved from the

4)3ecti$e Two< Identif a variet of plants and animals found during the Lewis
and Clark expedition
4)3ecti$e T!ree< #o understand different cultures and identif what makes or
creates a culture or identit
Da( Ele$en:
; Students will then identif what the Louisiana Purchase is. * discussion will then
take place on the meaning of the word eminent domain and its role in dividing the
western &nited States. Students can outline or dictate notes using Sonocent free
audio software.
Da( Twel$e
; Students will create illustrated online poster featuring the route Lewis and Clark
travelled. #he will use the computer la! to complete this pro(ect. In particular the
will use Caiku 6eck to complete the assignment7 learn a new program in the
process. Students need to understand the !asic structure of presentation software
and its associated learning !ased needs.
Da( T!irteen
; Students will compile a list of ke casualties and changes in culture during the
Lewis and Clark )xpedition creating an interactive ;oogle site. * step ! step
guide will !e created ! the teacher outlining how students can use there ;oogle
site and the different creative filters associated with using ;oogle site. In particular
have students focus on the foundational steps to creating a we!site focusing on
coding and color schemes.
Da( /ourteen
; Students will defend a cause that was important at the time of the expedition
explaining in detail wh it is important and how the would go a!out fighting for it
in a detailed paper and provide visuals in a ;oogle presentation. Students will also
give updates on their ;oogle site and discuss issues or $uestions the have with the
Da( /i1teen
; Students will go on a field trip to a local landmark or park and take pictures of the
region documenting them in a photo essa in +lickr. #he field trip will take place at
the Lewis and Clark /icentennial -useum in St. Louis. If not teaching in St. Louis
then students will take a virtual tour of the li!rar of Congress specificall focusing
on documents associated with the Lewis and Clar k expedition. Students doing the
virtual tour will post to a shared ;oogle document identifing themselves ! name
to differentiate each students ideas.
WEEK Four: Westward Expansion
4)3ecti$e 4ne: *!ilit to link important events in the west with the Lewis and
Clark expedition.
4)3ecti$e Two: *!ilit to identif the importance of water and geograph in
planning and preparing a specific (ourne or trip
4)3ecti$e T!irteen: &nderstand how to use social networking sites like
+ake!ook% porfoliopen% and #witter.
Da( 2ixteen
; Students will watch a video titled @#he Lewis and Clark )xpeditionA which
highlights the route the group took to travel west. Students will take notes and
discuss the video in class. Students must watch the video out of class with the
discussion !eing the focal point of this class period. Students will place these notes
into their porfoliopen site folder.
Da( 2e$enteen
; &ndaunted Courage ?uiz. Students will take the $uiz and then go on a we!
$uest2national geographic game $uest following the two travellers as the track a
trail without modern amenities. Students will follow the game while using Lewis%
Clark% or Saca(awea characters created using +ake!ook.
Da( Eig!teen
;.oundta!le discussion2de!ate on what the Lewis and Clark expedition did to help
westward expansion and identif different events that were impacted ! the
expedition. Students will then create a Wordle online from their initial essa on
eminent domain. .eview Session if time allows. Students can then use a shared
twitter feed to communicate with each other different $uestions the have for the
final pro(ect.
Da( =ineteen
;&nit pro(ect will !e conducted toda accumulating ever piece of work done
during unit and have students create their own we! $uest adventure using onl their
notes and the free site Wee!l. Students will outline the pro(ect in class and answer
all $uestions that the have. Students will then turn in the pro(ect the next da.
Da( Twent(
-Students will turn in there we! $uest and each student will then complete another
students we! $uest throughout the da reviewing each one=s strengths and
weaknesses paing particular attention to the flow of information and how its
presented in the we! $uest. ;rading will revolve around student evaluations and
content understanding.
Product: Intelligences:
>ssessment :-uantitati$e ru)ric<:
Discussion >ssessment
Western World Essa( 6u)ric
#oogle Presentation: Trip out West 6u)ric
Pre9i Presentation 6u)ric
>udio&P!oto Essa( 6u)ric
Undaunted Courage 6u)ric
Illustrated Poster 6u)ric
#oogle 2ite 6u)ric
Cause Presentation 6u)ric
/ield Trip P!oto Essa( 6u)ric
Lewis and Clar We) ?uest
%ideo Presentation Lin: !ttps:&&www'(outu)e'com&watc!*$+t,T-./UE"-,01eature+(outu')e

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