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Heidi Bledsoe

Peggy Lopata
English 1010
May 5 2014 Self Assessment
This assignment should hae !een my pe"fe#t p"o$e#t% #om!ining t&o of my
fao"ite things% &"iting and 'a#e!oo() *f * th"o& in a fe& dogs it &ould !e my pe"fe#t
t"ife#ta ++
*nstead * found it e"y #hallenging% The"e &e"e so many times &hen * felt stu#() * had
g"eat sou"#es that enfo"#ed !oth the p"o and #on of the issue% yet time afte" time * found
myself "eady to $ust gie up)
Then one day% as * lay #u"led in the fetal position% * "eali,ed the "eason * (ept getting
stu#( is !e#ause * (ept letting the essay get a&ay f"om me) -henee" my &"iting ee"ed
a&ay f"om the "eal point * &anted to ma(e of #ou"se * &ould "ea#h a dead end)
So * s#"apped ee"ything e.#ept my outline and sou"#es) Soon * found my "hythm and
ended up &ith an essay that * am "eally happy &ith)
Anothe" issue that has plagued me all semeste" has !een te#hni#al) My !eautiful &o"(
!e#ame disto"ted &hen uploaded to /anas) 'inding out it &as not only me haing the
p"o!lem did not help at all) *t ma(es me ang"y and d"eading &hat is no"mally my fao"ite
su!$e#t) Hopefully they &ill sole this issue !efo"e ne.t semeste")
* hae found that &hat * hae lea"ned has helped imp"oe my g"ades in othe" #lasses)
* am su"e at least a fe& g"ades &e"e imp"oed !y the a&esome pape"s * &as a!le to tu"n in)

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