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Laura Soto

May 7
, 2014
TTE 303: The Young Child

Home Visits With Your Family
Observation Journal At School
Photographs Taken at School

NOTE: All Conclusions were drawn from
observations and will have a footnote as to where
that observation can be found


Consistently uses hand-eye
coordination to perform fine motor
skills with out adult supervision such
as beading, gripping a marker, opening
lunch, opening peas, opening glue,
using ant manipulatives
Continues to work on scissoring
Physical Development
(Fine Motor)

Has significantly improved balance and climbs
without supervision

Anne hesitated to take the next step then asked,
Can you put your hands on me?

I dont need anyone to help me anymore.
Physical Development
(Gross Motor)

Anne has an amazing ability to continuously
challenge herself!

Note: Teachers were spotting child


Anne needs support
with scissor cutting.
She seems to have
mastered most other
skills in the fine motor
department but this one
still is inconsistent. The
directionality of her cut
and what hand she
needs to be using
should be emphasized.

Buy lefty Scissors (Blades are
different not just handle)
Activity: cutting out thick
straight lines on regular 8 by
11 white paper. These can be
colored or painted before
cutting and then be used to
make paper chains that can be
used in the dramatic area
where she loves to spend her
time (1)
School Plan

Does your family own left-handed scissors?
She can practice cutting Playdoh. I know she loves
dramatic play and can roll out Playdoh worms and
then snip them to make pretend food.
Home Plan

Cognitive Assessments: Resisting Temptation ,
Theory of Gender, False beliefs , Conservation of
number, volume and mass
Memory and Attention
Cognitive Development

Developed: Problem solving with others
Story: On the big playground, Anne and three other
girls started building a house. Then they decided
that their house needed a view so they started to
build up so that they could see over the playground
wall. They have limited material on the playground
that is moveable but little by little they creatively fit
pieces together. Then they decided that they could
balance on a table leg once they ran out of material.
The project was a success and they required no
assistance from teacher (except for spotting).


False Belief Assessment:
When Anne did the false
belief experiment, she
indicated that her friend
would think the same
thing as her at the end of
the experiment even
though her own initial
knowledge was different
than her end knowledge.
Conservation of number
and mass.

Work on one-to-one correspondence during snack
time to help with conservation of numbers
School Plan

Its encouraged that mom continue to do
perspective talking at home but use questions
like: why do you think the character did this,
what do you think the character is feeling,
what do you think they are going to do next
to further stimulate the experience
Tell real stories about real people and talk
about their perspectives in the same fashion.

Home Plan

Context Clues
Family Elicits Stories
Rhyming and Making up Songs
Models Language (Verbs)

Language Development

Anne has a great ability to
interpret context clue through
the support of questions. A
quote from Morrow
underlines why this is
happening: Experiences with
literature can lead children to
use contextual clues and
illustrations to figure out
words and recognize that they
have meaning (2012, p.156).
Makes connections between
school and home

Extend her knowledge
Fine tuning her understanding of past
Explore rhyming words

Wordless book
Modeling and
Teaching Peers
Context Clues
Make up a song
about the wordless
book using rhyming
School Plan

Continue using
sophisticated language
that models for her
This book models past
tense verbs and is a lot
of fun to read
Home Plan

Student Teacher Leaving
New Experiences

Emotional Development

Ann knows what she
needs when she is in
Climbing the structure
and asking for help
Getting Away From the

Identifying her feelings
Using her words

Have a station in the
classroom that illustrates
the different emotions a
child can have (Angry, sad
mad, frustrated, happy,
silly, etc.)
Mirror for Children
Identify which one of the
faces theirs looks like
School Plan

Continue having this wonderful
relationship with Anne, where
she feels like she is being heard
and understood. This
relationship and open-
communication helps her learn in
the classroom and makes
transitions easier for her.
Home Plan

Continuously asked teachers to play or played
On April 2
, I watched as Anne helped two other
girls build a ladder to try and see over the
playground wall. Anne started to use her words
more at school and asked three friends if they
wanted to play with her.
Social Development

Resilience and Determination
She has become more adaptable to what
her peers want to play
Shows more confidence when asking her
friends to play.
When her peers say no, she doesnt get

Take initiative to lead
Shes a natural leader
and loves to lead when
she know the
Good at teaching and
leading when shes
alone with a friend but
if its a whole group she
loses her lead role

Create a play station that revolves
the childs funds of knowledge. If
she is comfortable with the
information, she naturally wants
to lead like when she led the class
in dancing to opera. Adding
opera music to the music area or
creating a dress shop like she
does with her sister might
encourage her to lead
School Plan

Encourage the family to continue doing play dates.
It has increased Annes communication and social
It has helped her to try new things and explore.
Home Plan

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