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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: _________________Youngmee Suh & Sophie Li___________________

Level: ____A3____ Date: __April 10____
Goal: Review Reported Speech forms & Reported Speech using Past Perfect
O!ectives: (n a per!ect "orl#$ Stu#ents "ill #e $%le To&
1' elicit reporte# speech in present tense
(' elicit reporte# speech using %ac)shi!ting !rom present continuous to past continuous*
present per!ect to past per!ect
3' learn %asic "riting s)ills such as in!ormation gathering* %rainstorming* "riting an
+'learn to "rite an intriguing intro#uction
Theme: _________________A ,a- "ith ,or#s__________________________
(./tensions: ____________________________________________________$
$im%S&ill%'icros&ill $ctivit(%Procedure%Stage )nteraction Time
Official Business -Attendance
Ts-Ss 0 min
Students will review
reported speech
patterns using
backshifting from
present to past,
present continuous
to past continuous,
& present perfect to
past perfect
Okay, to start the class today, I want to
do another review. We are going to do
the same game that we did yesterday. I
hope you all remember. ow, there
will be no pro!essions on the board.
"ou will have to guess without any
help. #ore importantly, now that you
know how to report these sentences
correctly I want you pay attention to
changing the sentence into the correct
!orm. $oes everyone remember how to
play% &ood, 'ust like last time the
group that !inishes !irst wins(
Ts-Ss 10

Activity 1
)omework *eview
&reat now that we have gone over the
sentence structures again, let-s take
out both homeworks to review this
again. I want you all to !eel so
com!ortable with these sentences that i!
I wake you up !rom sleeping you will
Ts-Ss 30
Transition to ./,000$o the
1ackshi!t +art III00000
*eported speech
using the past tense
to the past per!ect
2hanging time and
place in backshi!ting
3i! possible4
be able to make these sentences.
$uring Stage,
5et-s !irst look at the 6say and tell7
homework !rom #onday.
84 Starting !rom 3someone4 I want
everyone to read the whole
sentence aloud.
/4 We will go around the
classroom until the last one.
94 I! you disagree, please let us
:class goes through homework reading
each sentence aloud, once again
!amiliari;ing themselves with this
sentence structure. Teacher should
ask a!ter each sentence i! anyone
disagrees with the answer provided.
Then move on<
Okay, now I want to go over the
answers !or the slides. So we learned
that past tense sentences must match in
the !ront and in the back. 5et-s do this
e=ample !irst,
- >ohn is !inishing his homework
- 6The teacher said that >ohn was
!inishing his homework.7
So let-s look at these answers. Some o!
these slides were very di!!icult because
I did not get to go over the structure
yet. 1ut they are not very di!!erent. So
let-s try them. The !irst one,?
:go through slides with them. @or
6tellA direct ob' A in!initive7 we will
go over at another time.<
+ost-Stage, $o a review o! current
reported speech patterns we know.
)ave students elicit sentences !rom
given e=amples on the board.
3Tangible Outcome4
Activity !
$o the 1ackshi!t +art III
Transition to
ow we will continue what we didn-t
!inish yesterday. That is, when actions
that happen in the past are reported.
5ook at this !irst e=ample,
84 I worked in the garden.
I! I asked, Where did she work%
Then you can reply,
/4 She said that she had worked in
the garden.
$id anyone notice what happened
94 "es( WorkedBhad worked
So, when we move !rom a simple past
6worked7 we get the past per!ect 6had
worked.7 5et-s practice some o! these
C4 5ovedBhad loved
D4 )elpedB had helped
E4 1roughtBhad brought
F4 AteB had eaten
G4 SawB had seen
Is everyone com!ortable with the verb
changes% So now let-s practice them
in reported speech,
H4 1ut I loved him(
8I4 Superman helped me.
884 &randma brought me
8/4 I ate so much(
894 o one saw the lady !all.
$uring Stage,
ow let-s look at the handout I gave
you yesterday. On page two there are
8I sentences that need to be reported.
Instead o! writing it out, I want you to
work with a partner.
Tell your partner the sentence.
"our partner must report the sentence
back to you. Then write the sentence
5et-s share some o! these sentences.
What did you have !or the !irst
3Tangible Outcome4
)W, Worksheet
Activity "
Writing an introductory
Transition to .C or Wrap-
*emember the listening yesterday%
What is the name o! the arti!icial
global language% Jsperanto 3write4
I know you have doubts about the
value o! this language. 1ut suppose
there are some people interested in
Jsperanto and i! you are asked to write
a piece to introduce this language
based on what youKve heard yesterday
and other in!ormation you can gather,
how will you write it% )ow would you
organi;e your ideas and put it into a
logical and readable piece%
$uring Stage,
I know that we have learnt the
structure !or argumentative essays. 1ut
today, our !irst step is brainstorming
3which means !orget about structures
'ust come up with anything you know
that is relevant to the topic4
8. IKll give you 9I seconds to write
down key words what you remember
!rom yesterdayKs listening and then
each o! you will have 8 minute to
report whatever you know about
Jsperanto to your partner.
/. ow we will brainstorm together.
What are some o! the
thingsLideasLissues you know about
Intro, 3general in!o4
what kind o! language,
arti!icial, global
1ody, 3issue4
)istory ,
When who why created
2urrent status,
how many people
J.g. @amous people
+opular in % countries
The advantagesLpros,
3/ million is a big !igure.
There must be a reason why
people believe in it.
Jsperanto has many
@irst Jasier to learn
3compared to Jnglish4
eutral language
JMuitable J.g.
Jndangered minority
3though it seems very ideal,
there are still some
ot eMuitable
$i!!iculty in populari;e
/ million not worth it

8. Approval, +ros outweigh
the conss
/. Nuestion the idea,
#on3t see the !uture o!
.speranto' 4oul# %e !avore#
%- linguists an# scholars'
3write on board4
9. &reat( We have so many ideas. The
ne=t step is to organi;e these ideas.
ow discuss with your partner. What
ideas would you put together% In what
C. Whole class discussion, Jvery essay
should have an intro, body, and
What would you put in the intro, body,
and conclusion generally speaking%
D.)ow would we organi;e these ideas%
E. "ou see how we started with random
brainstorming to this organi;ed
outline. It is usually better to get the
whole, big picture be!ore writing the
actual words. ow we can try to
review this outline and dig deeper.
Think about, is it logical% $oes it
make sense% Anything missing% What
would the readers like to know%
F.okay( We have decided our outline.
ow we need to think about the details
and language when we put them into
words. @rom skeleton to !lesh,
@irst, introduction. What is it supposed
to look like% It is supposed to be short
3O8LC4, concise P intriguing. /-C
sentences is enough. Any volunteer%
384sa!e way, brie! summary
J.g. Jsperanto is an arti!icial
language created as a global
3/4+roblemAsolution 3i! you are totally
!or itQ or add RintendedR4
)ave you ever !eel !rustrated that it is
virtually impossible to communicate
people all around the world because
we speak so many di!!erent languages%
And even we do get help !rom
translators, meaning could get lost in
translation. ow there is one solution.
5ut it is not !or "orl#
394intriguing details, start with
"ou may have heard o! Slingon some
other languages invented by people in
movies like Star Wars, Avatar. 1ut do
you know there is an arti!icial
language created not !or !un but !or
global communication that is spoken /
million people % Its called Jsperanto.
3C4controversial, opposing ideas
Second, in body paragraphs
Tse transition wordsLsentences,
1e!oreLa!ter 3now, up till present4
Structure within the para, topic
Third, conclusion,
viewpoint Apossible solution
Assign homework, writing on
Jsperanto 3C paragraphs4
3Tangible Outcome4
Activity #
32ontingency plan4
Transition to Wrap-Tp,
1ack to translation.
)ave you read translated work 3novel,
literature..4% Sometimes there are
di!!erent versions o! translation done
by di!!erent translators. )ave you ever
compared two or more to choose a
better one% What do you think makes a
good translation%
3accuracy, style, language,
$uring Stage,
*ead the para 3circle the words you
donKt know donKt look up, guess4
)elp each other with vocabulary, do
the vocabulary check together
+air, Which one do you pre!er% Why%
@ind words with the same meaning
why choose di!!erent% Style% Sentence
One strategy to improve your Jnglish
language Muality, back translation
)ave you thought about writing
poems yoursel!%
("hat ma)es a goo# translator6
,rite a simpli!ie# version !or chil#ren$
3Tangible Outcome4
$rap%up 5esson Jvaluation +rocedures,
7aterials :
8an#outs* 9o"er9oint sli#es
Anticipate# 9ro%lems & Suggeste# Solutions:
Stu#ents might have !orgotten !acts a%out .speranto' ! so* pla- the recor#ing again'
4ontingenc- 9lans ("hat -ou "ill #o i! -ou !inish earl-* etc'$:
! the "riting part en#s earl-* start the rea#ing activit-'
9ost1Lesson :e!lections:
;or #etails* see the page o! sel!1o%servation'

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