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The personal information provided by you in completing this form will be used by the
University solely to determine whether you will be classified as a home or
international student for the purpose of payment of university tuition fees. Please
note that the University fee assessment process is carried out independently of your
application to study at it. A decision on your fee status is not a decision on your
Instructions for completion
1. Please note that all questions are manator! unless indicated otherwise and
you will need to provide proof to support any of the answers you give. You
must pro"ie t#e e"ience require. An assessment cannot be made
without the relevant evidence.
2. It is important that you submit this form as quicly as possible as some
academic departments are unable to mae a decision on your application until
your fee status is determined.
This form is only for current applicants to the University of !anchester. "eneral
information for prospective applicants can be found on the U#$I%A website&
http&'' (e recommend you read the U#$I%A "uidance detailing
the eligibility criteria which can be found at& http&'''International)
(e apply the rules of The -ducation .*ees and Awards/ .-ngland/ 0egulations 2112
as amended3 and The %tudent *ees .4ualifying $ourses and Persons/ .-ngland/
0egulations 2112 as amended in maing our decision. 5etails of how we determine
eligibility are available at
Return complete form an supportin$ e"ience to% feeassessment&manc#ester'ac'u(

International +ome 0eason& $ondition 1 6 %ettled 7es 8o
0eference& $ondition 2 6 9 years 7es 8o
*5*A7$& $ondition 9 ) -ducation 7es 8o
Temp -mploy 7es 8o
5ate& :td $ategory
0eceived on $%& $ompleted on $%&
All questions are manator! unless ot#er,ise inicate
Your Uni"ersit! I/%
(7 digit number)
/ate of 0irt#%
Title% !r !s !rs !iss 5r

Start ate of !our course%
Your email aress%
,n what date did you first enter the U#'-U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'%wit;erland',verseas
territories< (this will be your date of birth if you were born in one of these
*or what purpose did you enter the U#'-U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'%wit;erland',verseas
territories< please tick relevant box
I was born in one of these places
--A'%wiss migrant worer in the U#
,ther .please specify/
(hat is your nationality<
(hat is your spouse=s ' civil partner=s nationality<
(hat is your father=s nationality<
(hat is your mother=s nationality<
(hat is your country of birth<
4' RESI/ENCY /ETAI)S (continue on separate sheet if necessary)
"ive all dates since birth of your periods of resience IN the U# or the -U or Iceland or
:iechtenstein or 8orway or %wit;erland or the ,verseas territories
*0,! T,
0-A%,8 *,0
.e.g. holiday ' living here
' employment '
!onth 7ear !onth 7ear

"ive all dates since birth of your periods of resience OUTSI/E the U# or the -U or Iceland or
:iechtenstein or 8orway or %wit;erland or the ,verseas territories
*0,! T, 0-A%,8 *,0
.e.g. holiday ' living there '
employment ' education/
!onth 7ear !onth 7ear

Please give details of any education ' courses you have undertaen during the last > years
4ualification e.g.
5iploma3 A)levels3
%chool ' $ollege
.8ame3 address and country/
.*rom ) To/

5id you board at boarding school during these > years< 7es 8o
Please give details of any employment you have undertaen during the last > years
?ob Title
.most recent first/
.8ame3 address and country/
.*rom ) To/

7' MAINTAININ8 )IN9S (continue on separate sheet if necessary)
$omplete this section if you are a national of the
U#'-U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'%wit;erland',verseas territories an have been li"in$
OUTSI/E of these areas.
+ave you made regular return visits to the
U#'-U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'%wit;erland',verseas territories since the date you left<
7es 8o

If yes3 provide full details of all return visits
.ro"ie e"ience of t#ese return "isits 1e'$' entr!:e;it passport stamps< fli$#t =oo(in$s< etc'>
5ate of visit
.from 6 to/
:ength of
0eason for visit
.e.g. holiday ' education
(here and with whom
you stayed

$omplete this section if you are living outsie the U#'-U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'%wit;erland'
,verseas territories because you or your parent or your spouse is or has been temporaril!
emplo!e outsie these areas during the last > years.
(ho is temporarily employed outsie the
U#'-U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'%wit;erland',verseas territories< 7ou

%pouse ' $ivil Partner
.ro"ie supportin$ e"ience< i'e' copies of temporar! contract1s> from t#e emplo!er1s>
(hen did you leave the U#'-U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'%wit;erland'
,verseas territories< (exact date)

(hen do you e@pect to return to the U#'-U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'
%wit;erland',verseas territories< (exact date)

In which country is'was the temporary employment being undertaen<
Is'was the employment on a fi@ed term contract<
on a permanent basis<
on a secondment from employment in the
U#'-U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway' %wit;erland',verseas territories<
other3 please specify
If it were not for the employment outside the U#'-U'Iceland':iechtenstein'
8orway'%wit;erland',verseas territories in which country would you be

Please tic which of the following categories applies to you.
You must pro"ie copies of t#e supportin$ ocuments inicate' An assessment cannot =e
mae ,it#out t#e rele"ant ocuments' *#en !ou pro"ie !our passport copies< if !our
passport is less t#an 3 !ears ol< please also suppl! a cop! of !our pre"ious passport'
Please refer to our guidance notes if you require assistance&
I #a"e a time limit on t#e len$t# of m! sta! in t#e U9
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas

I ,ill nee to appl! for a temporar! "isa to enter t#e U9 for m! stuies =ut #a"e not
applie !et

I am a 0ritis# CitiAen or I #a"e no time limit on m! sta! in t#e U9 (i.e. Indefinite Leave
to nter / !emain in the "# or a $%ertificate of the !ight of &bode') an I #a"e =een li"in$
in t#e U9 for t#e last 3 !ears< apart from an! temporar! a=sences
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas

I am a 0ritis# CitiAen or I #a"e no time limit on m! sta! in t#e U9 (i.e. Indefinite Leave
to nter / !emain in the "# or a $%ertificate of the !ight of &bode') an I am temporaril!
li"in$ outsie of t#e U9:EU:Icelan:)iec#tenstein:Nor,a!:S,itAerlan:O"erseas
-nsure that you have completed sections 2 and C
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas
Provide dates and evidence of all return visits to the U#'-U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'
%wit;erland',verseas territories .passport entry D e@it stamps3 flight booings3 etc./
Provide a copy of the initial contract of employment and all subsequent contracts or
renewals or e@tensions .if applicable/

I am a 0ritis# CitiAen or I #a"e no time limit on m! sta! in t#e U9 (i.e. Indefinite Leave
to nter / !emain in the "# or a $%ertificate of the !ight of &bode') =ut I HAVE NOT =een
li"in$ in t#e U9 for t#e last 3 !ears
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas

I am an EU national
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas .or national identity card/

I am not an EU national =ut m! parent is an EU national
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas .or national identity card/
Provide a copy of your birth'adoption certificate
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your parent=s passport .or national identity

I am not an EU national =ut m! spouse or ci"il partner is an EU national
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas .or national identity card/
Provide a copy of marriage certificate ' civil partnership papers
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your spouse or civil partner=s passport .or
national identity card/

orEEE. continued on ne@t page
I am an EU national an temporaril! emplo!e or li"in$ outsie of t#e
EU:Icelan:)iec#tenstein:Nor,a!:S,itAerlan:O"erseas territories
-nsure that you have completed sections 2 and C
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas .or national identity card/
Provide dates and evidence of all your return visits to the -U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'
%wit;erland',verseas territories .passport e@it D entry stamps3 flight booings3 etc./
Provide a copy of the initial contract of employment and all subsequent contracts or
renewals or e@tensions .if applicable/
M! parent is an EU national an temporaril! emplo!e outsie of t#e EU:Icelan:
)iec#tenstein:Nor,a!:S,itAerlan:O"erseas territories an I am li"in$ ,it# t#em
-nsure that you have completed sections 2 and C
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas .or national identity card/
Provide a copy of your birth'adoption certificate
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your parent=s passport .or national identity
Provide dates and evidence of all your return visits to the -U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'
%wit;erland',verseas territories .passport e@it D entry stamps3 flight booings3 etc./
Provide a copy of the initial contract of employment and all subsequent contracts or
renewals or e@tensions .if applicable/
M! spouse or ci"il partner is an EU national an temporaril! emplo!e outsie of t#e
EU:Icelan: )iec#tenstein:Nor,a!:S,itAerlan:O"erseas territories an I am li"in$ ,it#
-nsure that you have completed sections 2 and C
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas .or national identity card/
Provide a copy of marriage certificate ' civil partnership papers
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your spouse or civil partner=s passport .or
national identity card/
Provide dates and evidence of all your return visits to the -U'Iceland':iechtenstein'8orway'
%wit;erland',verseas territories .passport entry D e@it stamps3 flight booings3 etc./
Provide a copy of the initial contract of employment and all subsequent contracts or
renewals or e@tensions .if applicable/
I am an EEAC national : S,iss national ,or(in$ in t#e U9 1i'e' a mi$rant ,or(er>
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas
Provide evidence of your employment .contract of employment ' payslip/
M! parent is a EEAC national : S,iss national ,or(in$ in t#e U9 1i'e' a mi$rant ,or(er>
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas
Provide a copy of your birth'adoption certificate
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your parent=s passport
Provide evidence of your parent=s employment .contract of employment ' payslip/
M! spouse or ci"il partner is a EEAC national : S,iss national ,or(in$ in t#e U9 1i'e' a
mi$rant ,or(er>
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas
Provide a copy of marriage certificate ' civil partnership papers .where applicable/
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your spouse=s passport
Provide evidence of your spouse=s employment .contract of employment ' payslip/
C EEA A -uropean Union countries and Iceland and :iechtenstein and 8orway
I am a c#il of a S,iss national
(hen do you intend to arrive in the U# to start this course< (exact date)
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas
Provide a copy of your birth'adoption certificate
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your parent=s passport

I am a c#il of a Tur(is# *or(er
Is your parent living in the U#< 7es 8o
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport and all pages containing
stamps ' visas
Provide a copy of your birth'adoption certificate
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your parent=s passport
Provide evidence of your parent=s current'previous employment in the U# .contract ' payslip/

I am a refu$ee reco$nise =! t#e U9 $o"ernment
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport'travel document and all
Provide a copy of +ome ,ffice letter confirming refugee status and any relevant enclosures

M! parent is a refu$ee reco$nise =! t#e U9 $o"ernment
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport'travel document and all
Provide a copy of your birth'adoption certificate
Provide a copy of the +ome ,ffice letter confirming refugee status and any relevant
Provide a copy of their +ome ,ffice documentation or 8A%% card .showing the date your
parent applied for asylum/

M! spouse or ci"il partner is a refu$ee reco$nise =! t#e U9 $o"ernment
Provide a copy of the personal details page of your passport'travel document and all
Provide a copy of your marriage certificate ' civil partnership papers
Provide a copy of +ome ,ffice letter confirming their refugee status and any relevant
Provide a copy of their +ome ,ffice documentation or 8A%% card .showing the date your
spouse applied for asylum/

I #a"e =een $rante DHumanitarian .rotectionE in t#e U9
Provide a copy of the +ome ,ffice letter confirming your +umanitarian protection or your
Immigration %tatus documentation and U# 0esidence Permit Fignette

M! parent #as =een $rante DHumanitarian .rotectionE in t#e U9
Provide a copy of the +ome ,ffice letter confirming their +umanitarian protection or
Immigration %tatus documentation and U# 0esidence Permit Fignette
Provide a copy of your birth'adoption certificate

M! spouse or ci"il partner #as =een $rante DHumanitarian .rotectionE in t#e U9
Provide a copy of the +ome ,ffice letter confirming their +umanitarian protection or
Immigration %tatus documentation and U# 0esidence Permit Fignette
Provide a copy of your marriage certificate ' civil partnership papers

I am an as!lum see(er a,aitin$ a ecision from t#e Home Office AN/ am appl!in$ for
an uner$rauate course e;cept meicine or entistr! ,#ic# are not inclue for t#is

5id you apply to U$A% on or before 1B
?anuary of the year you
intend to start your undergraduate study<
7es 8o

Provide a copy of both sides of your 8A%% card

.lease ensure t#at !ou attac# electronic copies of all rele"ant ocuments an e"ience
requeste to !our email ,#en !ou return !our complete form e'$' copies of t#e personal
etails pa$e of !our passport1s> an all pa$es t#at #a"e =een stampe an:or #a"e "isas etc'
A ecision cannot =e mae ,it#out supportin$ e"ience'
I declare that3 to the best of my nowledge3 all the information given on this form is true3 and I
understand that I may be required3 at any time3 to produce documentary evidence to support any of the
answers given. I consent to The University of !anchester processing my personal and sensitive
information for the purpose of determining my tuition fee status only in accordance with the 5ata
Protection Act 1GGC. I also consent to the University having contact with a third party .e.g. parent3
spouse3 legal guardian/ with regard to their personal circumstances which may affect my fee status.
I a$ree to t#e /eclaration% Yes No /ate%
I #a"e attac#e t#e rele"ant aitional ocumentation ,it# t#is form% Yes
0eturn this form and electronic copies of supporting documents to&

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