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(Nicole and Joel praying and weeping in front of the cross. Jesus
Jesus: Joel, Nicole, its so good to see you! Its been so long!
Nicole: Jesus? (turns to Joel) What is He doing? (Turns back to
Jesus) Youre supposed to be dying right now.
Jesus: What?
Joel: et bac! up on the cross and stay there until we tell you to
co"e down. #lay dead!
Jesus: $ut I ha%ent seen you in so long. I &ust want to sit and
Nicole: (Kneeling, dabbing at eyes with a Kleenex) Jesus, I" so
sorry You had to die 'or us. (hat "ust ha%e been so terrible.
Jesus: Yes, I died, but I want you to concentrate on "y li'e. I"
ali%e now.
Joel: Well, technically Youre not ali%e until the last 'i%e "inutes
o' the ser%ice. Now put this on.
Jesus: What? What are you doing? I%e already been through all
o' this, guys. )oo!, lets 'ocus on our li'e together.
Nicole: Jesus, were re"e"bering You. Were sorry You had to
Jesus: Yes, I su''ered, but I want you to understand what the
su''ering was 'or. It was so that You could li%e li!e "e.
Nicole: *id You really go to hell 'or us? +h, I cant i"agine what
that was li!e. Was it hot? *id You see ,atan?
Jesus: Is this a &o!e? -eally, I.
Joel: You !now, Jesus, Youre not ta!ing this %ery seriously.
Now, please, be respect'ul o' what You did /000 years ago.
Jesus: +1.2"". 3y death is where li'e began. I did (H4( so
that we could ha%e (HI,.
Joel: Jesus, please 'orgi%e "e 'or "y sins. 5$angs the cross
with ha""er6
Jesus: Whoa! uys, stop this! I" ali%e!
Nicole: Jesus, we !now Youre ali%e. Now hold still! 5,prays
Jesus: I' you !now I" ali%e, why do you !eep treating "e li!e I"

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