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Career Research Project
California Industry Sector
Pathways Exploration
Applying the Content Imperative Icons
to the California Industry Sectors
Via a Gallery Walk
Review the information on the Content Imperatives hand out.
Take a gallery walk of the industry sector posters created by you and
your classmates. Look at the different careers listed on each sector poster
and make connections between careers and industry sectors using at least
one of the Content Imperatives.
For example, Contribution can be used to connect the Engineering and
Design, Building Trades and Construction, and Fashion and Interior Design
industry sectors: An engineer and architect design the house, a
construction company builds the house, and an interior designer decorates
the house.
Working with your cooperative group, make three different connections
between the Content Imperatives and Industry Sectors.

Career Zone

1. Select Assess Yourself
2. Complete Interest Profiler
3. Complete Work Importance Profiler

Print your results
Explore Careers

1. Select Explore Careers
2. Complete the Career Interest Survey
3. Print your results
Who Do U Want 2B?

1. Visit the website.
2. Take the quiz.
3. Print your results.

Select Career to Research
1. Return to
2. Select Explore Job Families
3. Choose a job family to explore
4. Select one job from the list
5. Print the page with information about
your selected job. This is your first
research source!

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