Analysis of Student Work

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Here you will see an analysis of 5th grade work samples.

In order to get a
closer look at the group of students I was teaching in math, I decided to give
them a pre-assessment. The assessment consisted of 10 questions spanning
from addition and subtraction of mixed numbers and improper fractions to
conversions and value comparisons. I focused on two questions which
required students to convert fractions in order to determine which had the
greatest value. Following, I added a brief performance assessment by
requiring students to provide a written explanation of their answers.

In order to better analyze student work, I created a rubric broken into three
sub-sections; the first being conceptual understanding, the second being
strategies, reasoning and procedures, and the final being mathematical
communication. The rubric provided me with a concrete point of reference
which helped me maintain consistent criteria and eliminate any potential bias.

The analysis ended up providing me with a tremendous amount of useful
information. I was able to determine which students had firm understandings
of the material, which students were approaching understanding, and which
students needed extra assistance. I got a glimpse of student meta-cognition,
and found that articulating math reasoning was a skill that needed
considerable practice on almost all fronts. In all, the pre-assessment, rubric,
and subsequent analysis served as a highly detailed resource for student
cognition, and helped me narrow the focus of future instruction.

1. Description of assignment
For my student analysis, I chose a subject that the students had just started; fractions. More
specifically, I gave the students a task in which they were required to find the larger value between an
improper fraction, and a mixed number. There were two questions, each with an improper fraction and
a mixed number. Furthermore, each question mandated that the student explain his or her answer.
This objective of this task was to assess the students understanding of a few different mathematical
concepts and procedures. The main objective was to see how well students understood the process of
converting improper fractions and mixed numbers. How students accomplished this (converting
improper fraction to mixed number, mixed number to improper fraction, use of a picture) and how
accurate their procedures were provided me with an initial look at how well the students understood
the process of converting improper fractions and mixed numbers. Moreover, the explanation that
followed provided me with even more insight. This portion of the task was just a valuable. The idea was
that student explanations would give me a look at their train of thought, thus help me gauge what each
student understood about fractions and the necessary procedures on a deeper level. However, this was
the first time my students were required to write a mathematical explanation, so I received mixed
I had expected to see a range of abilities, and that is in fact what I saw. However, I expected the
upper tier students to be much more articulate in their thoughts then they were. I assumed that
students would explain verbatim what the processes and procedures they were utilizing to find their
answers were, and why they used them. I would then use this dictation of their processes, to pinpoint
misconceptions. For instance, I assumed that when comparing, some students would add the whole
number to the numerator in a mixed number to make it an improper fraction, and then explain why this
gave them the correct answer. This explanation and work would in turn show me that these students
do not understand the whole number in a mixed number, or its relationship to the associating fraction.
This task did in fact allow students to demonstrate conceptual understandingsto an extent.
Because students were not well versed in writing out mathematical explanations, I feel like some of their
thought processes were lost. However, the explanations were successful in demonstrating whether
students could in fact accurately compare fraction values, and the task was somewhat successful in
showing me student understanding of what I call pieces of fractions. When students compared the
fractions, their procedures, pictures, and explanations all combined to give me an idea of what the
student knew outright about numerators, denominators, whole numbers, and their collective
As a side noteI would have liked to add an additional question to the task. Both of the questions I
provided required students to convert one way or the other, and that was it. However, I would have
liked to see how well my students would have handled a similar comparison question that required
them to find like denominators as a final step. A question such as,
Circle the fraction with the largest value and explain your answer:

The difference with this question, is that when the improper fraction is converted to a mixed
number, it results in a mixed number that shares a whole number with its counterpart, making the
whole numbers equal in value. This would force students to consider not just the whole number, but
the fraction as well. Even if students converted the mixed number to an improper fraction, they would
still be required to perform additional step; finding a like denominator (equivalent fractions). By adding
this additional question, I would have an even better understanding of where my students stood in
terms of understanding the relationships between the different pieces of fractions. This final question
would let me assess whether or not students recognized the need to find a common denominator, and
whether the students could find a common denominator, and how well the students understood the
concept of equivalence. Granted, this was not the essential objective, but this additional question
would definitely provide me with some interesting insights into my students thinking processes.
2. Analysis of student learning
The explanation piece was a great assessment tool because when students used mathematical
terminology I could quickly pinpoint their misconceptions and inaccuracies. However, the use of actual
mathematical terms was rare. One student used pictures to help solve the problems. This is a useful
strategy, and it also gave me a chance to see if she understood what each fraction represented because
she created actual depictions of each fraction in attempts to compare size, thus value. This specific
student however, did not successfully utilize a picture strategy and her answers, work, and explanation
totaled to place her in the beginner stage (it is worth noting that only 3 students were labelled as
beginners). The students picture for

consisted of 3 objects, divided into thirds, with nothing

shaded. The picture for

consisted of one pie-shaped picture, divided into what appears to be 6 pieces,

with half of them shaded. Her final answer was

as the larger fraction. Finally, her explanation is very

rudimentary and does not show much of any mathematical understanding of improper fractions or
mixed numbers. As I studied her specific answer, I noticed a few things. For one, her picture for the
mixed number consists of 3 full pies, suggesting she understands that the whole number represented 3
full objects. However, she divided each of the pies into thirds. If I had to make an assumption, I would
say that she decided on thirds based on the digit of the whole number, 3. It also appeared that she
completely neglected the fractional piece of the mixed number. All of this combined with her lack of a
concrete explanation suggests that this student does not understand how to read a mixed number,
much less how to find its value. Her picture for

also shed some light on her misconceptions. The fact

that her picture shows a pie divided into 6ths suggests that she doesnt understand what the numerator
and denominator really represent. Furthermore, she shades 3 pieces of her divided pie. The only
relationship I could make out between all of this, was that she was attempting to simplify by making

. While this is an equivalent fraction, her picture still does not represent it accurately. Another
student in this group actually answered both questions correctly. However, aside from correct answers,
there was nothing that suggested she understood the concepts or procedures. She showed no work and
her explanations were you have more pieces then that one, and because you need to find the largest
one. This suggests that she understands fractions deal with parts of a whole, but it does not give me
enough evidence to believe that she understands the corresponding values of the numbers presented.
There is no work, and there is a 50/50 chance she guessed at the answer. Furthermore, it appears that
her initial answers were actually incorrect, yet there is no work or evidence that suggests any self-
corrections. In order to get a better sense of her competency with fractions, I glanced at the rest of her
work. The end result confirmed my decision to place her as a beginner, because not one other answer
was correct.

The transitional stage was made up of just 2 students. All of these students answered the two
questions correctly, but their work and explanations did not resemble complete understanding of
fractional values or converting improper fractions/mixed numbers. Three of these four students
showed no work. I did not want to count out mental math as strategy, so I relied on the explanation the
students provided. I would have placed these students in the sophisticated group, had their
explanations been more articulate. However, only one used any mathematical terminology (whole
number), and the explanations did not always make sense when considering the task. This student
simply said 3 is a whole number and 4 is a whole number. My guess, is this student realized that the
whole numbers from the mixed numbers were enough to make the decision on which fraction was
larger. However, this is a big assumption to make, and there is no additional work that suggests the
student made this connection. The second students explanations were similar to the first. The first
explains that even if you add the one-fourth from

and add it to

, would still be larger. Again, this

is a correct statement but it lacks enough explanation for me to consider this student as a sophisticated
thinking in regards to mixed numbers/improper fractions/comparing fractions. The student is likely
comparing the whole number of 3, to

. However, I have no idea if the student knows that


if he even knows how to convert the improper fraction to compare whole numbers. Simply stated, this
student answered correctly but the lack of work and the simplicity of his explanation does not prove
that he fully grasps the concepts.
Finally, is the sophisticated group. All of these students answered correctly, and the majority of
their explanations appropriately used at least some mathematical terminology. Two students in this
group showed no traditional work. However, their explanations included correct conversions of either
the mixed number or improper fraction, and they successfully articulated their comparison, thus the
correct answer. In all, this group still needs practice using mathematical terminology and explaining
their processes. In accordance with my rubric, only one of these students scored all sophisticated in
communication. All of these students demonstrated proper conversions, and their explanations are
accurate and coincide with their work and answers.

3. Use of assessment
Going into this lesson, I was unclear what my students understood about fractionsspecifically
improper fractions and mixed numbers. I knew that based on the 4
grade curriculum, they had some
exposure but I wasnt sure how well this was retained. The information from my assessment showed
me that a great deal was indeed retained, and a significant portion of my class is competent with mixed
numbers and improper fractions. With that said, I also have a (smaller) portion of my class that needs to
revisit a number of different concepts. Simple fraction elements such as what the numerator and
denominator represent will need to be addressed. I would start by revisiting these concepts briefly,
then individually meet with the struggling students. Chances are that they simply need some extensive
reminders. However, if this fails then I would get back to the basics. I would work with these few
students during our extra content block time, and we would discuss and practice drawing simple
fractions while constantly reviewing numerators and denominators. On this note, it would also be
worthwhile to spend at least some time on representing fractions through depictions. Only one student
attempted this as a comparison strategy, and the results were sub-par. To improve this skill, I would
spend time with tangible manipulatives. This would provide my struggling students with some much
needed visual aids when considering fractions, and it would help solidify the concept for the remainder
of the class.
For my transitional students, I would have to continue to assess them. These students were on the
bubble and depending on further assessment could fall either way. A more comprehensive assessment
would be necessary. This assessment would have to assess these students on much more than just
improper fractions and mixed numbers. The students may understand the process necessary to convert
a mixed number or improper fraction, but there was no evidence of any additional conceptual
understanding. Individual conferences and tasks that hone in on specific skills and understandings such
as representation of fractions, defining and understanding numerators, denominators and whole
numbers, and fraction value will need to be included.
The analysis of student work also led me to believe that certain students are ready to continue
work with mixed numbers and improper fractions, and some are ready to begin exploring equivalent
fractions in addition to these two topics (mixed numbers, improper fractions). The seven students
who were placed in my sophisticated group all demonstrated competency with comparing mixed
numbers and fractions, so I see no problem with continuing to study just this. Rather than recede to
concepts they have mastered, I would continue their practice with mixed numbers and improper
fractions. Giving them more difficult numbers to work with, and assigning them word problems will be a
good starting place. By doing this, I feel that they will become even more comfortable with them, and
they will begin to solidify conceptual understandings as they continue to discuss and explain strategies,
procedures and concepts.
This brings me to my final point. With the exception of one student, my entire class struggled
with explaining and articulating their rationales, procedures and reasonings. When I taught my 5Ps
lesson, this was a challenge as well. The students simply have not been required to practice meta-
cognition, and this is one of the first times they have been required to put it in writing. With this in
mind, my future lessons will cater to the development of this important math practice. As the common
core states, attending to precision is a necessary skill that students need to master when considering
mathematics. Furthermore, as students become more and more adept at explaining themselves, my
assessments will become more efficient because I will understand my students thinking processes. The
development of this important math practice will also foster stronger learning experiences. As students
share their thinking, they will be able to peer teach more effectively, and the class discussions will be
must more fine-tuned to the concepts. Students will develop the ability to accurately articulate their
misunderstandings, once again further improving instruction. A big piece of this is academic language,
so it will undoubtedly play a more important role in my future lessons with these students.

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