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Career Exploration_________________________________English 1-2 Accelerated

Name: ____________________________ Career: _________________________

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(") C!ic# on Site $%
(&) 'nter Site $%
(() 'nter pass)ord
(*) C!ic# on Coices '+p!orer
(,) 'nter -our career into te searc bo+. and
c!ic# go
(/) 0isit te pages !isted under te resu!ts of
-our searc. and find te ans)ers to te
1uestions on tis )or#seet.
Question Information__________________________________________
2at s#i!!s sou!d peop!e
in tis career a3e4
2at is in3o!3ed in da-5
to5da- acti3ities in tis
2at education is needed
to do tis career4
2- do peop!e coose to
pursue tis career4
2at sa!ar- and benefits
can peop!e in tis career
2at are some t-pica!
6obs tat someone in tis
career migt perform4
2- is tere a continuing
need for tis career4
2at oter information
sou!d students #no)
about tis career4
2at professiona!
organi7ations can be
contacted to find out more
information about tis

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