Teacher Inquiry

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In attempts to make an impact on the field, I have begun a

teacher inquiry study. I asked the question, "How do energizing

and calming transitional exercises effect student behavior?". The
project is in its beginning stages, but it has already taught me a
great deal about behavior and the pros and cons of such
activities. I have been engaging my students in "Early
Energizers" and "Me Moments" at key points throughout the day.
The Early Energizers are intended to energize students by
engaging them in high-octane activities, while also practicing
relevant academic skills. The Me Moments, are intended to do
the opposite; relax the students and have them self-reflect in
attempts to compose themselves and set determination goals.

This artifact is from the beginning of my inquiry. After a few
weeks of Early Energizers and Me Moments, I decided to get
student feedback on the activities. I explained how to complete a
survey, and gave students time to answer four opinion based
questions using a Likert Scale. I made a point to tell students
there were no wrong answers and honesty was the most
important factor. The result was a great source of data, which I
will be able to cross-reference with my own observation notes and
focus group interviews. Together, these different forms of data
will help guide my research, and give me the initial findings of
what I hope will be a fruitful inquiry project. Regardless of the end
results, this inquiry will inform my practice and provide me and my
future colleagues with valuable insight into the behavioral
tendencies of our students.

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